Leaked U.N. Document Highlights Drug War Dissent

An internal U.N.
document leaked to The Guardian offers a

rare glimpse
of disagreement about drug policy among member
states, several of which are advocating a less violent approach.
The document, a draft of a policy statement scheduled to be
released next spring, suggests a breakdown in the international
consensus supporting the forcible suppression of politically
disfavored pharmacological tastes:

Ecuador is pushing the UN to include a statement that recognises
that the world needs to look beyond prohibition. Its submission
claims there is “a need for more effective results in addressing
the world drug problem” that will encourage “deliberations on
different approaches that could be more efficient and

Venezuela is pushing for the draft to include a new
understanding of “the economic implications of the current
dominating health and law enforcement approach in tackling the
world drug problem”, arguing that the current policy fails to
recognise the “dynamics of the drug criminal market.”…

Norway wants the draft to pose “questions related to
decriminalisation and a critical assessment of the approach
represented by the so-called war on drugs.” Switzerland wants the
draft to recognise the consequences of the current policy on public
health issues. It wants it to include the observation that member
states “note with concern that consumption prevalence has not been
reduced significantly and that the consumption of new psychoactive
substances has increased in most regions of the world.” It also
wants the draft to “express concern that according to UNAids, the
UN programme on HIV/Aids, the global goal of reducing HIV
infections among people who inject drugs by 50% by 2015 will not be
reached, and that drug-related transmission is driving the
expansion of the epidemic in many countries.”

The EU is also pushing hard for the draft to emphasise the need
for drug-dependence treatment and care options for offenders as an
alternative to incarceration.

“Drug users should be entitled to access to treatment, essential
medicines, care and related support services,” the EU’s submission
suggests. “Programmes related to recovery and social reintegration
should also be encouraged.”

With the exception of Ecuador, this is pretty mild stuff,
especially at a time when former presidents of Latin American
countries have publicly called
 an end to the war on drugs and two U.S. states, along
with Uruguay, have taken a big step in that direction by legalizing
marijuana. But in the context of U.N. policy statements, which are
usually organized around mindless mantras like “A Drug-Free World
by 2000,” these deviations from prohibitionist orthodoxy seem
almost radical.

“The idea that there is a global consensus on drugs policy is
fake,” Damon Barrett, deputy director of Harm Reduction
International, tells The Guardian. “The differences
have been there for a long time, but you rarely get to see them. It
all gets whittled down to the lowest common denominator, when all
you see is agreement. But it’s interesting to see now what they are
arguing about.”

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/12/02/leaked-un-document-highlights-drug-war-d

Arizona Battles Feds, Again, Over D.C.'s Restrictive Forest-Use Rules

Not Abandoned propertyState and federal officials in
Arizona are fighting just the latest skirmish in a long-running war
over just how restrictive rules should be over human use of forest
and desert areas. The locals want fewer and uniform restrictions,
while their D.C. counterparts like to play “What will we cite
people for this week?” with campers, hunters, and pretty much
anybody who likes the outdoors. The most recent battle is over a
federal rule-switch, requiring hunters to move their camps every 72
hours. Decades-long practice, as the Arizona Game and Fish
Department points out, is to allow campers to stay in place for 14

The terse U.S. Forest Service
press release
(PDF) that set off the latest kerfuffle reads as

Flagstaff, Ariz. – The Coconino National Forest is
asking all northern Arizona -bound hunters to refrain from leaving
their trailers unattended in the forest during the upcoming hunting
season. In previous seasons, law enforcement officers have found
numerous trailers parked in the forests for the purpose of
reserving a location for the entire hunting season and also because
the individuals did not want to haul their trailers back and

Parking a trailer in the forest for this purpose violates Forest
Service regulations. If trailers are left unattended for more than
72 hours, the Forest Service considers them abandoned property and
may remove them from the forest. Violators can also be cited for
this action. Enforcing these regulations protects the property and
allows recreational users equal access to national forests.

This regulation applies to all national forests in northern Ar
izona, including the Coconino, Kaibab and Prescott forests.

Unmentioned in the press release is that this is a change in
long-standing policy. Everybody in Arizona knows that you’re
supposed to shift your camp every two weeks. This is to deter
people from simply moving into the forest permanently.

It doesn’t really work. Plenty of drifters, modern mountain
(wo)men, and adventurous types live scattered through the desert
and forest in tents, campers, trucks. and caves. Most stick it out
during the pleasant weather before moving on, but a few set up

fairly elaborate habitations
and stay for years. One of my
friends (who I’ll write about in detail another time) used to work
for a year or two, and then take to the wilderness. He lived in one
of my tents for a few months after a wildfire cut him off from his
main camp.

But you’re not supposed to do that. So the two-week rule has a
rationale behind it. You can camp, so long as you stop short of
digging a root cellar or building a chimney. Parking in the forest
during the hunting season and “reserving a location” isn’t really
an issue because, you know, the forest is big enough for frigging
mountain men to hide out in on illegal homesteads.

