2020 Vision

In less than a month, we will know who our President will be for the next four years (cough President Pantsuit cough cough). Way back in January, my post about the election stated simply: “Hillary Clinton will win the election if things more or less, kinda sorta stay the same. In other words, the status quo begets the status quo.”

In case you didn’t notice, over the nine months since I did that post, things have sorta kinda stayed the same. Central bankers still control the world. Lloyd Blankfein and Jamie Dimon are billionaires that will never be charged with a crime. Hillary and Bill can act with impunity. Nothing has changed. No big terrorist attacks. No financial panic has been allowed. It’s all……the same.

Trump actually had a better chance than I gave credit for. If he (1) didn’t suck so bad at the first debate (2) hadn’t been caught shooting his mouth off about women, he might actually have won. As it is now, though, with two candidates everyone hates, it seems like the lying, crooked one is going to beat the megalomaniac. So, given that, here’s what I think is next:

  • Upon losing, Trump will say all kinds of stuff about how rigged the system is and how his loss proves it. He’ll hint strongly that something untoward has taken place, then he’ll exit stage right and go back to attaching his name to products and services as if nothing had ever happened.
  • Hillary will yammer on about what a victory this is for women, and how she wants to unite the nation, and all that other happy horseshit. Once she’s sworn in, though, she’s going to discover that pretty much everyone hates her guts, so she’ll probably spend four years hiding in the oval office.
  • You think you saw gridlock during Obama’s term? You think you saw his agenda get frozen by a legislative branch that despises him? Just wait for Clinton. Obama had an arm-in-arm relationship with Congress compared to what she’s going to have. People shouldn’t worry so much about her stuffing the Supreme Court with appointees. Congress isn’t going to confirm anybody.
  • The Republican Party will offer a silent prayer of thanks that they lost, try to polish up their brand, and find their job infinitely easier in 2020 by going up against a woman that everyone hates (particularly since she’ll be dealing with a financial shitstorm for which everyone blames her), and maybe, just maybe, they’ll be able to find a candidate with a little more charisma and talent that, oh, say, the likes of Chris Christie or Ben Carson.

So there you have it. The only good news for me is that Clinton is going to get completely blamed for the disaster that’s approaching. The public is too dim to understand Presidents have nothing to do with economic cycles (sorta like how her husband got all the credit for the boom years of the 1990s, even though he just happened to be in the right place at the right time). It’s too bad someone so corrupt is going to win, but least it will be entertaining to watch her fail.

via http://ift.tt/2dbpoAH Tim Knight from Slope of Hope

As Another Trump Recording Emerges, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey And Juanita Broaddrick Attack Clintons

The flames in the dumpster fire over Trump’s “extremely lewd” sexual comments about women just keep getting bigger.

While America waits to see if Trump will have a follow up public address to the nation ahead of tomorrow’s presidential debate as he suggested he might in his interview with the WSJ, earlier today his wife, Melania, came to his side when she issued a statement saying that while she was offended by her husband Donald Trump’s “unacceptable” sexual remarks about women, she asked the nation to accept his apology.

In her statement she said that the “words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me” but “this does not represent the man that I know. He has the heart and mind of a leader.”

She added that she hopes “people will accept his apology, as I have, and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world.”

However in keeping the public attention, and media pressure on Trump, CNN reported moments ago that Trump engaged in “crude and demeaning conversations about women over a 17-year-period with radio shock-jock Howard Stern, according to a review by CNN’s KFile of hours of newly uncovered audio.”

While hardly surprising considering the venue, among the topics Trump discussed: his daughter Ivanka’s physique, having sex with women on their menstrual cycles, threesomes, and checking out of a relationship with women after they turn 35.

To be sure, Trump has long engaged in sexually explicit banter over the years, particularly on Stern, and now CNN is focused on several such recordings which can be found on CNN’s site.

Meanwhile, as new historical cases of Trump’s derogatory language emerge seemingly by the hour, some of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s old accusers have taken to the public arena.

One such public appeal was smade by Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick who weighed in on Donald Trump’s controversial comments from 2005.  “How many times must it be said,” she tweeted Saturday morning. “Actions speak louder than words. (Donald Trump) said bad things! (Hillary Clinton) threatened me after (Bill Clinton) raped me.”

In a subsequent tweet, she again targeted Hillary for calling Trump’s remarks “horrific” while “she lives with and protects a “Rapist”.  Her actions are horrific.”

Broaddrick has previously accused then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton of raping her in a Little Rock hotel room in 1978. She says Hillary later confronted her in an attempt to intimidate and silence her.

Another old adversary of Bill Clinton’s emerged today when Paula Jones, former Arkansas state employee who sued U.S. President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, also weighed in with a post on Facebook, “I don’t recall that Bill or Hillary has ever apologized to me and Juanita Broaddrick or Kathleen Willey yet Bill was getting his wee wee sucked under the Oval Office desk and still won a second term, Unbelievable!” she said as she slammed “two faced hypocritical liberals.

Kathleen Willey, a former White House volunteer aide who, on March 15, 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her on November 29, 1993, during his first term as President, also took to twitter, saying “[Donald Trump] apologized.Where are Bill, and the Hag’s apologies to Juanita,Paula,Eileen,Gennifer,Dolly,me?We’re waiting,we’re not holding our breaths.”

In  subsequent tweet, she continued her attack on Hillary saying “The Hag has called us bimbos,sluts,trailer trash,whores,skanks. From one woman to her rapist’s victims.When will u resign from ur campaign?”

Some have speculated that the emergence of the Trump tapes at this time is to preempt an attack by Donald on Hillary regarding Bill’s past during tomorrow’s debate, which increasingly appears will be focused on “family values”, or the lack thereof, as well as providing some much needed cover for Hillary over the actions of her husband.


As for the question whether it is “deplorable” for a potential president to have engaged in trash talk in the past, there are numerous examples of precisely that, starting with president Obama…

… continuing through JFK, LBJ, Nixon…


… And then back to Obama again.

* * *

So what to make of today’s relentless assault on Trump’s 2005 statement? It probably suggests that sexual infidelity and treatment of women will be if not on the agenda of tomorrow’s debate, then certainly one of the key discussion points as both candidates veer away from the prepared narrative and into the one topic that has no bearing on the future of the US economy and nation, yet everything to do with an election that has now become all about the personal failings of the two most disliked presidential candidates in American history.

via http://ift.tt/2dECypS Tyler Durden

Do We Really Want War With Russia?

Submitted by Chris Martenson via PeakProsperity.com,

I wish I could say things were improving between the US and Russia but they aren't. They're rapidly worsening.

There’s so much happening right now, I can only provide a summary of a few of the more interesting and worrying developments.

This report builds on those I've released over the past two years and begins with a chilling editorial put out by the NY Times on September 29th, 2016, which further demonized Putin specifically, Russia generally, and openly advocates for military confrontation.

Hey, we’ve been down this path before.  The deeply conflicted NY Times has never met a war in the Middle East it didn’t support, and has never had any trouble repeating war plan talking points (that always neatly align with those put out by neocon think tanks) or even printing obviously fake “intelligence” from unnamed sources such as that used to justify the illegal US attack and invasion of Iraq.

As a reminder for my US readers who many only have read US press sources on the matter, prior to being attacked Iraq had never threatened the US, had no role in 9/11, and had allowed extensive UN access to its country’s military bases none of which ever showed the slightest trace of manufacturing weapons of mass destruction. And, even if they had been producing these so-called weapons of mass destruction (weapons which are also owned and maintained in the US, for the record), there was still no legal case for an attack by the US because pre-emptive attacks are not justifiable, ever. 

What the NY Times has done, again, I fear, is served as a conduit for neocon talking points and therefore has become a propaganda arm readying the US population for another war, this one with Russia.  This is a very disturbing development.

Here’s the editorial, into which I have inserted comments where appropriate [in brackets].  Remember, propaganda is designed to elicit core emotional responses such as fear, anger, moral indignation, and a sense of threat to one’s very survival:

Vladimir Putin’s Outlaw State

Sept 29, 2016


President Vladimir Putin is fast turning Russia into an outlaw nation. As one of five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, his country shares a special responsibility to uphold international law. Yet, his behavior in Ukraine and Syria violates not only the rules intended to promote peace instead of conflict, but also common human decency.


[Which “rules intended to promote peace” is the NY Times referring to here?  The same sorts of rules that led NATO to bomb Libya back into the stone age?  Or are these the “rules” that allow a country to manufacture fake evidence on Iraq and then attack that country unleashing a decade of bitter sectarian violence?  Also, how does “common human decency fit into that schema?  I’m truly curious.]


This bitter truth was driven home twice on Wednesday. An investigative team led by the Netherlands concluded that the surface-to-air missile system that shot down a Malaysia Airlines plane over Ukraine in July 2014, killing 298 on board, was sent from Russia to Russian-backed separatists and returned to Russia the same night.


