Pershing Square’s Herbalife Analyst Gets The Boot

After the epic fail of Pershing Square’s Herbalife short, aka the stock we predicted, correctly, in January 2013 has Volkwagen-like short squeeze potential, it was only a matter of time before the analyst responsible for the trade got the pink slip.

From Pershing Square:

From: Pershing Square-IR
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 06:59 PM
To: William A. Ackman
Subject: Shane Dinneen


Dear Pershing Square Investor,


For several months, Shane Dinneen, a member of our investment team since late 2007, has expressed interest in leaving Pershing Square to pursue other interests.  As Shane is one of the most talented investment analysts I have ever worked with and someone I hold in high regard, I have done my best to convince him to stay with the firm.  Recently, he decided it was time for him to move on to areas of his own interest outside of activist investing.


Shane has been a great contributor to Pershing Square.  Shane did superb work on GGP, Burger King, and most recently Herbalife in addition to many other successful investments.  As our Herbalife investment has moved from financial analysis to a regulatory and legal execution, Shane has not been leading this investment for some time.  Roy Katzovicz, our Chief Legal Officer, and David Klafter, Senior Counsel, have led the Herbalife regulatory effort over the past year and have made significant progress.


We wish Shane success in his future endeavors and have let him know that we will keep a seat open for him on the investment team if and when he decides to return.  Shane intends to remain a meaningful investor in Pershing Square.


With respect to Herbalife, we remain convinced that the Company has operated an illegal pyramid scheme since its founding.  We are encouraged by the recent regulatory developments concerning the Company.





Source: VIC


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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