In a
very nice letter
(PDF) to the Forest Service, Larry D. Voyles,
Director of Arizona Game and Fish, points out that hunting and
fishing is actually on the decline across the country, and his
department is actually trying to get more people to go out
in the forest by reducing and simplifying rules and

Having worked as a game warden for more than 30 years, I am
aware that many hunters are forced to hunt in chunks of days. Keep
in mind that some hunters wait for years, if not decades to be
drawn for a particular big game tag. There are many times when a
hunter may be in camp for a few days, have to leave for work, and
then return a few days later to finish his or her hunt.

So running the risk of a citation or even having expensive gear
lifted by the feds is a bit of a downer, however unlikely it is
that one or another green-uniformed dickhead will stumble across
the camp. He pleasantly requested that the feds return to a uniform
14-day rule across all of Arizona’s forests.

No dice. The Game and Fish folks
sent out a warning
last month that “the Department has met
repeatedly with staff from the affected national forests to repeal
this enforcement approach, with no success.” With the sheriffs
departments from Yavapai and Coconino counties, the state developed
for people to put on their vehicles, explicitly telling
rangers that trucks and trailers have not been abandoned,
although Game and Fish warns that the feds may well ignore

As I mentioned, this is not the first confrontation between
Arizona and federal officials over land-use rules. During the
government not-so-shutdown, Coconino County deputies
cut the chains on the gate
of a facility closed by the Forest
Service because the closure was causing traffic jams. Sheriffs

went head-to-head with the Forest Service over road closures
And now the whole Arizona Sheriffs Association adopted a formal
resolution saying its members oppose and
won’t help the feds enforce their restrictions, including the new
72-hour rule

The way things are going, I’m waiting for the first ranger with
an attitude to get trussed and thrown over somebody’s hood. You
don’t even need a tag for them.

Have I mentioned that I’ve
written a novel about wilderness-living hermits, crazed rangers and
general shenanigans

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/12/02/arizona-and-feds-face-off-again-over-lan

Arizona Battles Feds, Again, Over D.C.’s Restrictive Forest-Use Rules

Not Abandoned propertyState and federal officials in
Arizona are fighting just the latest skirmish in a long-running war
over just how restrictive rules should be over human use of forest
and desert areas. The locals want fewer and uniform restrictions,
while their D.C. counterparts like to play “What will we cite
people for this week?” with campers, hunters, and pretty much
anybody who likes the outdoors. The most recent battle is over a
federal rule-switch, requiring hunters to move their camps every 72
hours. Decades-long practice, as the Arizona Game and Fish
Department points out, is to allow campers to stay in place for 14

The terse U.S. Forest Service
press release
(PDF) that set off the latest kerfuffle reads as

Flagstaff, Ariz. – The Coconino National Forest is
asking all northern Arizona -bound hunters to refrain from leaving
their trailers unattended in the forest during the upcoming hunting
season. In previous seasons, law enforcement officers have found
numerous trailers parked in the forests for the purpose of
reserving a location for the entire hunting season and also because
the individuals did not want to haul their trailers back and

Parking a trailer in the forest for this purpose violates Forest
Service regulations. If trailers are left unattended for more than
72 hours, the Forest Service considers them abandoned property and
may remove them from the forest. Violators can also be cited for
this action. Enforcing these regulations protects the property and
allows recreational users equal access to national forests.

This regulation applies to all national forests in northern Ar
izona, including the Coconino, Kaibab and Prescott forests.

Unmentioned in the press release is that this is a change in
long-standing policy. Everybody in Arizona knows that you’re
supposed to shift your camp every two weeks. This is to deter
people from simply moving into the forest permanently.

It doesn’t really work. Plenty of drifters, modern mountain
(wo)men, and adventurous types live scattered through the desert
and forest in tents, campers, trucks. and caves. Most stick it out
during the pleasant weather before moving on, but a few set up

fairly elaborate habitations
and stay for years. One of my
friends (who I’ll write about in detail another time) used to work
for a year or two, and then take to the wilderness. He lived in one
of my tents for a few months after a wildfire cut him off from his
main camp.

But you’re not supposed to do that. So the two-week rule has a
rationale behind it. You can camp, so long as you stop short of
digging a root cellar or building a chimney. Parking in the forest
during the hunting season and “reserving a location” isn’t really
an issue because, you know, the forest is big enough for frigging
mountain men to hide out in on illegal homesteads.

In a
very nice letter
(PDF) to the Forest Service, Larry D. Voyles,
Director of Arizona Game and Fish, points out that hunting and
fishing is actually on the decline across the country, and his
department is actually trying to get more people to go out
in the forest by reducing and simplifying rules and

Having worked as a game warden for more than 30 years, I am
aware that many hunters are forced to hunt in chunks of days. Keep
in mind that some hunters wait for years, if not decades to be
drawn for a particular big game tag. There are many times when a
hunter may be in camp for a few days, have to leave for work, and
then return a few days later to finish his or her hunt.

So running the risk of a citation or even having expensive gear
lifted by the feds is a bit of a downer, however unlikely it is
that one or another green-uniformed dickhead will stumble across
the camp. He pleasantly requested that the feds return to a uniform
14-day rule across all of Arizona’s forests.