[The MH-17 disaster is anything but clear-cut and the JIT investigation was heavily compromised from the start.  Nothing like the claim being made here is supported by the actual investigation evidence presented.  This is pure, unsupported speculation at this stage.  More on this at a later date.]


Meanwhile, in Syria, Russian and Syrian warplanes knocked out two hospitals in the rebel-held sector of Aleppo as part of an assault that threatens the lives of 250,000 more people in a war that has already claimed some 500,000 Syrian lives.


[Meanwhile, in Afghanistan the US bombed a MSF hospital and has killed ~90% innocents with its drone program.  Also, not to pick nits, but the US and European interests funded and started the war in Syria.  It seems a bit short-sighted to now claim that Russia bears some special responsibility for the lives at stake.  You have to forget everything that happened prior to this moment.]


Russia has tried hard to pin the blame for the airline crash on Ukraine. But the new report, produced by prosecutors from the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and Ukraine, confirms earlier findings. It uses strict standards of evidence and meticulously documents not only the deployment of the Russian missile system that caused the disaster but also Moscow’s continuing cover-up.


[Nope.  Just nope.  I’ll detail why in a future report, but the MH-17 investigation was bogus from the get go.  Short version: there were only two suspects, the Ukrainian military and rebels.  The Ukrainian secret service (SBU) was inside the investigation from the beginning and supplied all of the ‘evidence’ against Russia and the rebels.  What investigation ever has one of the prime suspects supplying the evidence?  As I said, completely rigged and bogus.]


Some Western officials have accused Russia of war crimes, charges that could be pursued through international channels, even if Moscow blocks a formal referral to the International Criminal Court. New sanctions against Russia also should be considered. Mr. Putin will undoubtedly fight any such action, using his veto on the Security Council, but whatever his response, the United States should lend its support to Ukraine’s quest for accountability.


[“Some western officials?”  There the NYT goes again with the unnamed sources.  How about you name names this time NY Times?  Well, in truth, a whole host of named individuals and organizations have accused the US of war crimes, as well as Israel, which the US has routinely blocked.  Glass houses and all of that.]

Over recent days, Mr. Putin has again shown his true colors with air attacks that have included powerful bunker-busting bombs that can destroy underground hospitals and safety zones where civilians seek shelter.


[Note the slippery use of the word ‘can’ in this sentence.  Have they been used to target and destroy hospitals and civilian safety zones, or not?]


On Sept. 19, Russia bombed an aid convoy, which like hospitals and civilians are not supposed to be targeted under international law.


[Russia denies this, and has also released radar evidence showing that the only planes in the region at the time were two US drones, plus the sort of damage seen on the fire-destroyed trucks is consistent with the damage caused by the US drone based Hellfire missile.   If the US wants to release some radar data showing Russian planes in the area or other compelling evidence, then we can all be more confident in that claim.  For now the NY Times is repeating an unproven assertion made by the US State Department.]


President Obama has long refused to approve direct military intervention in Syria. And Mr. Putin may be assuming that Mr. Obama is unlikely to confront Russia in his final months and with an American election season in full swing. But with the rebel stronghold in Aleppo under threat of falling to the government, administration officials said that such a response is again under consideration.


[The “rebel stronghold in Aleppo under threat” is interesting use of evocative language.  However the nature of war is that the sides attempt to take key positions form each other.  The “rebels’ in question are some of the most dodgy humans to ever walk the planet.  The rebels backed by the US include nasty elements of Al-Nusra, Al-Qaida,  ISIS and a host of really vile outfits.  If you are not aware, these groups have executed thousands of civilians, taken sex slaves, and conducted other horrible crimes against the innocent. ]


Mr. Putin fancies himself a man on a mission to restore Russia to greatness. Russia could indeed be a great force for good. Yet his unconscionable behavior — butchering civilians in Syria and Ukraine, annexing Crimea, computer-hacking American government agencies, crushing dissent at home — suggests that the furthest thing from his mind is becoming a constructive partner in the search for peace.


[Pay close attention to that word “unconscionable.”  It really stood out for me here and I knew something was up when I heard it used again by a US official.  It will soon appear again in media quotes below.  For now, let’s just note that every act declared as 'unconscionable' has also recently been done by the US: civilians have been ‘butchered’ (again a strongly evocative word very different from the ‘collateral damage and targeting mistakes’ that the US reserves for its own actions), computers have been hacked (even Angela Merkel’s cell phone as you may recall), and peaceful protests have been crushed in the US, most recently a peaceful prayer circle of Native Americans at Standing Rock by heavily armed LEO’s who brought armored personnel carriers for the task)]


Okay, that editorial was yet another in a long line from the NY Times which has never met a neocon-proposed war it didn’t blindly support.  Supposedly the bastion of the east coast liberal elites, the NY Times is actually acting once again more like the personal propaganda arm of the US necons and Israeli likuds who have been dragging the US into one war after another.  

As I’ve written about extensively in the past, a war this time could mean anything from a shooting (kinetic) war, to a cyberwar, financial or trade war, or even a hacking attack that takes out the grid or other critical infrastructure.  If you want to go deeper into the details of what that might mean and how you should prepare, we have a more extensive Part 2 of this report prepared.

Now, lets continue on with our thesis that a propaganda effort is underway to drag the US into yet another useless war. This one with the potential to literally end the US as a going concern. 

I’m going to skip over a few events here so we can connect this propaganda dot.  Then we’ll get back to the other worrying events that show how the situation with Russia is deteriorating badly.

Fast forward just five days from that NY Times editorial and we read this:

White House Warns of 'Actions' If Russia Won't Negotiate

Oct 4, 2016


President Obama faces an increasingly stark choice in Syria — he can order American military action or watch thousands of women and children die as the rebel stronghold of Aleppo falls.


So far, he has shown no willingness to launch a U.S. military response, but White House officials told NBC News Monday they are now considering escalating the U.S. involvement in Syria's civil war, including unspecified "actions…that would further underscore the consequences of not coming back to the negotiating table."


American intelligence officials on Monday pointedly accused Russian and Syrian forces of mass atrocities during their advance on the city, describing a horrific bombing campaign in recent days that has killed women and children at an increasing rate.


"The regime and Russia's use of incendiary weapons have contributed to the unconscionable civilian deaths and suffering," a U.S. intelligence official said.


How much more obvious can all that be?  First there’s a NY Times editorial that literally lays to a series of talking points ranging from women and children being at risk to a rebel stronghold to unconscionable civilian deaths and suffering.

It’s all there in this second article and, just for a bonus, it’s all attributed to unnamed White House and intelligence “officials.”  Exactly the same pattern we saw in the run up to the Iraq war.  I would put a lot of money on the bet that these scripted talking points were developed by a small team of neocons operating in the shadows.  A lot of money.

As in the past, when these folks pull the levers to try and goad the US into a(nother) war, they never come out in the open. They always hide behind anonymity. Your tip-off is the number of times you read the words “US officials” or  “a highly placed source” or some other phrase that hides the individual while evoking authority.

If they weren't so secretive, we’d certainly see the pattern more easily for what it actually is – the same small cadre of people who are always agitating for the use of military force to “solve” whatever objectives they are seeking.

Now, of course it’s horrible when civilians get trapped or die in a war. But here we might note that if a nation truly cannot abide innocent deaths, then it also shouldn't go about starting wars, or supplying military armaments.

I mean, let’s wander a few miles south of Syria and take a peek at what’s happening in Yemen where the US is supplying both weapons and targeting data to the Saudis:

Civilian casualties in Yemen bring charges of U.S. responsibility for Saudi actions


Civilian casualties have spiked in Yemen since the collapse of peace talks in August, the United Nations reported recently, bringing the total number of civilians killed since March 2015, when a coalition led by Saudi Arabia launched its operation against Houthi rebels there, to more than 4,000.


Despite repeated strikes on schools and hospitals, officials see little choice for now but continued support, given the intense desire to shore up a bilateral relationship rocked by President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and new legislation linked to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


Where are the ‘unnamed officials’ wringing their hands at thousand of innocent deaths in Yemen?  Where’s our sense of responsibility for being the primary arms dealer to the Saudis, and direct supplying them with targeting data? These morals are nowhere to be found when it comes to Yemen.

In fact, according to ‘officials’ in the above article, when it comes to Yemen, the desire to make nice with the Saudis (after the Iran deal) is the driving US objective at the moment.

In other words, in Yemen, political realities are more important than innocent lives.  Ah, do you see it now?  Innocent deaths don’t matter as much as the political realities. 

How can it be a moral imperative in Syria but a political one when it comes to Yemen?

Would it be out of line for us to wonder if perhaps these same ‘officials’ are merely using the innocent deaths in Syria as cover for some deeper political purposes that are really the main drivers?

