Friday Horror: Forget "Bros" And Easy Women – Obamacare's Latest Pitchman Is Richard Simmons

In order to appeal to their target demographics, the smart people in the marketing department at Obamacare central have provided us with such wonders as kegstanding “bros” and easy-women. However, the following clip – which almost defies description – shows just how desparate (or clueless) the administration has become, as a #GetCovered promo turns dirty-dancing-meets-twerking as Richard Simmons and an unknown male assailant begin to…well just watch…



As a painful reminder – if one were needed – fitsnews notes that: 

In case you’re wondering, Covered California received $43 million worth of federal grant money last year to “educate targeted audiences about the subsidy programs available to them and to motivate consumers and small businesses to be part of obtaining health insurance.”

Thanks taxpayer for funding this orgy of eye-gouging hell…we will never be able to un-see that!

(on a different note, who else thinks Richard Simmons looks like David Darst?)

It’s funny because you never see them together?


h/t Will


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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