No dice. The Game and Fish folks
sent out a warning
last month that “the Department has met
repeatedly with staff from the affected national forests to repeal
this enforcement approach, with no success.” With the sheriffs
departments from Yavapai and Coconino counties, the state developed
for people to put on their vehicles, explicitly telling
rangers that trucks and trailers have not been abandoned,
although Game and Fish warns that the feds may well ignore

As I mentioned, this is not the first confrontation between
Arizona and federal officials over land-use rules. During the
government not-so-shutdown, Coconino County deputies
cut the chains on the gate
of a facility closed by the Forest
Service because the closure was causing traffic jams. Sheriffs

went head-to-head with the Forest Service over road closures
And now the whole Arizona Sheriffs Association adopted a formal
resolution saying its members oppose and
won’t help the feds enforce their restrictions, including the new
72-hour rule

The way things are going, I’m waiting for the first ranger with
an attitude to get trussed and thrown over somebody’s hood. You
don’t even need a tag for them.

Have I mentioned that I’ve
written a novel about wilderness-living hermits, crazed rangers and
general shenanigans

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/12/02/arizona-and-feds-face-off-again-over-lan

Are Another 1.3 Million Americans About To Drop Out Of Labor Force (And Send Unemployment Plunging)?

With even the Fed somewhat challenging the credibility of the official unemployment rate – as labor force participation collapses structurally – the possibility that if Congress does not act by Dec 28th, a further 1.3 million people will lose emergency aid and may be deemed 'out' of the labor force merely exaggerates an already farcical situation. As JPM's Mike Feroli notes, the "official" unemployment rate may drop up to 0.8 percentage points, but it won't mean the economy is any better. Is this the 'excuse' the Fed needs to transition from QE to forward guidance (with the public seeing only a rapidly collapsing unemployment rate as evidence of their success) even as the data that they are so "dependent" on becomes worse than useless?


As we warned in November, the only two charts that matter ahead of Friday's likely distorted nonfarm payrolls report.

First, the labor force participation rate, which plunged from 63.2% to 62.8% – the lowest since 1978!


But more importantly, the number of people not in the labor force exploded by nearly 1 million, or 932,000 to be exact, in just the month of October, to a record 91.5 million Americans! This was the third highest monthly increase in people falling out of the labor force in US history.

At this pace the people out of the labor force will surpass the working Americans in about 4 years.


And if the Congress does not pass the bill to extend emergency aid – set to expire Dec 28th – then up to 1.3 million more people will be added to that list of 91.5 million already our of the labor force (and another 800,000 more to come in further months)…

This has profound implications for the oh-so-important unemployment rate that  the Fed is so dependent upon…

JPM's Feroli: One observation that could set an upper bound on thinking about a participation effect is to hypothesize that all 1.3 million EUC claimants exit the labor force after benefits expire in 1Q (again, should Congress allow that to happen). In that case, the unemployment rate would fall by 0.8%-pt, obviously an extreme example. Some of the Fed studies can help to narrow the range of outcomes.


One of the more recent works (Farber and Valletta from the San Francisco Fed) indicates that about a fifth of long-term unemployment is due to extended benefits. With just over 4 million long-term unemployed recently, this would imply that the absence of extended UI benefits could lower the unemployment rate by 0.5%-pt.

This will directly impact the Fed's credibility to manage the economt in a "data-dependent" manner:

JPM's Feroli: Setting aside the normative aspect of whether from a public policy perspective this is a desirable or undesirable outcome, such a fall in the unemployment and participation rates could create some tricky choices for Fed policymakers as they assess the health of the labor market.

Remember, while consensus is convinced Taper is a positive (the Fed wouldn't pull back unless everything is golden); we suspect, and today's Treasury Auction Failure supports that thesis, that the Fed is looking for excuses to Taper (or shift policy away from QE)…

As we have noted numerous times before; the "taper" is all about economic cover for a forced move the Fed has to make:


1. Deficits are shrinking and the Fed has less and less room for its buying


2. Under the surface, various non-mainstream technicalities are breaking in the markets due to the size of the Fed's position (repo markets, bond specialness, and fail-to-delivers among them).


3. Sentiment is critical; if the public starts to believe (as Kyle Bass warned) that the central bank is monetizing the government's debt (which it clearly is), then the game accelerates away from them very quickly – and we suspect they fear we are close to that tipping point


4. The rest of the world is not happy. As Canada just noted, the US monetary policy will be discussed at the G-20

Simply put, they are cornered and need to Taper; no matter how bad the macro data and we are sure 'trends' and longer-term horizons will come to their rescue in defending the prime dealers' clear agreement that it is time…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/dTvkVxhjQDw/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Chart Of The Day: The Fed Now Owns One Third Of The Entire US Bond Market

The most important chart that nobody at the Fed seems to pay any attention to, and certainly none of the economists who urge the Fed to accelerate its monetization of Treasury paper, is shown below: it shows the Fed’s total holdings of the entire bond market expressed in 10 Year equivalents (because as a reminder to the Krugmans and Bullards of the world a 3 Year is not the same as a 30 Year). As we, and the TBAC, have been pounding the table over the past year (here, here and here as a sample), the amount of securities that the Fed can absorb without crushing the liquidity in the “deepest” bond market in the world is rapidly declining, and specifically now that the Fed has refused to taper, it is absorbing over 0.3% of all Ten Year Equivalents, also known as “High Quality Collateral”, from the private sector every week. The total number as per the most recent weekly update is now a whopping 33.18%, up from 32.85% the week before. Or, said otherwise, the Fed now owns a third of the entire US bond market.

