Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape According To Former Trump Campaign Official

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Former Trump campaign official James Brower fired off two tweets Thursday evening regarding the Las Vegas shooter Sephen Paddock claiming “There is a video, this video will prove the motive. He had a secret digital profile that was uncovered in the last 24 hours.” 

Brower then tweeted “Motive will be pretty shocking, I won’t say much but it will definitely change a lot of things going forward. 

While Brower did not reveal the motive over Twitter, the former Massachusetts Trump campaign official who accurately divulged that Paul Manafort was being wiretapped before it became public told Infowars I’m being told the video basically speaks about a network, they wouldn’t tell me directly if it was ISIS but they threw little hints that it was,” adding “The reason the video more than likely is never released is because they believe it will trigger the “cells” he speaks of.

“There should be a statement on motive soon,” Brower added, “They believe he was inspired by ISIS.

Infowars goes on to report;

He also claims that there was a second person who helped Paddock plot the attack that the gunman was seen with three days prior to the massacre. This individual left before the shooting began, according to Brower.

Signs of a larger operation

There are plenty of signs that Paddock’s rampage which left 59 dead and over 500 injured was more than just a mentally ill lone gunman as the MSM has reported.

In addition to ISIS claiming the attack – saying Paddock converted to Islam under the name Abu Abdul Barr (“The American”), a young woman reported a Hispanic woman running around before the shooting, telling the crowd “You’re all going to die tonight.”

Of note, “ISIS has rarely claimed attacks that were not by either their members or sympathizers,” said New York Times correspondent Rukmini Callimachi, suggesting the terror organization may be telling the truth. 

Callimachi goes on to say that there have only been three false ISIS claims in the 50 she has looked into: 

And on Wednesday, Las Vegas sheriff Lombardo said the shooter “had to have some help at some point,” and may have been radicalized.


Leaked photos of the shooter’s hotel room reveal what appears to be a note written on a table. Since officials have said there is no “suicide note,” it’s entirely possible that Paddock’s motive was revealed and that Sheriff Lombardo knows much more than he is revealing.

(Note, the leaked images are reversed. The shooter is actually on the left side of the room.)

Brower also told InfoWars that Paddock’s digital profile “showed he researched many of the massacres committed by the IS lately in Europe.”

That said, Fox News reportes that after “Analyzing Paddock’s computer, cellphone and other electronic devices, investigators have found no obvious ideological motive, no clear connection to extremists or activist groups or outward display of mental illness.”

So while the MSM is telling us one thing – suggesting Paddock was a lone gunman with mental health issues, statements made by the Las Vegas sheriff, a concertgoer who said they were warned of an attack, ISIS, and now a former Trump campaign official are all pointing to Jihad.

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