To me, morality is not conditional.  Either innocent deaths are always unconscionable, or they aren't.  They cannot be morally unacceptable in one place and subservient to political realities in another.  Obama cannot cry for the children of Sandy Hook one day, but continue the drone program (which kills lots of children) with steely determination the next. 

Which is why I am especially on alert when I read such things as the NY Times editorial above, which screams out a moral argument when a quick scan of the news reveals a profound lack of moral consistency.  As ever, that’s a red flag that propaganda is being deployed.  Morals are for the populace…when you need something from them, like their consent.

In psychological terms, what’s happening here is called projection.  This is what happens when an individual, or a nation, accuses an external party of the exact same traits that they secretly dislike about themselves.

An example being a parent who procrastinates at work but then yells harshly at their child for not doing their very best at school.  Or the explosive anger that an aggressive driver displays when someone cuts them off. 

This very human habit of projecting our shadows onto others is very, very dangerous when it gets to the explosive blame stage.

Deep, dark and highly emotional and irrational outbursts are what follows.  Insults are slung, sometimes objects are thrown, that forever change the relationship.  Real damage can be inflicted in such moments that sometimes cannot be undone. Do we really want that kind of breakdown with nuclear-armed Russia?

A No Fly Zone

So, when it comes to Russia, what are the military options that an angry US might pursue?

This too is easy to track because the neocons write about their plans openly and prolifically, and they are especially fond of imposing no-fly zones.  What this always means to them, however, is not the absence of aircraft from a given area, but rather that no planes besides US/NATO planes are flying over the area.  No-fly only applies to the other side, naturally.

A no-fly zone means you have air supremacy and therefore control over a country.

There are two ways to create this. The first is a low level no-fly zone where you supply shoulder-fired antiaircraft rockets (“manpads”) to the rebel forces.  These have limited range so they basically keep low-level aircraft out of the picture; helicopters, low and slow flying support/attack aircraft and the like. 

The second level is to bring your own aircraft into the theater to enforce a complete no-fly zone at all altitudes.

Unsurprisingly, I came across this from the Brookings Institution, a key neocon ‘think tank,’ in August. So I knew where all this was heading:

We must also be clever about employing various options for no-fly zones: We cannot shoot down an airplane without knowing if it’s Russian or Syrian, but we can identify those aircraft after the fact and destroy Syrian planes on the ground if they were found to have barrel-bombed a neighborhood, for example.


These kinds of operations are complicated, no doubt, and especially with Russian aircraft in the area—but I think we have made a mistake in tying ourselves in knots over the issue, since there are options we can pursue.

(Source – Brookings – O’Hanlon)

Yes, “these operations are complicated, no doubt…” is another breezy dismissal, similar to how all Iraqis were going to greet the American forces as "libertators" after Desert Sheild. As if engaging a major nuclear superpower with advanced hardware were no different from the complexities involved in taking out Gadhafi. 

The “various options” mentioned are code-speak for supplying manpads to the rebels. It might be helpful to recall that the Russians have not (yet) supplied similar hardware to any of the various forces the US and NATO are fighting in Libya, Iraq, or Afghanistan, and they’ve not yet decided to start shooting US and NATO planes out of the sky either.  One could see that as an act of restraint that could be lifted at some point, enormously complicating US ambitions in a variety of military theaters.

How these Brookings neocons have any voice left at all after the massive screwups in all the prior conflicts they cheered on an supported is beyond me.  Anybody making the case that it is simply “complicated” to take on Russia should lose their job, be laughed off the stage, and have to find other employment.

But they’d have lots of company in that unemployment line, including at least one US Senator.  Speaking about making life more difficult for the Russians, on September 30th, 2016 John McCain said:

MCCAIN: No, but I might do what we did in Afghanistan many years ago, to give those guys the ability to shoot down those planes. That equipment is available.


CAVUTO: Who would be shooting them down?


MCCAIN: The Free Syrian Army, just like the Afghans shot down the Russian…


CAVUTO: Not us?


MCCAIN: No. Just like the Russians — the Afghans shot down Russian planes after Russia invaded Afghanistan.


McCain is calling for arming the rebels with manpads, again a dangerous escalation that really needs to be debated vigorously at the highest levels because anything that begins a hot (kinetic) war with Russia in Syria stands little chance of remaining safely contained there.    Further, it would greatly increase the risk of Russia returning the favor to the US elsewhere. 

It’s also worth remembering here that in mid-September the US, using two F16s and two A-10 “low and slow” attack aircraft bombed a Syrian government position killing anywhere from 60 to 100 government troops that where garrisoning a surrounded position whose borders were well known to all parties.

While the US pentagon dismissed the incident as a ‘targeting error’ implying a few bombs errantly fell in the wrong place, everybody in the business knows better.  Those bombs fell exactly where there were meant to fall, and Russia’s view is that the US did this on purpose, especially since a coordinated ISIS attack followed minutes later on the same position allowing ISIS to make a key advance. 

The fact the A-10’s were involved only hardens my view that this was not an accident on the part of the US.  Those aircraft are meant to fly low and be used for close in support.  Who got bombed and who advanced with close in support?  Answering those questions leads to the conclusion that the US has already militarily attacked the Syrian government, and by extension Russia and, once again, “inadvertently” provided military support to ISIS (done previously when “errant” drops of pallets loaded with military gear that landed on ISIS positions).

Russia Responds

So, what’s been Russia’s response to all this? 

Well, they terminated diplomatic communications on Oct 3rd:

Contacts between Russian and US military on Syria suspended


MOSCOW, October 3./TASS/. Exchange of information between Russian and US military over Syria has stopped of late, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said on Monday.


"All contacts between the military have been stopped of late, there has been no exchange of information," he said.


That’s probably not a good sign.

As another reminder, we’d like to point out that Russia already has their S-400 anti-aircraft missile system in place, which has an enormous range and can take out US and NATO aircraft from a ridiculous distance:

This is one of the most, if not the most sophisticated anti-aircraft systems in the world.  Note to armchair warriors in the neocon central: this system is more than a ‘complication.’  It is a game changing system, which will end lives and destroy the hardware of any country that goes up against it.

This ‘complication’ is why this 4-star general visibly freezes when a dreadfully uninformed (or ignorant, or possibly unintelligent) Senator on the armed service committee asks why the US hasn't already enforced a no fly zone in Syria:

Now, such a system is vulnerable to being taken out, of course.  Not by a bombing run by aircraft, but by a missile attack, perhaps a cruise missile.

Which explains this next bit of news, also from Oct 4:

Russia deploys advanced anti-missile system to Syria for first time, US officials say

Oct 4, 2016


Russia has deployed an advanced anti-missile system to Syria for the first time, three US officials tell Fox News, the latest indication that Moscow continues to ramp up its military operations in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad.


It comes after Russia's actions led to the collapse of a cease-fire and the cut-off of direct talks with the U.S. 


While Moscow’s motives are not certain, officials say the new weapon system could potentially counter any American cruise missile attack in Syria.


Components of the SA-23 Gladiator anti-missile and anti-aircraft system, which has a range of roughly 150 miles, arrived over the weekend “on the docks” of a Russian naval base along Syria’s Mediterranean coastal city of Tartus, two US officials said.


It is the first time Russia has deployed the SA-23 system outside its borders, according to one Western official citing a recent intelligence assessment. The missiles and associated components are still in their crates and are not yet operational, according to the officials.


The U.S. intelligence community has been observing the shipment of the SA-23 inside Russia in recent weeks, according to one official.


While the purpose is not clear, one US official asked sarcastically, “Nusra doesn’t have an air force do they?” speaking about the Al Qaeda-linked group in Syria.  The Islamic State also does not fly any manned aircraft or possess cruise missiles, in a sign that Russia is directing its actions to protect itself against any potential attack from the United States or its allies. 


Heh heh.  “While the purpose is not clear…”  That’s funny.  The purpose could note be any clearer if it were written in neon on a billboard outside the bedroom window of this “US official.”  The purpose is to protect its other military hardware from a US attack,.

It’s there because the US is ramping up its 'no fly' talk and preparing its citizens via propaganda pieces in the NY Times, et al., for a major conflict with Russia. 

It’s there because all trust is gone and the time for talking has come to a close.

It’s there because the US is pushing for a war with Russia that cannot be sold on its own merits and so its being sold as a humanitarian mission to prevent more unconscionable acts from being carried out (and pay no mind to similar such acts being carried out by Israel against Palestinians, or Saudis against Yemenis).

Prepping for War

Now, what would a responsible government do if hostilities were increasing between major superpowers and the possibility, if not the inevitability, of an armed conflict were on the horizon?

Well, they’d do more than prepare their citizens to accept the moves via propaganda, they get their citizens to physically prepare as well.

In Germany we see this sort of view:

German Politician to Sputnik: 'US Pulling Us Into Abyss of War in Middle East'

Oct 1, 2016


How has the situation on the ground in Syria changed after a year of Russian military involvement? Speaking to Sputnik, veteran German politician Willy Wimmer suggested that it has demonstrated that Russia is the only major power ready to seriously fight terrorism, and to call for an end to a war which risks spreading across the region.


