Who Are Reason Editors (and Notable Libertarians) Voting for in November? (New at Reason)

ReasonTonight millions of Americans may decide to endure the second televised debate between presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The town hall-style event will run from 9 to 10:30 p.m. Eastern Time on most networks.

For Reason editors and noted libertarian luminaries like Drew Carey, it’s time to reveal who we’re voting for (assuming we’re even voting). Reason magazine editor Katherine Mangu-Ward explains in the November issue:

In every national election since 2004, reason has asked staffers, contributors, and other libertarian-relevant human beings to tell us who they’re voting for and why.

We do this in the spirit of transparency. Too many journalists are overly precious about maintaining the appearance of objectivity; reason strives instead to be open and honest with our readers about the individual and collective biases that go into producing the magazine you hold in your hands.

While participation is not mandatory, we ask reason‘s staffers and associates to share what they do in their private ballot box time because we believe that showing our math year after year lets readers better calibrate their expectations about our coverage and balance their media diet as they see fit.

In 2016, as in past years, our survey yielded a high percentage of voters for the Libertarian Party nominee, but the results were far from monolithic. The Gary Johnson/William Weld ticket pulled a majority, but there were also “none of the above”s, “maybe”s, if/thens, a reluctant Green voter, an elaborate write-in, and even a few supporters of Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump.

In an attempt to measure red vs. blue sentiment among third-party and opt-out voters—a growing segment of the general electorate as well as the reason staff—we also asked which of the major party candidates our respondents found most alarming. Trump grabbed a decisive but not unanimous win in that category.

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