Consumer Confidence Disappoints As Hope Fades

Consumer Confidence Disappoints As Hope Fades

Following the headline decline for Conference Board Consumer Confidence in November, analysts are expecting an exuberant bounce in December as every asset class rose majestically (despite retail sales slowing).

But, despite record high stocks, the headline consumer confidence data disappointed, printing 126.5 (down from the upwardly revised 126.8) and well below the hopeful 128.5 expected.

While the Present Situation picked up modestly, the Future Outlook weakened:

  • Present situation confidence rose to 170.0 vs 166.6 last month

  • Consumer confidence expectations fell to 97.4 vs 100.3 last month

Combining for the 4th monthly headline drop in the last 5…

Source: Bloomberg

Interestingly, this is the 4th straight month of YoY declines in confidence…

Source: Bloomberg

And expectations for stock market gains also faded…

Source: Bloomberg

Isn’t the whole point of The Fed to pump enthusiasm up “by whatever means”?

Source: Bloomberg

It’s not working!

Tyler Durden

Tue, 12/31/2019 – 10:08

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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