At this pace, assuming Janet Yellen keeps delaying the taper again and again over fears of how “tighter” financial conditions would get, even as gross US bond issuance declines in line with the decline in deficit funding needs, the Fed will own just shy of half the entire bond market on December 31, 2014… and all of it some time in 2018.

Source: Stone McCarthy


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/bJwW33y_Tuw/story01.htm Tyler Durden

America's Excuse Book: Take Your Choice, Victim Or Heartless Hypocrite

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Yes, there are injustices and imbalances of power and wealth that we collectively need to remedy. But the way to do that is to embrace fact, responsibility, choice, consequence and thrift rather than deny those realities in favor of a false dichotomy of victim and non-victim.

Are the “poor” really too poor to buy fresh ingredients? Let’s start with the fact that according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 49% of Americans Get Gov’t Benefits; 82 million in Households on Medicaid. That means roughly 156 million Americans out of 317 million total population are receiving cash benefits (i.e. direct transfers) from the Federal government. Approximately 57 million receive Social Security retirement or disability benefits.

Over 47.6 million people get SNAP food stamps, a non-cash benefit that acts just like cash at the grocery store. Clearly, the vast majority of those with low incomes receive government cash or equivalent benefits.

How many “poor” people routinely buy fast food meals that cost $3 or more? How many buy frozen waffles, chips, snacks, frozen pizzas, etc. with food stamps, purchases that add up to way more money than the ingredients of the Thanksgiving dinner that so enraged the reader? How many households would it take to pool some food stamps to spend $130 to make 40-50 servings of a great, healthy home-cooked meal?

The excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers seek to divide the populace into two (and only two) classes: victims and non-victims, who are by definition heartless hypocrites (or worse).

Luckily for the excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers, America’s Excuse Book runs into the thousands of pages. There are excuses for literally everyone and every situation; almost everyone can stake a claim to victimhood.

People have written me that the “poor” don’t have stoves/ovens, and this is why they are forced to eat junk food. Really? What percentage of people in America live in dwellings without stoves/ovens? People in residential single-occupancy (RSOs) flophouses, perhaps, but precisely how many people of the 317 million Americans have zero access to a single burner?

I suspect the number is quite small.

As I have noted before, 2 billion people in China and India prepare meals with one burner and a wok. If I didn’t have an oven, I can prepare a nice meal with a single-burner camp stove and a small wok. So can several billion other people.

This kind of refutation of victimhood enrages the excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers because it demolishes the primary claim of victimhood: that people have no other choices–in other words, denying that the vast majority of situations offer a range of choices, and that choices have consequences.

The basic assumption of excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers is that victimhood arises not from choices but from Fate or the heartlessness of those with “more.”

Let’s distinguish between Fate and consequences of choices. A person who discovers they have a brain tumor had no choice in the matter–the cancer was a matter of fate. A person who is obese due to poor dietary and fitness choices and presents their sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. etc. as fate is avoiding the causal connection between their lifestyle and life choices and their health problems.

Can we deny that most people have choices, even in poverty? Can we plausibly claim that poverty is all Fate and choice is inconsequential? If choice is inconsequential, then isn’t our entire system of government and all major religions completely false, because they are all based on human will and choice being consequential?

If a person with low income chooses to stop buying fast food, junk food, sodas, snacks, chips and convenience food and only buys and prepare real food low on the food chain, they will instantly become wealthier because real food that is prepared and not thrown out is significantly cheaper than fast food, junk food, snacks, etc.

If the low-income person also stops smoking, they will also instantly become wealthier.

Since all that’s needed to prepare the great cuisines of Asia is a single burner and single wok or equivalent, we don’t need much to prepare healthy, tasty real-food meals. (I’ve posted photos here many times of my one-wok meals.)

If low-income (i.e. poverty) is fated, or the result of institutional forces that cannot be overcome, then how do we explain the multitudes of immigrants from every continent who arrive in America essentially penniless and who somehow manage to improve their lives despite low income, unfamiliarity with English, a dearth of institutional or family connections, etc. etc. etc.?

How is a low-income immigrant family able to pay off the mortgage on the family home in a few years while others blame the system for their heavy debt loads?

Since wealth creation is increasingly based on human and social capital and learning on one’s own, the low-income person who stops watching TV and spending hours on social media will instantly be “wealthy” in terms of time that can be invested in building human and social capital–subjects I have written about extensively here, precisely because they require essentially no money other than an Internet connection. Building human and social capital is mostly a matter of effort and time. Anyone can improve their human and social capital and thus eventually their income and financial security.

Surveys routinely find that typical Americans spend 4-6 hours a day watching TV or other entertainment. The individual who chooses to take those 28-42 hours a week and invest them in mastering a new skill, seeking mentors, becoming a mentor–all the building blocks of human and social capital–will soon find that there are multiple returns on their investment of time and effort.

This kind of refutation of victimhood enrages the excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers for another reason: we know from psychology that two primary psychological defenses against accepting responsibility are transference and projection: if we can project our own ills onto others, we feel justified in our self-pitying victimhood.

If we can transfer the source of our problems (i.e. our own issues and failures) onto someone else, then we feel blameless for our own difficulties, i.e. being a victim.

