Lynette M. White, 97, of Fayetteville

Mrs. Lynette M. White, 97, of Fayetteville, died Oct. 26, 2013.

She was born in Union, S.C. and was the #1 mother and grandmother in the world to her family.

She was preceded in death by her husband Claude P. White, daughter Barbara Jean Wood and granddaughter Carrie White Dunn.

She is survived by her daughter Carolyn & George Barker of Locust Grove; Christine & Cecil Turner of Locust Grove; son Claude Phillip & Brenda White of Fayetteville; daughter Cindy & Sidney Funk of Fayetteville; 5 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren as well as several nieces and nephews.

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via The Citizen

Here’s what we’ve done so far with visioning for Fayette


As soon as 150 Fayette citizens and the steering committee decided on Oct 18 that Fayette should develop a vision statement and implementing plan, Fayette immediately took steps to do so.

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via The Citizen

Hey, GOP, put on a happy face

“Bye Bye Birdie” is an old musical that survives in high school productions and in some people’s memory bank. It debuted on Broadway in 1960 and was made into a film in 1963. One of the songs from the show might serve as an inspiration, if not a theme, for Republicans in the winter of their discontent over President Obama and congressional Democrats: “Put on a Happy Face.”

A problem Republicans have had since the “glory days” of Ronald Reagan is that too many have forgotten how to be positive and affirming. Nobody likes to be around a sourpuss.

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via The Citizen

The results of race hustling

Bob Costas is one of the premier sportscasters and a very smart guy, so it was somewhat surprising to see him join the chorus of those decrying the fact that the owner of the Washington Redskins is resisting the pressures to change the name of his football team.

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via The Citizen

Don’t wait on some day

“Some day,” Daddy used to say often as I was growing up, “I’m going to the Holy Land. I want to walk where Jesus walked.”

He talked about it a lot and dreamed about it even more. In those days before the world was presented to us wrapped up in a passel of knowledge known as the Internet, Daddy bought big maps of that storied land.

They were gingerly rolled up and tied with a ribbon after each time he spread them out on the kitchen table and studied them like a child studying a new game.

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via The Citizen

Westmoreland needs fresh ideas

I’m a conservative and have voted and contributed to GOP candidates since the mid-1970s; heck, I even voted for Hal Suit for governor in 1970.

That said, I’m extremely disappointed in our local Republican congressman, Lynn Westmoreland. Together with other Tea Partiers, he chose to follow a wrong-headed strategy that put this nation at grave economic risk.

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via The Citizen

Neighbors oppose Grady plan for ‘apartment community’

I have attended every open city meeting about the proposed development on Grady Avenue since early last year. The meeting Oct. 17 was especially frustrating.

The developer has, once again, tried to appease the opposition to his plan by saying he will make “changes” to the plan.

The community opposition to his plan is the apartments he wants to put in. None of his “revised” plans, however, have eliminated apartments.

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via The Citizen

You can trust this group with SPLOST

Nice to finally know what’s going on.

It has been fascinating to watch the difference ten months can make. A majority of the Fayette County Board of Commissioners in 2012 were secretive and cantankerous.

The band, made up of Herb Frady, Robert Horgan and Lee Hearn, were combative and worked almost exclusively outside of the will of Fayette County’s citizens. The new 2013 team of commissioners have been a breath of fresh air.

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via The Citizen

Southern Conservation Trust favors SPLOST passage

Southern Conservation Trust (SCT) urges voters to carefully consider the core stormwater infrastructure SPLOST on the November election ballot.

The SPLOST referendum would authorize funding for key projects to help preserve the natural condition of lands in Fayette County as well as help address low flow issues in the Flint River Basin.

At the heart of our SCT mission is conserving land and conserving water quality and quantity goes hand-in-hand with the mission. Ensuring each of us, as well as future generations, have affordable, clean and adequate water supplies is crucial.

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via The Citizen