The US and its allies, meanwhile, have only managed to throw a wrench in the peace process, and have been unable to reach any of their own goals due to the Russian intervention, the politician argues.


Wimmer is a veteran member of the Christian Democratic Union with over thirty years of experience in the Bundestag. The politician has served as State Secretary of the German Defense Ministry, and as a vice president of the OSCE; he is a close friend of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl.


Interviewed by Sputnik Deutschland and asked to comment on the evolution of the Syrian crisis, Wimmer began by noting that virtually from the beginning, that conflict was a product of foreign meddling. "What we are witnessing today is part of a longer development," the politician said. "The civil war which broke out five years ago resulted in a tragic struggle right at the moment when the Syrian-Israeli conflict over the Golan Heights seemed to have already been settled. All that was left to do was sign the agreement which could have resulted in peace in the Middle East. And if not for certain forces who were not interested in peace, this agreement would have been signed." "We know that at the very beginning of the Syrian tragedy, British, French and US special forces became involved, giving this war, at the moment looking more like a civil conflict, a global significance," the politician emphasized

Now, Wimmer suggested, the central question comes down to "whether we can put an end to this disaster and prevent the spread of the Syrian inferno to other countries, which would signify the start of a great war."


"The intervention by the Americans and Europeans in Syria is a clear violation of international law," Wimmer emphasized. "This is a military operation on the territory of another state, one that's not authorized by the UN or under international law."


Okay, so a German politician with 30 years experience and who served at the highest levels in the Defense Ministry thinks that the entire Syrian conflict is the result of meddling by US/NATO forces that had no interest in a budding peace agreement in 2011, that only Russia has a legal mandate to be in Syria, and that the whole thing could boil over into a wider and far more dangerous greater war.

I concur with all of that, by the way.

Here’s what a responsible government who saw things that way would respond:

Germany to tell people to stockpile food and water in case of attacks

Aug 21, 2016


For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the German government plans to tell citizens to stockpile food and water in case of an attack or catastrophe, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper reported on Sunday.


"The population will be obliged to hold an individual supply of food for ten days," the newspaper quoted the government's "Concept for Civil Defence" – which has been prepared by the Interior Ministry – as saying.


That’s what the US government should be advising its own citizens but is not, either because of hubris deceit, or the mistaken belief that because the last two great wars did not reach US shores this one won’t either.  But having some self-reliance is always a good idea, and one shouldn’t need their government to tell them so, but however people become more prepared is okay by me.

Russia too is not only advising its citizen to prepare, but going one step further by telling them to specifically prepare for a nuclear war

Russia tells citizens to ‘prepare for nuclear war with West’

Oct 4, 2016


Russia has warned citizens that a nuclear war with the West could be imminent – sparked by clashes in the Middle East.


Zvezda, a nationwide TV service run by the country’s Ministry of Defence, said last week, ‘Schizophrenics from America are sharpening nuclear weapons for Moscow.’


Officials said on Friday that underground shelters had been built which could house 12 milion people – enough for the entire population of Moscow.


That’s how badly trust in the West has been damaged for Russia – it now thinks such madmen and madwomen are in charge in the West that it’s now saying nuclear war is a distinct possibility.  How this is not front page news and being actively debated in the US is simply fascinating. And scary.

If war is a possibility, then a responsible party will prepare.  The Russians and the Germans are being responsible in that sense.

The Russians have gone further and are actively preparing their citizens not just for war, but nuclear war.   This may seem extreme and certainly nobody wants anything to go that far, but Russia’s background has taught her that when it comes to war, nothing is ever certain.

And that war comes to her lands regularly.  Every invading force has paid a bitter price for trying to occupy Russia and that informs her mindset.  Shit happens.  Best to be ready for it.

The US is on the opposite side of that spectrum having been in the bully position for so long, and not having ever been invaded and occupied, that it seems delightfully unaware that suffering from the effects of war is a distinct possibility.

Perhaps not by an invading force, but certainly by one that possesses nuclear weapons and superior cyber skills. 

The Russian Mindset

Far be it from me to claim that I have any particular insight into the Russian mindset.  I’ll leave that to such experts as Dmitry Orlov. 

But I can read the tea leaves and I don’t think it takes a Russian or military expert to divine the meaning behind this:

Russia's Putin suspends plutonium cleanup accord with U.S. because of 'unfriendly' acts


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday suspended an agreement with the United States for disposal of weapons-grade plutonium because of "unfriendly" acts by Washington, the Kremlin said.


A Kremlin spokesman said Putin had signed a decree suspending the 2010 agreement under which each side committed to destroy tonnes of weapons-grade material because Washington had not been implementing it and because of current tensions in relations.


The deal, signed in 2000 but which did not come into force until 2010, was being suspended due to "the emergence of a threat to strategic stability and as a result of unfriendly actions by the United States of America towards the Russian Federation", the preamble to the decree said.


It also said that Washington had failed "to ensure the implementation of its obligations to utilize surplus weapons-grade plutonium".


Trust is broken; the US has not been living up to its end of the agreement and is being antagonistic towards Russia.  Russia thinks it may need its weapons grade plutonium after all.  Two very bad signs.

With trust broken and diplomacy cut off, all we can do is note that Russia is now acting as if it has to defend itself and be prepared for war.

Here’s one editorial from inside Russia that lays out some of the thinking going on, much of which we’ve already covered and which echoes the German politician’s views:

The United States is, once again, the aggressor nation calling foul when things don't go according to plan.


Washington has no international mandate to be in Syria — neither in its skies, nor as "advisors" to "moderate rebels" on the ground. Washington (along with its freedom-loving allies — Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE, all bastions of democracy) has simply invited itself to the party. And by "party" we mean "a proxy war dressed up as a democratic uprising that has killed hundreds of thousands and further destabilized the entire region, while creating a massive refugee crisis in the process."


A week ago, Washington murdered (with bombs) more than 60 uniformed soldiers of a country that they aren't even officially at war with, inside their own borders. Putin strikes again! according to the New York Times.


Of course, the editorial is eager to point out all the heinous war crimes that Russia has committed in Syria — none of which have been verified by anyone aside from the Pentagon. Should we really be surprised, though? In a recent article in The Nation, Adam Johnson reminds his readers that:


?“The New York Times‘s editorial board has supported every single US war—Persian Gulf, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Libya—for the past 30 years. While its reporting and op-eds on these wars has often been critical, much of it’s coverage has also helped to sell war-weary liberals on the current military mission—the most notable example being Judith Miller and Michael Gordon’s hyping Iraq’s nonexistent nuclear program in the buildup to the March 2003 invasion.


Indeed, the image of The New York Times as an objective, unbiased news outlet is precisely how it was able to sell the war in the first place.”


The summary:  The US started the Syrian conflict with the intention of toppling yet another Middle Eastern government (“regime” in the parlance of the spin masters), things have not gone exactly as it wanted, and now it’s acting illegally and dangerously because it did not get its way.

Also, the NY Times is not an unbiased news source, especially when it comes to supporting wars general and in the Middle East specifically.

I would also remind everyone here that a letter was written earlier in the spring of 2016 and signed by 51 State Department workers urging Obama to bomb Assad’s forces, which would have meant, by proxy, bombing Russia.  When your alleged “diplomats” are the ones calling for bombing it tells you just how far off the rails your entire apparatus of state has gone.

The main conclusion here is that the US is the most war like country on the planet, and it has somehow defaulted into using force early and often to get its way.

The difference this time?  It’s picked a fight with a smaller kid in the school yard who happens to be a black belt in judo.

This time, the fight won’t be as easy as in times past.  Things are very different now, and Russia has spent the past few decades improving its missile technology which I predict will turn out to be a real game changer with a very high ROI.

The thinking seems to be, you build a $100 million ship and I will sink it from very far away with a $100,000 missile. 

It took me a while to confirm this, but I believe this next video to be true and showing the Yemeni ‘rebels’ sinking a very modern and expensive HSV-2 navy catamaran that had been sold to the UAE from a very long distance away.

While the claim of having struck this ship cannot be completely verified at this time, the missile launch and resulting explosion at sea in the video above are consistent with the claim. 

This should be a big wake-up call to everyone, and I’m sure it is in the military, but your chance of reading about this and its implications n the western press are very low indeed.  Did you hear of this?  I doubt it.


Russia and the US are edging ever closer to armed conflict in Syria.  We can hope and pray for our own selfish purposes that the conflict remains confined to Syria but it may not.

I cannot find any particularly good reason to be demonizing Russia at this point.  From my perspective all Russia has done is react to the circumstances presented to it by the west.  Russia did not destabilize Ukraine, the US and the EU did.  By reacting to that and protecting the Russian speaking people on it’s own borders, Russia has committed some sort of sin to the power players in the US.

