Truce Broken – At least 50 Dead As Ukraine Protests Re-Ignite – Live Feed

At least 50 are dead, according to Reuters, and hundreds injured as fresh fighting broke out in central Kiev this morning breaking the apparent truce that was in place last night. Who is to blame is up for discussion but of little import in the end as the death toll mounts and live ammunition is being used by the police. A Ukrainian presidential statement said dozens of police were killed or wounded during the opposition offensive hours after Yanukovich and opposition leaders had agreed on a truce… Other witnesses said they saw government snipers firing into the civilian crowds during the clashes.

The Protesters reportedly captured police…

Activists who recaptured the square, known as Maidan or "Euro-Maidan" to the opposition, appeared to lead away several uniformed officers. Dozens of wounded protesters were being given makeshift first aid treatment in the lobby of the Ukraine Hotel, where many foreign correspondents are staying.


Reporters said there were bullet holes in the walls and windows of the hotel overlooking the square. Both sides have accused the other of using live ammunition.


"Black smoke, denotations and gunfire around presidential palace … Officials panicky," tweeted Polish minister Radoslaw Sikorski to explain the delay in the meeting at Yanukovich's office, a few hundred meters from the square.

But the protesters had a different view…

Protesters were in a truculent mood despite the overnight lull and columns of men, bearing clubs and chanting patriotic songs headed to Independence Square at 8:30 a.m. (0130 ET).


"What truce? There is no truce! It is simply war ahead of us! They are provoking us. They throw grenades at us. Burn our homes. We have been here for three months and during that time nothing burned," said 23-year-old Petro Maksimchuk.


"These are not people. They are killers. Sanctions will not help. They all should be sent into isolation in Siberia."

The question is – is this Obama's line being crossed?


Live Feed:


Civilians taking live fire:


Other images show a country in collapse



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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