Real World DC (Obamacare Transparency Edition)

Recently uncovered videos of Obamacare
architect Jonathan Gruber praising the law’s lack of transparency
as a way to get around the “stupidity of the American
 have renewed interest in the selling of the

unpopular health care law
. As the video above can attest,
Reason TV has been covering the “most
transparent administration in history”

“Real World DC (Health Care Remix)” was originally
released on Jan. 8, 2010. The original text is

The true story… of 535 politicians…picked to live in two
houses…work together and have their lives taped…to find out
what happens…when Congress stops being polite…and starts
secret, detailed negotiations on a sweeping, transformative health
care reform bill…

This is the real Real World DC.

Featuring Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Charles Rangel, Robert Byrd,
Barney Frank, Max Baucus…and billions of taxpayer dollars.

Written and produced by Meredith Bragg.

from Hit & Run

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