Similarly, by legally responding to a request to help by the government of Syria, Russia has done something unconscionable…namely, resisted the wishes of the necons and likuds.

Let’s be perfectly blunt, innocent civilian lives mean nothing to those people.  They never have and they never will. 

What matters to people who regularly transgress other people’s boundaries is that they themselves are not resisted.  Have you ever noticed this in your own life?  I have.  When someone who violates my boundaries is met with any sort of resistance at all, they experience it as me attacking them.

I remember well being yelled at by someone who did that a lot to people in their life and when I’d had enough an exactly matched their intensity to simply say “Stop!  This is where I begin and you end!” they recoiled and told everyone that I had attacked them.

Where we could analyze the Russian-US situation from a variety of directions – political, historical, etc. – I am going to do it from the psychological perspective.

I see the neocons and likuds as very damaged and traumatized individuals.  They carry a set of internal wounds that express on the outside as a very belligerent and hostile set of postures and actions.

If I were to guess at their internal wound, it might be something along the lines of “I was really hurt as a child and nobody will ever hurt me again like that.”

The best way to not be hurt is to lash out as fiercely and as rapidly as you can, in every circumstance.  The motto is “Do one to others before they do one to me.”

The mistake you and I could make would be to assume on any level that these people share our world view and will not “go all the way” before turning back.  They are not built the same.  The ends always justify the means to these people.  They do not rationally calculate outcomes because they are operating from a very wounded and highly irrational spot.

Have you ever tried using logic on someone who is in a full emotional meltdown?  How did that work out?  Not well, right?  In fact, it almost certainly made things worse.

Well even though the neocons who have inserted themselves into every crevice of power in the US seem cold and rational, they are not.  They are driven by demons that came to them early in life, perhaps handed down as a part of their culture, which taught them that the world was a very hostile place always looking for a reason to kill them.

That’s the nature of all childhood wounds.  Delivered early enough they all come down to survival.  If you are told directly or covertly over and over again that you are defective, unloved and unlovable, then the early innocent mind goes to insane lengths to wrap itself around that harsh reality.

Inner contracts are written, and they inform that person’s outlook and actions for the rest of their lives or until they are healed, whichever comes first.

The colossal mistake being made in the US is failing to recognize that people carrying such childhood wounds really cannot ever be trusted to act rationally.  In a healthy culture we’d  be able to detect these people early in life and usher them either into harmless yet worthy jobs or get them the treatment they need.

Instead, they roam the halls undetected and because they crave the power that they lacked in childhood they become over-represented in the halls of power.  Once they achieve critical mass in any institution they take over the entire machinery of that organization.

That is where the US is now.  This (next) rush to war is not a matter of anything rational or explicable, it is a function of having too many damaged and wounded people in charge operating from deeply unconscious levels.

And here’s the thing; they will not stop, ever, unless stopped by circumstances.  They will never achieve enough power.  The void they seek to fill cannot be filled from the outside.  Nothing will ever ‘be enough.’

There’s no end, but a violent one.

And this is why I am warning you to prepare for war.  Whether it happens now with Russia or later with someone else, it will happen.  The only thing that will stop these neocons is if they are exposed and flushed from the system or if their power is stripped away by losing a war.

By failing to understand the wound dynamics at play we are all being held hostage to a drama being scripted by very old and unhealed wounds.

Nothing about this circumstance can ever be solved on the outside; only inner healing can shift any of this.

It is deeply telling that the two main party candidates for the US presidency are each poster-children for wound-driven egos run amuck.  Both are obviously fragile and unable to handle anything but fawning admiration, neither seems capable of honest introspection or real empathy.

They are, literally, the direct manifestations of a nation that has yet to confront its own inner demons.  And until it does there will always have to be some sort of external bogey man that it can project its on worst traits upon as it desperately avoids asking the most important question of them all; “Hey, what if my troubles are because of me and my actions?”

In our report How To Prepare For War, we explain how conflict can take many forms: trade wars, energy wars, financial wars, cyberwar, shooting wars, and nuclear war. We lay out in great detail the steps we, as individuals, can do to prepare for each.

And fortunately, this preparation comes with an upside: as many of these precautions will be life-enhancing steps even if — hopefully, if — tensions de-escalate from here.

So, sadly, please follow the actions of the German and Russian governments and prepare yourself for war.  While we can all hope this too blows over and cooler heads prevail, hope alone is a terrible strategy.

Click here to read How To Prepare For War (free executive summary, enrollment required for full access)


via http://ift.tt/2dbm5JJ Tyler Durden

Podesta Emails Reveal Illegal Coordination With David Brock Super PAC

Another startling discovery from the “Podesta Emails” seems to indicate that the Clinton campaign openly coordinated with the “Correct The Record” Super PAC run by David Brock…which we believe is technically a felony.  That said, we’re sure the FBI could find a way to argue the intent. 

Per the email below, Podesta wrote to Jennifer Palmieri, Hillary’s Director of Communications, among others in the campaign, in March of last year asking whether the campaign should be coordinating with “Brock” to attack the “Clinton Cash” book as a “Murdoch Special.”  Palmieri clearly agrees with the coordination by responding with a simple “Yes.”

Of course, all of these conversations were conducted via gmail accounts rather than official campaign accounts…better luck next time keeping the shady stuff off the record…

Super PAC


The questions over coordination with the Super PAC began after Clinton strategist, Jim Margolis, sent around an email about a rumor that 60 Minutes was working on a story on the “Clinton Cash” book written by Peter Schweizer (we wrote about the book here:  “Clinton Cash: “Devastating” Documentary Reveals How Clintons Went From “Dead Broke” To Mega Wealthy“). 

Deputy Communications Director, Kristina Schake, confirms that she also heard about the potential 60 Minutes story and pointed out that is precisely why they “desperately want to get the book ahead of time.”

Super PAC


Ironically, as The Washington Free Beacon recently pointed out, the Campaign Legal Center just filed a legal complaint with the Federal Election Commission last Thursday alleging illegal coordination between Hillary’s campaign and the Brock Super PAC which, as they point out, is “prohibited by federal law.”  Seems as though Assange pretty just won this case for the Campaign Legal Center.

A legal complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday accuses the Hillary Clinton campaign of illegally coordinating with David Brock’s super PAC.


The Campaign Legal Center charges that Brock’s PAC Correct the Record contributed nearly $6 million in in-kind donations to the Clinton campaign in the form of coordinated expenditures, Law Newz reported. Such donations are prohibited by federal law, according to the complaint.


“Correct the Record is a $6 million Washington D.C.-based political committee that spends millions on opposition research, message development, surrogate training and booking, professional video production, and press outreach for the benefit of the Clinton campaign—and by its own admission, does so in full coordination with the Clinton campaign,” the Campaign Legal Center said in the complaint.


“Because Correct the Record is effectively an arm of the Clinton campaign, million-dollar-plus contributions to the super PAC are indistinguishable from contributions directly to Clinton–and pose the same risk of corruption,” the group said in a statement.

According to The Washington Free Beacon, Bernie Sanders previously criticized Clinton for hiring Brock as her lead super PAC operative in May, calling him “the scum of the Earth.”

Sanders accused Clinton of distorting his record on issues ranging from the Wall Street bailout to gun control through the pro-Clinton PAC Correct the Record, which is run by Brock.


“There are a lot of decent people who know how to raise money from rich people. That run a super PAC,” Sanders said, criticizing Clinton’s hiring of Brock.


He alluded to Brock’s takedown of Anita Hill in the early 1990s after she accused Justice Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings of sexual harassment.


Brock in 1993 authored “The Real Anita Hill” that he said detailed her “true motives” in accusing Thomas. He later said the book was a lie intended to destroy Hill’s credibility to protect Thomas’ reputation.


I don’t have anybody on my staff who has spent his life as an attack dog who has gone about trying to destroy political opponents. And I think that should make people. They play very dirty … Their response is look, that’s the world we live in, that’s what you gotta do. I understand that. I don’t think that’s what you gotta do. I don’t think you hire scum of the Earth to be on your team just because the other side does it. You gotta play in a little bit different way.”

As we’ve asked before, how many plumes of smoke have to be discovered before an official fire is declared?

via http://ift.tt/2dn0uMk Tyler Durden

Dead People And Illegal Immigrants Are Being Registered To Vote All Over America

Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Without free and fair elections, what hope is there for the future of America?  The integrity of our voting process is of the utmost importance, and yet so little attention is being paid to it.  Later this week I am going to share some documented facts about voting fraud during the 2012 election that most Americans have never even heard about, and it is absolutely imperative that we don’t allow this kind of funny business to happen again this time.  Today, I am going to share some examples of how dead people and illegal immigrants are actually being registered to vote all over America.  Despite very strong and very angry denials by the mainstream media, the truth is that election fraud is absolutely rampant in this country, and when someone tries to steal an election they are committing a crime against all of us.

