TEPCO Slammed By Regulator For “Incorrect” Fukushima Radiation Readings

While the Fukushima nuclear disaster and its ‘clean-up’ remain oddly missing from most mainstream media headlines, the farce continues to unfold. As Reuters reports, Japan’s nuclear regulator has criticized TEPCO for incorrectly measuring radiation levels in contaminated groundwater. The NRA blasted, “something like this cannot happen … This (data) is what becomes the basis of various decisions, so they must do their utmost to avoid mistakes in measuring radiation.


Via Reuters,

Japan’s nuclear regulator has criticized the operator of the stricken Fukushima plant for incorrectly measuring radiation levels in contaminated groundwater at the site.


Almost three years since the reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi station, Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) still lacks basic understanding of measuring and handling radiation, Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) Chairman Shunichi Tanaka said on Wednesday. The utility has been widely criticized for an inept response to the March 2011 disaster.



Tepco said there was a calibration mistake with one machine measuring strontium levels of well water at the plant, and it had also found an error with devices that decipher all-beta radiation.


Something like this cannot happen … This (data) is what becomes the basis of various decisions, so they must do their utmost to avoid mistakes in measuring radiation,” Tanaka told reporters, though he added the mistake did not pose a serious safety risk at the plant.

Of course, it doesn’t really matter what the actual radiation levels are… we assume with the Olympics now set in stone that these “measurements” will be decided by fiat from now on.


via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1m7hBU4 Tyler Durden

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