Bill Ackman’s “Seven Hallmarks Of A Pyramid Scheme” Herbalife Takedown

We are used to hedge fund managers blindly making up “facts” to hide the reality that nothing else matters (most definitely not fundamentals) except the Fed’s balance sheet (in order to defend his 2-and-20 sapping performance). So it is ironic that Pershing Square’s Bill Ackman has added to his previous 342-slide PowerPoint presentation with the following 61 pages of his reality in the hope that market technicals (i.e. the weight of activist longs and shrinking float) and momentum will give way to his view that ‘these’ Herbalife’s fundamentals will eventually win. Good luck with that…


Here are his 7 Hallmarks of a Pyramid Scheme and the full Herbalife’s “Robin Hood In Reverse” presentation is found here:


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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