Let’s start with what just happened in Virginia.  A college student at James Madison University is under investigation for registering 19 dead people to vote so that he could vote for Hillary Clinton a whole bunch of times

Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote (see “FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia“).  While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operation…until now.


Meet, Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, and apparently “Lead Organizer” for HarrisonburgVOTES.  According to the Daily News-Record, Spieles confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election cycle.


While this should come as a surprise to precisely 0 people, Spieles just happens to be Democrat who, accorded to a deleted FaceBook post, apparently recently ran for Caucus Chair of the Virginia Young Democrats.

In recent weeks I have been researching election fraud extensively, and almost every time it involves Democrats.  Perhaps they take lying, cheating and stealing a lot less seriously than Republicans do.  This student at James Madison University was caught when a note congratulating a deceased veteran for registering to vote was sent to his family.  The following comes from the Washington Post

One case came to light after relatives of a deceased man received a note congratulating him for registering, Rockingham County Commonwealth’s Attorney Marsha Garst said Thursday.


“His family members were very distraught,” said Garst, who confirmed the existence of the FBI and police investigation but said she could provide few details because the case is ongoing.

Of course there are lots of other examples of this kind of thing happening around the nation.  In the swing state of Colorado, an investigation has uncovered a “very serious” pattern of dead people actually casting votes in multiple elections.  One has to wonder how long this has been going on

Local officials in Colorado acknowledged “very serious” voter fraud after learning of votes cast in multiple elections under the named of recently-deceased residents.


A local media outlet uncovered the fraud by comparing voting history databases in the state with federal government death records. “Somebody was able to cast a vote that was not theirs to cast,” El Paso County Clerk and Recorder Chuck Broerman told CBS4 while discussing what he called a “very serious” pattern of people mailing in ballots on behalf of the dead.


It’s not clear how many fraudulent ballots have been submitted in recent years. CBS4 reported that it “found multiple cases” of dead people voting around the state, revelations that have provoked state criminal investigations.

It also turns out that dead people have been voting in California.  In fact, one dead man in the state has been casting votes since 2004, and authorities have found “hundreds” of similar examples…

“He took a lot of time choosing his candidates,” said Annette Givans of her father, John Cenkner.


Cenkner died in Palmdale in 2003. Despite this, records show that he somehow voted from the grave in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2010.


But he’s not the only one.


CBS2 compared millions of voting records from the California Secretary of State’s office with death records from the Social Security Administration and found hundreds of so-called dead voters.

Do these instances of voting fraud make you angry?

If so, that is good, because they should.  Countless numbers of Americans have laid down their lives to give us the right to vote, and the people behind this vote fraud are making a mockery of their sacrifices.

In the swing state of Pennsylvania, an investigation has found dozens of instances where illegal immigrants have been allowed to vote in recent elections

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half — 40 — even voted in at least one recent election, according to a legal group that sued to get voter registration records.


Joseph Vanderhulst, an attorney with the Public Interest Legal Foundation, noted Philadelphia knows about those 86 illegal voters only because officials received specific requests — in almost every case from the voters themselves — to remove the names from the rolls. He said there is no way to know how many non-citizens might be registered to vote in Philadelphia, let alone in the rest of politically crucial Pennsylvania.

But of course Pennsylvania is far from alone.  It also turns out that lots of illegal immigrants have been voting in Virginia

Philadelphia becomes the latest jurisdiction that the Public Interest Legal Foundation has revealed to have irregularities in the voter rolls. The group recently found 1,046 non-citizens who had been registered to vote in eight Virginia counties and that nearly 200 cast ballots between 2005 and 2015.

It should be obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense that we need to tighten up our voting laws and that we need much stricter enforcement.  Unfortunately, Democrats typically fight tooth and nail against such measures.

In Indiana, state police just raided a voter registration agency that appears to have been involved in a voting fraud scheme that spanned nine counties.  What they have uncovered so far is extremely alarming

Police said the growing number of involved counties leads investigators to believe that the number of fraudulent records might be in the hundreds.


The possible fraudulent information is a combination of fake names, addresses and dates of birth with real information.

No matter what your political perspective is, the facts that I just laid out should deeply disturb you.

There are documented incidents of voting fraud all over the nation, and it is inexcusable that dead people and illegal immigrants are being allowed to cast votes in our elections.

And later this week I am going to share with you some absolutely amazing evidence that a systematic attempt was made to alter the outcome of the last presidential election.

If we don’t stop these crooks from messing with our elections, it is just going to keep happening over and over again.  So if you see something strange when you go to vote in 2016, please let me know, because I plan to make this a major issue if there is evidence of fraud this time around.

via http://ift.tt/2cZoSqW Tyler Durden

Donald Trump is in Trouble – Part 2

As an American citizen who considers himself relatively well informed and deeply invested in the future of the nation, the 2016 U.S. Presidential election has been simultaneously bizarre, exciting, depressing, entertaining and embarrassing. In particular, yesterday represented perhaps the most overwhelming news day of my lifetime from a purely political perspective. The purpose of today’s post is to provide readers with an updated analysis of the race, and how I think things have changed. At this point, I’ve watched the disturbing and vulgar Trump audio a couple of times, and I’ve gone through enough of the Wikileaks Podesta emails to have a more informed opinion than I did yesterday. This post isn’t going to try to inform readers of how I think voters should react, but it will focus on how I think they will react. After all, my opinions are of little to no significance when it comes to what will happen on November 8th.

As disgusted as I am with the current state of the financial industry, I learned a lot of very valuable lessons from my decade on Wall Street. One of the most significant of them is incapsulated by the saying “you need to trade the market you have, not the market you want.” So what does that mean?

continue reading

from Liberty Blitzkrieg http://ift.tt/2d2QlTN

Russia Deploys Nuclear-Capable Missiles To Kaliningrad, Near Polish Border

Back in November 2008, then Russian president Dmitry Medvedev made a stark warning to NATO: “Russia will deploy Iskander missile systems in its enclave in Kaliningrad to neutralize, if necessary, the anti-ballistic missile system in Europe.” Subsequently we reported in 2013 that in a seeming escalation as the US ballistic shield of Europe appeared on its way to completion, there were unconfirmed reports that Russia had deployed a “double-digit” amount of SS-26 mobile units within Kaliningrad.

Fast forward to this past May, when in a dramatic development for the global nuclear balance of power, we reported that starting May 12, the United States would launch its European missile defense system dubbed Aegis Ashore at a remote airbase in the town of Deveselu, Romania, almost a decade after Washington proposed protecting NATO from Iranian rockets and despite repeated Russian warnings that the West is threatening the peace in central Europe.

As Robert Bell, a NATO-based envoy of U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter explained “we now have the capability to protect NATO in Europe. The Iranians are increasing their capabilities and we have to be ahead of that. The system is not aimed against Russia,” he told reporters, adding that the system will soon be handed over to NATO command.

We also noted that the Kremlin, which for years has warned that it would have no choice than to escalate proportionally, was “incensed at such of show of force by its Cold War rival in formerly communist-ruled eastern Europe where it once held sway.” Moscow said that the U.S.-led alliance is trying to encircle it close to the strategically important Black Sea, home to a Russian naval fleet and where NATO is also considering increasing patrols. Russia has good reason to be worried: the US move is a clear defection from the carefully established Game Theory equilibrium in the aftermath of the nuclear arms race, one which potentially removes a Russian first strike threat, thereby pressuring Russia.

We added that “the precarious nuclear balance of power in Europe has suddenly shifted, and quite dramatically: despite U.S. assurances, the Kremlin said the missile shield’s real aim is to neutralize Moscow’s nuclear arsenal long enough for the United States to make a first strike on Russia in the event of war.”

To be sure, Russia was furious and Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov told reporters in a conference call that “we have been saying right from when this story started that our experts are convinced that the deployment of the ABM system poses a certain threat to the Russian Federation” adding that “measures are being taken to ensure the necessary level of security for Russia,” he said. “The president himself, let me remind you, has repeatedly asked who the system will work against.”

The led us to the following conclusion in May: “we are absolutely certain, another nuclear ICBM deployment in the proximity of central Europe is imminent as Russia has no choice but to respond and this time it will be very much confirmed.

This was indeed confirmed yesterday when the WSJ reported that Russia has shipped a sophisticated nuclear-capable missile system toward its territorial exclave bordering Poland, according to Western government officials, introducing a powerful military asset into an already tense region and prompting expressions of concern by allied officials.

A Russian naval ship had been observed carrying an Iskander missile system toward the country’s Kaliningrad port. Kaliningrad is a seaside exclave of Russian territory between Poland and Lithuania.

