Discovering Your Life Mission

Submitted by JS Kim, Managing Director of SmartKnowledgeU


It is undeniable that for most of us, our priorities are going to have to change as we all adjust to a standard of living that is less than that of the prior generation. Despite the lies of politicians and bankers worldwide, there has been absolutely no economic recovery, and very little global manufacturing growth and job growth in all major developed world economic regions. Furthermore, developing regions of Asia, flooded by cheap yen, dollars and Euros spurred by out-of-control, unchecked Central Bank monetary creation, has become the 2013 version of the 1997 Asian financial crisis waiting to happen all over again. However, there is reason to be optimistic regarding the future as well, because Central Bank tyrants will fall as all tyrants eventually do. This could open up the doors to re-set the world’s economy based upon a new sound monetary system in which the economic playing field really does provide opportunity to all classes instead of being rigged to serve the 1/10th of 1% only. As we prepare to embark on the lost decade, I believe that

(1) Mental and spiritual preparation; and

(2) Refining your life’s mission

will be essential to forming the resolve necessary to cope with future economic struggles we all will face. We have been a society much too obsessed with celebrity worship and materialism in recent years and discovering one’s life mission can be a fine antidote to this mental sickness that has not only become endemic, but that has also prevented many of us from thinking clearly enough to see through the façades of the many charlatans that lead nations around the world today. Godspeed to all!


discovering your life mission
The Coming Lost Decade: Discovering Your Life’s Mission

(click the above to play the video)


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