This is why troubled families will often subconsciously select one child as the “cause” of the family’s difficulties. If everyone blames this one child, they are magically free of responsibility.

This is the root psychology of the permanently-enraged excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers, i.e. those who have memorized entire chapters of the Book of Excuses: people are victims not from their own choices or a combination of choice and the fate that everyone is exposed to just by being alive, but because the non-victims are heartless hypocrites clinging greedily to everything that victims don’t have access to, for example, a potluck Thanksgiving meal that costs $3.25 a serving.

Did the person who claims to be denied access to a $3/serving meal really do everything in their power to forego counterproductive or wasteful spending so they could spend their food stamps or cash on real food? Di
d they devote their spare time to building human and social capital, for example, learning how to cook, sharing meals with others, teaching others how to cook once they had learned, etc.?

Everyone who feels enraged by the previous paragraph has to ask themselves: what is the real root of your outrage and your need to make excuses for everyone with difficulties resulting from choices made in response to their circumstances?

The question is always: is there absolutely nothing that a person can do to improve their circumstances? Are there things that could be learned for free that would improve their life? Is there absolutely nothing they can do on their own behalf in terms of building human and scial capital, both of which require only effort and time? Are there absolutely no alternatives or choices, even in the smallest details of everyday life?

Stripped to its essence, the outrage of excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers is phony and self-righteous, a classic psychological defense against having to accept responsibility: blame the heartless who “should” be giving their own meal away (if you don’t, you’re a heartless hypocrite, you heartless hypocrite!), blame Fate or something/somebody, do anything but accept that there are choices and that choices have consequences, both short and long-term.

I have a number of disabilities that are “good enough” to claim membership in the victimhood class (one famously “owned” by a Steinbeck character) but they are none of anyone else’s business. I think it’s self-evident that victimhood and the sense of enraged, self-pitying entitlement it fosters is a dead-end, ethically, spiritually, psychologically, politically and financially.

According to Social Security, I have earned $543,718 in 43 years of ceaseless toil (2013 is not yet included, of course, so I have been working for 44 years), generally working 50-60 hours a week in multiple endeavors. That is $12,644 per year. That was a decent wage in 1977, now, not so much. Inflation makes it difficult to adjust previous years’ income into “today’s dollars,” but however you figure it, it isn’t the lifetime earnings of a “wealthy” person. And no, I have never received an inheritance or made a fortune in capital gains or made a ton of unreported income in the black market, nor did my wife have any advantages or unearned wealth.

(In fact, she dropped out of college to spend three years working 60+ workweeks in low-paying jobs to save the money to buy her single-parent mother a modest home. In other words, clearly she too is a heartless hypocrite for daring to spend hours preparing a meal from scratch for family, friends and neighbors.)

Thank goodness some people are so saintly and godlike that they can discern heartless hypocrites without knowing a darn thing about the people they so assuredly toss into the heartless hypocrite class. Now I know how the Inquisition worked: the saintly sinless fingered the heartless without needing any facts.

In 14 of the past 20 years, my net taxable wages were less than $10,000 a year.

In other words, by official measures, I have been “poor” for much of my working life.

For the vast majority of those who choose to write for money (as opposed to pursuing an unpaid hobby), one consequence of that choice is a low income. Choices have consequences; there is nothing mysterious about this causal link. If you want another consequence, fire up your will and make another choice.

Changing one’s circumstances for the better generally requires not months of unceasing discipline, work and effort, but years or even decades of unceasing, dedicated toil, and daily sacrifices of present-day convenience for future benefits.

Improving one’s circumstances (health, mindset, spiritual attainment, financial security, networks of colleagues, circles of friends, etc. etc. etc.) is the same process as getting good enough at something that people will pay you to perform that service or make that good for them.

Sometimes it requires moving to a new locale, changing careers, studying hard, and distinguishing between conveniences that are assumed to be essentials but that are actually luxuries that can be sacrificed for thrift in service of long-term goals. In all cases, it requires accepting risks: risks of failure, risk that the study might not pay off, risk that some accident could derail your plans, and so on.

Victimhood is not just a rejection of choice and consequence, but of risk–yet risk is ever-present and cannot be disappeared. Risk can only be managed and hedged, and only imperfectly at best.

Another big chunk of my life was spent working for low-paying non-profit groups advancing causes I believe in. The low pay was a consequence that went with the choice of advancing causes one is devoted to furthering.

When I was a builder in my youth, I gave jobs to vets and guys with criminal records– marijuana dealing convictions, petty theft, that kind of thing. This choice opened the door to various risks and potential non-financial rewards. The reality is that “there is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity.” Some opportunities you take, others you give.

Alas, earning a modest income doesn’t preclude one from being tossed into the “heartless hypocrite” class if your ceaseless toil includes being extremely thrifty and making your own Thanksgiving meals with family, friends and neighbors. That you have have something others do not makes you a heartless hypocrite, regardless of your own frailties, disabilities, income or indeed, any other fact.

Here’s your Excuse Book, America. There’s something for almost everyone. Luckily, there is still an infinite abundance of excuses, guilt-tripping, victimhood, rage against those with “more” (never mind what they sacrificed to build it) and denial of choice, consequence, risk and fact.