The WSJ observes that Russia has stationed the system in Kaliningrad before, but only briefly, for military exercises. Confirming our previous reports, it also notes that the Kremlin has threatened to deploy the Iskander missiles to Kaliningrad on a permanent basis in response to the construction of the Aegis Ashore missile defense system in Poland.

Iskander missile systems are mobile and carry two solid-propellant single-stage guided missiles. While there are various versions of the system, the guided missiles have a range of between 250 and 310 miles. That would give it access to most of the territory of the Baltic states—Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia—and their southern neighbor, Poland.

Missiles launched from versions of the Iskander system could reach from Kaliningrad well into Germany, U.S. military officials have said. This presents challenges for the American-made NATO missile defense system, which is designed to intercept missiles traveling much longer distances.

While Russian officials contacted by the Wall Street Journal declined to comment on the alleged move,  Western officials said they believe Moscow deployed the missiles on a temporary basis as a display of strength as its relations with the U.S. reach a low.  Having accurately predicted the Russian response earlier in the year, we very much doubt this move is temporary. In fact, quite the opposite.

And while NATO has been quite eager to expand its presence in countries neighboring Russia, and to engage in the Aegis Ashore ABM shield which Russia explicitly warned would lead to this retaliation, it was certainly not happy with the Russian action.

“While we cannot comment on intelligence matters, any deployment close to our borders of missiles that can carry nuclear warheads would not help to lower tensions,” Mr. White said. “We need more—not less—transparency and predictability on military activities to avoid incidents and the risk of misunderstandings.”

* * *

This is merely the latest escalation in long-running processm in which both sides have provoked each other to encourage even more military retaliation. The past year has also witnessed a steady rise in tensions between Russia and European neighbors such as Poland.

On the Russian side, the military has deployed increasingly sophisticated surface-to-surface missiles and mobile infantry divisions capable of seizing all three Baltic states within 60 hours, according to a recent analysis by the Rand Corporation, a U.S.-based think tank. On Friday, a Russian war plane flew into Estonian air space, an increasingly frequent occurrence in that area.

The U.S. and NATO have also boosted their own position in the Baltics. In July, NATO agreed to position up to 4,000 soldiers in Poland and each of the Baltic States beginning in 2017. The U.S. is set to begin rotating a heavy brigade, to be headquartered in Poland.

Cited by the WSJ, Air Force Lt Col David Faggard, a spokesman for U.S. European Command in Germany, said he was aware of the public reports of the deployment. “If these reports are true, this would mark an unfortunate and unnecessary event that could lead to unintended escalation and destabilization,” he said.

Considering that Putin is responding to a previous NATO action which he warned would lead to precisely this outcome, we are confident that an “unintended escalation and destabilization” is precisely what NATO originally desired.

A schematic of the Iskander (SS-26 Stone) missile system is shown below.


via http://ift.tt/2dUUABY Tyler Durden

Dilbert’s Scott Adams Outlines 14 Reasons Why ‘The Trump Tapes’ Don’t Matter

None other than anti-Trump GOP establishmentarian Erick Erickson (yeah seriously) threw down the gauntlet at Dilbert Creator Scott Adams following the Access Hollywood recording in which Donald Trump said bad things eleven years ago…

Well, he didn't have to wait long… Challenge accepted!

I’ll give you my thoughts, in no particular order.


1. If this were anyone else, the election would be over. But keep in mind that Trump doesn’t need to outrun the bear. He only needs to outrun his camping buddy. There is still plenty of time for him to dismantle Clinton. If you think things are interesting now, just wait. There is lots more entertainment coming.


2. This was not a Trump leak. No one would invite this sort of problem into a marriage.


3. I assume that publication of this recording was okayed by the Clinton campaign. And if not, the public will assume so anyway. That opens the door for Trump to attack in a proportionate way. No more mister-nice-guy. Gloves are off. Nothing is out of bounds. It is fair to assume that Bill and Hillary are about to experience the worst weeks of their lives.


4. If nothing new happens between now and election day, Clinton wins. The odds of nothing new happening in that timeframe is exactly zero.


5. I assume that 75% of male heads of state, including our own past presidents, are total dogs in their private lives. Like it or not, Trump is normal in that world.


6. As fictional mob boss Tony Soprano once said in an argument with his wife, “You knew what you were getting when you married me!” Likewise, Trump’s third wife, Melania, knew what she was getting. It would be naive to assume Trump violated their understanding.


7. Another rich, famous, tall, handsome married guy once told me that he can literally make-out and get handsy with any woman he wants, whether she is married or not, and she will be happy about it. I doubted his ridiculous claims until I witnessed it three separate times. So don’t assume the women were unwilling. (Has anyone come forward to complain about Trump?)


8. If the LGBTQ community wants to be a bit more inclusive, I don’t see why “polyamorous alpha male serial kisser” can’t be on the list. If you want to label Trump’s sexual behavior “abnormal” you’re on shaky ground.


9. Most men don’t talk like Trump. Most women don’t either. But based on my experience, I’m guessing a solid 20% of both genders say and do shockingly offensive things in private. Keep in mind that Billy Bush wasn’t shocked by it.


10. Most male Hollywood actors support Clinton. Those acting skills will come in handy because starting today they have to play the roles of people who do not talk and act exactly like Trump in private.


11. I’m adding context to the discussion, not condoning it. Trump is on his own to explain his behavior.


12. Clinton supporters hated Trump before this latest outrage. Trump supporters already assumed he was like this. Independents probably assumed it too. Before you make assumptions about how this changes the election, see if anyone you know changes their vote because of it. All I have seen so far is people laughing about it.


12. I hereby change my endorsement from Trump to Gary Johnson, just to get out of the blast zone. Others will be “parking” their vote with Johnson the same way. The “shy Trump supporter” demographic just tripled.


13. My prediction of a 98% chance of Trump winning stays the same. Clinton just took the fight to Trump’s home field. None of this was a case of clever strategy or persuasion on Trump’s part. But if the new battleground is spousal fidelity, you have to like Trump’s chances.


14. Trump wasn’t running for Pope. He never claimed moral authority. His proposition has been that he’s an asshole (essentially), but we need an asshole to fight ISIS, ignore lobbyists, and beat up Congress. Does it change anything to have confirmation that he is exactly what you thought he was?


My thoughts above have more to do with reason than persuasion. And that means you can ignore all of it because reason is not part of decision-making when it comes to politics. On the persuasion level, all that matters is whether this new development changes what you already assumed about Trump.

Personally, it didn’t change what I assumed about Trump’s personal life. Your mileage may vary.


Read more here…

And finally, Adams sums up the sheer hypocrisy perfectly…

via http://ift.tt/2e2vhmh Tyler Durden

Mainstream Media Implodes Over Trump Sex Comments

Caught on tape making shockingly crude comments about a married woman he tried to seduce, Donald Trump reeled under widespread condemnation Friday … Donald Trump declared in a midnight video, “I was wrong and I apologize.” Yet even as he did so, he claimed the astonishing recording was “nothing more than a distraction” and argued his words were not nearly as egregious as former President Bill Clinton’s marital affairs.  -ABC

On the Internet, a great deal of testimony exists regarding Bill Clinton’s cocaine dealing in Arkansas and his serial rapes attested to by numerous women, but sexual banter by Donald Trump that occurred in a private conversation more than a decade ago is front page news – and Trump is supposed to resign because of it.

Republican politicians are making the request, as we learn from this ABC article, and other mainstream media coverage as well. To the best of our knowledge neither the mainstream media or many top Republicans have focused on the panorama of accusations regarding Bill Clinton.

Nor are they emphasizing Hillary Clinton’s questionable statements and behavior as presented in numerous emails that have been leaked over the past week.

One can imagine that many in politics are intimidated by the Clintons, but that doesn’t explain the attacks on Trump. True, he made statements in terrible taste about sexual issues and women in general, but these are, nonetheless, words, not actions.


On Friday afternoon, The Washington Post and NBC News released a 2005 video on which Trump describes trying to have sex with a married woman. He also brags about women letting him kiss and grab them because he is famous. “When you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.” He adds seconds later, “Grab them by the p—-. You can do anything.”

Within hours, the shock of the video led to widespread condemnation from inside Trump’s own party. House Speaker Paul Ryan said he was sickened by Trump’s comments, while a one-sentence response from GOP’s chairman was devastating. “No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. Ever,” said Reince Priebus, who had stood by Trump through his past provocative comments.

Ryan added tartly that Trump was “no longer attending” a joint campaign appearance set for Saturday in Wisconsin. Trump himself later said in a statement that he would be preparing for Sunday night’s debate instead. Other Republicans, painfully aware of Trump’s possible impact on their own political fates, were quick to chime in.

New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, who is locked in a close race, called his comments “totally inappropriate and offensive.” Republican Illinois Senator Mark Kirk, facing a tight reelection campaign against Democrat and U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth, condemned the remarks on Twitter. He also called from Trump to drop out of the race.

