Ronald Bailey Reviews Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything

Naomi Klein keeps coming up
with fresh new ideas about how to spark an elusive mass social
movement against capitalism and corporations. Now comes Klein’s
newest screed, This Changes Everything. “Our economic
system and our planetary system are now at war,” she asserts.
Climate science, Klein claims, has given progressives “the most
powerful argument against unfettered capitalism” ever. If the
stresses of globalization and a massive financial crisis cannot
mobilize the masses, then the prospect of catastrophic climate
change must.

Klein acidly dismisses reliance on science, technology, and
markets to address the problems of climate change as embodying the
attitude that “We will triumph in the end because triumphing is
what we do.” Well, yes, notes Reason science correspondent
Ronald Bailey And that’s a much better bet than imagining the laws
of nature mandate a post-capitalist utopia.

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