14 Turkish Protesters Jailed For 2 Years For "Insulting" Prime Minister

Forget throwing Molotov cocktails; don’t worry about throwing stones or hand to hand combat with the Police… the real trouble for Turkish protesters appears to be “insults” and “tree-hugging”:

  • *Turkey Protesters Given Jail for Insults to Erdogan

The punishments vary from 2-years to 14 years in jail!!

So it seems sticks and words can hurt one after all…


If you can’t do the time, don’t plant a tree…

Prosecutor asks for jail time for students protesting the construction of a road at Middle East Technical University in Ankara, NTV news reports.


Three students detained after planting trees as part of protest and charged with obstructing public works


Prosecutor asks for jail sentences ranging from 2 yrs, 6 months to 14 yrs, 6 months


or dare to insult the Prime Minister…

Court in Eskisehir gives 17 suspects jail terms for insulting Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a demonstration, state-run Anatolia news agency reports.


14 suspects get two-year jail sentences each, 3 other suspects get 1 year imprisonment each, Anatolia says


All seems very “fair”…


via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1eQUvMa Tyler Durden

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