Sadly, there are consequences to the pursuit of victimhood and the denial of will, choice, consequence, risk and fact, and they will be consequential indeed.

Yes, there are injustices and imbalances of power and wealth that we collectively need to remedy. But the way to do that is to embrace fact, responsibility, choice, consequence and thrift rather than deny those realities in favor of a false dichotomy of victim and heartless non-victim.

If those are the only “choices” left, America, count me out.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/fQz0BDrOsuQ/story01.htm Tyler Durden

America’s Excuse Book: Take Your Choice, Victim Or Heartless Hypocrite

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Yes, there are injustices and imbalances of power and wealth that we collectively need to remedy. But the way to do that is to embrace fact, responsibility, choice, consequence and thrift rather than deny those realities in favor of a false dichotomy of victim and non-victim.

Are the “poor” really too poor to buy fresh ingredients? Let’s start with the fact that according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 49% of Americans Get Gov’t Benefits; 82 million in Households on Medicaid. That means roughly 156 million Americans out of 317 million total population are receiving cash benefits (i.e. direct transfers) from the Federal government. Approximately 57 million receive Social Security retirement or disability benefits.

Over 47.6 million people get SNAP food stamps, a non-cash benefit that acts just like cash at the grocery store. Clearly, the vast majority of those with low incomes receive government cash or equivalent benefits.

How many “poor” people routinely buy fast food meals that cost $3 or more? How many buy frozen waffles, chips, snacks, frozen pizzas, etc. with food stamps, purchases that add up to way more money than the ingredients of the Thanksgiving dinner that so enraged the reader? How many households would it take to pool some food stamps to spend $130 to make 40-50 servings of a great, healthy home-cooked meal?

The excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers seek to divide the populace into two (and only two) classes: victims and non-victims, who are by definition heartless hypocrites (or worse).

Luckily for the excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers, America’s Excuse Book runs into the thousands of pages. There are excuses for literally everyone and every situation; almost everyone can stake a claim to victimhood.

People have written me that the “poor” don’t have stoves/ovens, and this is why they are forced to eat junk food. Really? What percentage of people in America live in dwellings without stoves/ovens? People in residential single-occupancy (RSOs) flophouses, perhaps, but precisely how many people of the 317 million Americans have zero access to a single burner?

I suspect the number is quite small.

As I have noted before, 2 billion people in China and India prepare meals with one burner and a wok. If I didn’t have an oven, I can prepare a nice meal with a single-burner camp stove and a small wok. So can several billion other people.

This kind of refutation of victimhood enrages the excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers because it demolishes the primary claim of victimhood: that people have no other choices–in other words, denying that the vast majority of situations offer a range of choices, and that choices have consequences.

The basic assumption of excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers is that victimhood arises not from choices but from Fate or the heartlessness of those with “more.”

Let’s distinguish between Fate and consequences of choices. A person who discovers they have a brain tumor had no choice in the matter–the cancer was a matter of fate. A person who is obese due to poor dietary and fitness choices and presents their sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. etc. as fate is avoiding the causal connection between their lifestyle and life choices and their health problems.

Can we deny that most people have choices, even in poverty? Can we plausibly claim that poverty is all Fate and choice is inconsequential? If choice is inconsequential, then isn’t our entire system of government and all major religions completely false, because they are all based on human will and choice being consequential?

If a person with low income chooses to stop buying fast food, junk food, sodas, snacks, chips and convenience food and only buys and prepare real food low on the food chain, they will instantly become wealthier because real food that is prepared and not thrown out is significantly cheaper than fast food, junk food, snacks, etc.

If the low-income person also stops smoking, they will also instantly become wealthier.

Since all that’s needed to prepare the great cuisines of Asia is a single burner and single wok or equivalent, we don’t need much to prepare healthy, tasty real-food meals. (I’ve posted photos here many times of my one-wok meals.)

If low-income (i.e. poverty) is fated, or the result of institutional forces that cannot be overcome, then how do we explain the multitudes of immigrants from every continent who arrive in America essentially penniless and who somehow manage to improve their lives despite low income, unfamiliarity with English, a dearth of institutional or family connections, etc. etc. etc.?

How is a low-income immigrant family able to pay off the mortgage on the family home in a few years while others blame the system for their heavy debt loads?

Since wealth creation is increasingly based on human and social capital and learning on one’s own, the low-income person who stops watching TV and spending hours on social media will instantly be “wealthy” in terms of time that can be invested in building human and social capital–subjects I have written about extensively here, precisely because they require essentially no money other than an Internet connection. Building human and social capital is mostly a matter of effort and time. Anyone can improve their human and social capital and thus eventually their income and financial security.

Surveys routinely find that typical Americans spend 4-6 hours a day watching TV or other entertainment. The individual who chooses to take those 28-42 hours a week and invest them in mastering a new skill, seeking mentors, becoming a mentor–all the building blocks of human and social capital–will soon find that there are multiple returns on their investment of time and effort.

This kind of refutation of victimhood enrages the excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers for another reason: we know from psychology that two primary psychological defenses against accepting responsibility are transference and projection: if we can project our own ills onto others, we feel justified in our self-pitying victimhood.