Trump didn’t bring up the Clinton’s sexual history during the first debate with Hillary, and said later he had decided to forego that kind of attack because the Clinton’s only child, Chelsea Clinton was in the audience. Ironically, there are rumors about Chelsea’s paternity as well.

But larger, sustained reports featuring drug-dealing and sexual abuse in Arkansas during Clinton’s governorship have long haunted Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton has been drawn into the reports as someone who defended  her husband and tried to intimidate the women that her husband reportedly attacked.

These reports are well known and yet have mostly gone uninvestigated by the mainstream. In evaluating reporting, one should recall that mainstream media publication Newsweek made a determination not to report on Monica Lewinsky, and her story was finally published at the alternative news site, Drudge.com.

This pattern of selective reporting has existed for decades, throughout the 20th and 21st century, in fact. But with the advent of the Internet and now Donald Trump’s campaign, the contrasts are becoming increasingly marked.

As we’ve pointed out in the past, the polarization of this current presidential campaign means that over 50 percent or more of “conservative” American voters are increasingly aware of purposeful mis-reporting in the mainstream media. That’s probably up to 75 million who are noticing  the clear bias when it comes to reporting on this political campaign.

Again, this is a long-term bias, but it has never been so clearly presented as now. It constitutes a virtual implosion of mainstream media credibility, one unfortunately abetted by GOP participation.

The libertarian campaign of former congressman Ron Paul first exposed GOP hypocrisy and manipulation when it came political issues. Ron Paul was in many ways an ideal Republican candidate if one accepted GOP rhetoric about the primacy of the market and the benefits of private enterprise.

But Ron Paul was virtually driven from the presidential race, his followers attacked and his prospects dimmed by underhanded voting tactics that finally crowned the uninspiring Mitt Romney as the GOP nominee of choice.

Now, again, the same sort of pattern reoccurs, only this time on a much bigger stage. From reports going back to Clinton’s governorship to the FBI coverup of Hillary’s email manipulations, it is shockingly obvious how manipulated mainstream media reports have become.

GOP credibility is in tatters; mainstream media provides evidence on a daily basis of its not-so-secret bias. The result is a nation-state with tens of millions who believe little or nothing about politics or the news (except perhaps what can be viewed on certain ‘Net websites).

Equally disturbing, one can speculate that this destruction of credibility is no coincidence. It is very clear that powerful forces want global governance to substitute for the influence of nation states as soon as possible. Throughout the West, cultures are under attack. Since the US has little in the way of tribal culture (absent the AmerIndians), the best way to degrade the American state is to destroy the credibility of its institutions.

In fact, it’s hard to believe that those who make up the behind-the-scenes American leadership were unaware of Hillary’s health issues and ensured her candidacy nonetheless. This is only feasible if there was an intention to degrade the viability of the political process itself.

Day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month, millions of Americans watch the political and media process unfolding around them with growing astonishment. The nation itself likely will not recover from this spectacle, nor is it supposed to in our view. No matter who wins the election, underlying elite goals have likely been accomplished.

Interestingly, as we were approaching deadline, we noticed an article in the American Thinker, entitled “Trump’s dirty talk versus Hillary’s corruption.” This report made some of the points we’ve made above. In fact, the writer observes, “I have never seen a media so in the tank. The media show every day their bias by what they report, how they report, and especially what they choose not to report. Our freedoms are in danger.”

This is a true and acute observation. We’d only re-emphasize that the destruction of freedom is a deliberate one, not meant to be hidden anymore. As a result, millions now believe neither in “America,” nor its mainstream news or political process.

Conclusion: This is part of a larger destruction of Western culture and values and it is ongoing. What’s taking place is not happenstance, not in Europe, nor in the US. Freedom is being destroyed, but in a deliberate manner, to send a message and increase polarization. Many currents are swirling beneath the surface that make this presidential campaign an epochal one. 

See more: Total Economic Manipulation Builds False Reality While Wiping Out Water-Powered Cars?

via http://ift.tt/2ee3iiX TDB

Duterte Dares CIA To “Oust” Him, Puts Joint Patrols With US On Hold

In what has now become a daily ritual, one day after Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte dared Barack Obama to “withdraw assistance“, not missing the opportunity to insert one “you can go to hell, Mr Obama”, on Friday the outspoken president once again took aim at the US, this time targeting the CIA, whom he urged to try and oust him, as he branded Western critics of his deadly crime war “animals” and vowed many more killings.

Whether due to paranoia, or simply the result of historical precedent, in two fiery speeches to mark his 100 days in office, Duterte repeatedly raised the prospect of local or foreign opponents seeking to remove him from power in an effort to stop the violence. But, as Channel News Asia reports, he insisted he would not be intimidated and that his campaign against drugs, in which an average of more than 33 people a day are being killed, would not end.

“You want to oust me? You want to use the CIA? Go ahead,” Duterte said in a speech in his southern home town of Davao city, referring to the Central Intelligence Agency, while railing against US President Barack Obama and other critics. The speech follows and accusation last month in which Duterte said the CIA was plotting to kill him, but gave no specifics.

“Be my guest. I don’t give a shit,” he said.  “I’ll be ousted? Fine. (If so) it’s part of my destiny. Destiny carries so many things. If I die, that’s part of my destiny. Presidents get assassinated.”

Meanwhile, in the first concrete break in defense cooperation between the US and the Philippines after months of increasingly strident comments by the country’s new president, the Philippine defense chief said Friday he told the U.S. military that plans for joint patrols and naval exercises in the disputed South China Sea have been put on hold, the AP reported. Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana also said that 107 U.S. troops involved in operating surveillance drones against Muslim militants would be asked to leave the southern part of the country once the Philippines acquires those intelligence-gathering capabilities in the near future.

President Rodrigo Duterte also wants to halt the 28 military exercises that are carried out with U.S. forces each year, Lorenzana said. Duterte has said he wants an ongoing U.S.-Philippine amphibious beach landing exercise to be the last in his six-year presidency as he backs away from what he views as too much dependence on the U.S.

“This year would be the last,” Duterte said of military exercises involving the Americans in a speech Friday in southern Davao city where he lashed out at the U.S. anew and repeated his readiness to be ousted from office for his hard-line stance.

“For as long as I am there, do not treat us like a doormat because you’ll be sorry for it,” Duterte said. “I will not speak with you. I can always go to China.”

In Washington, State Department spokesman John Kirby said the U.S. government is not aware of any official notification on curtailing military exercises. He said the U.S. remains focused on its security commitments to Philippines, with which it has a mutual defense treaty.

“We think comments like this, whether they are or will be backed up by actual action or not, are really at odds with the closeness of the relationships that we have with the people of the Philippines and which we fully intend to continue,” Kirby told reporters.

Earlier this week, the outspoken Philippines leader said his US counterpart Barack Obama, whom he has previously publicly called a “son of a whores,” should “go to hell.”

Asked to comment on the possibility that the current joint maneuvers will be the last, Major Roger Hollenbeck, a US military spokesman for the drills, gave a fatalistic response: “If it’s the last, so be it.”

“I have nothing to do with that and we are going to continue to work together; we’ve got a great relationship,” he added. Experts say the Philippines president’s plans to limit the presence of US troops will thwart Washington’s intention to beef up US forces in Southeast Asia in order to counter China.

“President Duterte’s shoot-from-the-hip style of parochial democracy is deeply troubling,” Carl Thayer, an expert on the South China Sea, told AP. “If Duterte moves to curtail US rotational military presence from bases in the Philippines, this would undermine the US ability to deter China not only in defense of Philippines sovereignty, but regional security as well.”

* * *

Duterte’s falling out with Washington will not necessarily spread to U.S. allies such as Japan, for example, which has committed to deliver patrol ships for the Philippine coast guard and has signed a deal to lease five small surveillance planes the country can use to bolster its territorial defense. The planes may arrive as early as next month, Lorenzana said.

The U.S. and Japan have helped the Philippines develop its capabilities to safeguard and defend its territorial waters amid China’s increasingly aggressive actions in the South China Sea. Under Duterte’s predecessor, Benigno Aquino III, the U.S. and Philippine militaries twice staged naval exercises near the disputed waters.

While taking a critical stance on U.S. security policies, Duterte has reached out to China and Russia.

In the latest ongoing failure for US foreign politics, Lorenzana said he has been ordered by Duterte to travel to Beijing and Moscow to discuss what defense equipment the Philippines can acquire from them. Lorenzana told a foreign correspondents’ forum on Friday that Manila should probably “re-assess” its relationship with the US and the benefits of the alliance, asserting that the country’s military would survive even if Washington were to withdraw its aid completely.

“We can live without (that),” Lorenzana said, Reuters reported. The value of US military aid to Manila is “not that much,” the country’s Defense chief added, insisting that military officials could ask the Philippines Congress to make up for a $50-$100 million shortfall a year in aid from Washington.

via http://ift.tt/2dUNs8r Tyler Durden