Wall St. Moves to Consolidate Power Over Democrats as the DNC Posts Disastrous Fundraising Numbers

Poor fundraising by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has been a reality for much of this year, and the trend continued in June. The Hill reports:

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) added $200,000 to their now $3.3 million debt in June, according to the most recent Federal Election Commission report, falling further behind Republican fundraising efforts.  

The Republican National Committee (RNC) outpaced the Democrats in fundraising in June by over $8 million, raising a staggering $13.5 million compared to the DNC’s $5.5 million. 

Unlike the Republican debt-free committee, the DNC typically goes into debt during election seasons, but it currently remains far behind the GOP financially. 

The DNC has only $7.5 million on hand, after a string of losses to Republicans in special congressional elections, including the race for Georgia’s Sixth District, which broke fundraising records to become the most expensive congressional race of all time. The RNC has $44.7 million in cash on-hand, according to the filings. 

Of course, this shouldn’t come as a surprise given the sleazy way the DNC handled last year’s Democratic primary, in which key players including head Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders in order to promote one of the worst Presidential candidates in U.S. history.

Moreover, the Democrats’ Russia obsession isn’t doing them any favors amongst the public, which rightly cares more about issues that affect their every day lives versus what Vladimir Putin ate for breakfast.

Indeed, the following graphic sums it up perfectly:

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg http://ift.tt/2vIYpTn

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