If we can transfer the source of our problems (i.e. our own issues and failures) onto someone else, then we feel blameless for our own difficulties, i.e. being a victim.

This is why troubled families will often subconsciously select one child as the “cause” of the family’s difficulties. If everyone blames this one child, they are magically free of responsibility.

This is the root psychology of the permanently-enraged excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers, i.e. those who have memorized entire chapters of the Book of Excuses: people are victims not from their own choices or a combination of choice and the fate that everyone is exposed to just by being alive, but because the non-victims are heartless hypocrites clinging greedily to everything that victims don’t have access to, for example, a potluck Thanksgiving meal that costs $3.25 a serving.

Did the person who claims to be denied access to a $3/serving meal really do everything in their power to forego counterproductive or wasteful spending so they could spend their food stamps or cash on real food? Did they devote their spare time to building human and social capital, for example, learning how to cook, sharing meals with others, teaching others how to cook once they had learned, etc.?

Everyone who feels enraged by the previous paragraph has to ask themselves: what is the real root of your outrage and your need to make excuses for everyone with difficulties resulting from choices made in response to their circumstances?

The question is always: is there absolutely nothing that a person can do to improve their circumstances? Are there things that could be learned for free that would improve their life? Is there absolutely nothing they can do on their own behalf in terms of building human and scial capital, both of which require only effort and time? Are there absolutely no alternatives or choices, even in the smallest details of everyday life?

Stripped to its essence, the outrage of excusers, enablers and guilt-trippers is phony and self-righteous, a classic psychological defense against having to accept responsibility: blame the heartless who “should” be giving their own meal away (if you don’t, you’re a heartless hypocrite, you heartless hypocrite!), blame Fate or something/somebody, do anything but accept that there are choices and that choices have consequences, both short and long-term.

I have a number of disabilities that are “good enough” to claim membership in the victimhood class (one famously “owned” by a Steinbeck character) but they are none of anyone else’s business. I think it’s self-evident that victimhood and the sense of enraged, self-pitying entitlement it fosters is a dead-end, ethically, spiritually, psychologically, politically and financially.

According to Social Security, I have earned $543,718 in 43 years of ceaseless toil (2013 is not yet included, of course, so I have been working for 44 years), generally working 50-60 hours a week in multiple endeavors. That is $12,644 per year. That was a decent wage in 1977, now, not so much. Inflation makes it difficult to adjust previous years’ income into “today’s dollars,” but however you figure it, it isn’t the lifetime earnings of a “wealthy” person. And no, I have never received an inheritance or made a fortune in capital gains or made a ton of unreported income in the black market, nor did my wife have any advantages or unearned wealth.

(In fact, she dropped out of college to spend three years working 60+ workweeks in low-paying jobs to save the money to buy her single-parent mother a modest home. In other words, clearly she too is a heartless hypocrite for daring to spend hours preparing a meal from scratch for family, friends and neighbors.)

Thank goodness some people are so saintly and godlike that they can discern heartless hypocrites without knowing a darn thing about the people they so assuredly toss into the heartless hypocrite class. Now I know how the Inquisition worked: the saintly sinless fingered the heartless without needing any facts.

In 14 of the past 20 years, my net taxable wages were less than $10,000 a year.

In other words, by official measures, I have been “poor” for much of my working life.

For the vast majority of those who choose to write for money (as opposed to pursuing an unpaid hobby), one consequence of that choice is a low income. Choices have consequences; there is nothing mysterious about this causal link. If you want another consequence, fire up your will and make another choice.

Changing one’s circumstances for the better generally requires not months of unceasing discipline, work and effort, but years or even decades of unceasing, dedicated toil, and daily sacrifices of present-day convenience for future benefits.

Improving one’s circumstances (health, mindset, spiritual attainment, financial security, networks of colleagues, circles of friends, etc. etc. etc.) is the same process as getting good enough at something that people will pay you to perform that service or make that good for them.

Sometimes it requires moving to a new locale, changing careers, studying hard, and distinguishing between conveniences that are assumed to be essentials but that are actually luxuries that can be sacrificed for thrift in service of long-term goals. In all cases, it requires accepting risks: risks of failure, risk that the study might not pay off, risk that some accident could derail your plans, and so on.

Victimhood is not just a rejection of choice and consequence, but of risk–yet risk is ever-present and cannot be disappeared. Risk can only be managed and hedged, and only imperfectly at best.

Another big chunk of my life was spent working for low-paying non-profit groups advancing causes I believe in. The low pay was a consequence that went with the choice of advancing causes one is devoted to furthering.

When I was a builder in my youth, I gave jobs to vets and guys with criminal records– marijuana dealing convictions, petty theft, that kind of thing. This choice opened the door to various risks and potential non-financial rewards. The reality is that “there is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity.” Some opportunities you take, others you give.

Alas, earning a modest income doesn’t preclude one from being tossed into the “heartless hypocrite” class if your ceaseless toil includes being extremely thrifty and making your own Thanksgiving meals with family, friends and neighbors. That you have have something others do not makes you a heartless hypocrite, regardless of your own frailties, disabilities, income or indeed, any other fact.

Here’s your Excuse Book, America. There’s something for almost everyone. Luckily, there is still an infinite abundance of excuses, guilt-tripping, victimhood, rage against those with “more” (never mind what they sacrificed to build it) and denial of choice, consequence, risk and fact.

Sadly, there are consequences to the pursuit of victimhood and the denial of will, choice, consequence, risk and fact, and they will be consequential indeed.

Yes, there are injustices and imbalances of power and wealth that we collectively need to remedy. But the way to do that is to embrace fact, responsibility, choice, consequence and thrift rather than deny those realities in favor of a false dichotomy of victim and heartless non-victim.

If those are the only “choices” left, America, count me out.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/fQz0BDrOsuQ/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Watch As Luxury Passenger Ship Burns In Greek Shipyard

If the unfortunate, yet hilarious, sinking of the Costa Concordia cruise liner in January 2012 off the Tuscan cost was the best symbol of the foundering Eurozone, then we are unsure just what the symbolic value is of the fire that raged over the weekend on the Majestic International’s Ocean Countess cruise ship while laid up at a shipyard in Greece.

As Gcaptain reported, the Ocean Countess caught fire Saturday at the Chalkis Shipyard near Chalkis (or Khalkis), Greece, north of Athens. All five crewmembers were evacuated safely, but as of Sunday firefighting crews were still trying to contain the blaze, reports say. The Ocean Countess was launched as the Cunard Countess in 1976 and has been laid up at the shipyard for over a year since its last charter to UK-based Cruise & Maritime Voyages ended.

Supposedly, the vessel was scheduled to re-enter service next year. It won’t.

Unlike the Costa Concordia, this tale has a somewhat happy ending:  Vernicos Salvage and Tug reports that the fire onboard the Ocean Countess has been brought under control through firefighting efforts by the crew of their Alexander 3 tug.






via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/1o0djxmhB4E/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Researcher Falsely States That Energy Drinks Contain More Caffeine Than Coffee

Research by radiologists at the University of
that caffeine in energy drinks has cardiovascular effects
similar to those
of caffeine in other beverages. That’s not terribly surprising, but
it is bound to be seen in a sinister light given the media-driven
 about these products, especially because one of the
researchers incorrectly states that energy drinks contain more
caffeine than coffee does. “The amount of caffeine is up to three
times higher than in other caffeinated beverages like coffee or
 Jonas Dorner, who together with his collaborators
presented the findings of a heart imaging study at a meeting of the
Radiological Society of North America. “There are many side effects
known to be associated with a high intake of caffeine, including
rapid heart rate, palpitations, rise in blood pressure and, in
the most severe cases, seizures or sudden death.”

The implication is pretty clear: Energy drinks pose a
potentially deadly threat because they contain so much caffeine.
Yet the drinks that Dorner and his colleagues gave their 18
subjects contained 32 milligrams of caffeine per 100 milliliters,
compared to 76 milligrams per 100 milliliters for
Starbucks coffee
. So Starbucks coffee contains more than twice
as much caffeine per milliliter as energy drinks, as opposed to
one-third as much, as Dorner suggests. That’s a pretty big
mistake—and one that is likely to be repeated in future coverage of
this issue because it jibes with the attention-grabbing claim that
energy drinks are more dangerous than other caffeinated

In any event, the effects observed by Dorner and his colleagues
are not very alarming:

Compared to the baseline images, results of cardiac MRI
performed one hour after the study participants consumed the energy
drink revealed significantly increased peak strain and peak
systolic strain rates (measurements for contractility) in the left
ventricle of the heart. The heart’s left ventricle receives
oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the aorta, which
distributes it throughout the rest of the body.

“We don’t know exactly how or if this greater contractility of
the heart impacts daily activities or athletic performance,” Dr.
Dorner said. “We need additional studies to understand this
mechanism and to determine how long the effect of the energy drink

The researchers found no significant differences in heart
rate, blood pressure or the amount of blood ejected from the left
ventricle of the heart between the volunteers’ baseline and second
MRI exams.

“We’ve shown that energy drink consumption has a short-term
impact on cardiac contractility,” Dr. Dorner said. “Further studies
are needed to evaluate the impact of long-term energy drink
consumption and the effect of such drinks on individuals with heart

In other words, this study does not document any harmful or
lasting effects from consuming energy drinks. And if caffeine poses
a risk to people with heart disease, that risk presumably would be
greater in the case of coffee, which supplies a bigger dose. If the
caffeine in coffee does not scare you, there is no reason, aside
from alarmist press coverage, why the caffeine in energy drinks

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/12/02/researcher-falsely-states-that-energy-dr

Jerry Brito on Cellphones in Airplanes

AirplaneWhen it was announced last
month that the Federal Aviation Administration was relaxing the
rules on personal electronic devices during take-off and landing on
commercial passenger flights, Americans rejoiced. No longer would
we have to suffer the indignity of staring blankly at the tray
table before us for the 15 minutes it takes a flight to reach
cruising altitude, or worse, touch ink-stained dead tree bits to
occupy ourselves. Yet, notes Jerry Brito, when the Federal
Communications Commission soon thereafter similarly announced that
it to was reconsidering its prohibitions on in-flight cell phone
use, all hell broke loose. Let’s give it a try before freaking out,
he suggests.

View this article.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/12/02/jerry-brito-on-cellphones-in-airplanes