Americans On Ebola: “I’m Getting So Nervous”

Coast to coast, ordinary Americans are growing more fearful of what Ebola in America means. Despite reassurances from officials (President Obama on down) that it’s contained, it appears it is not. By anecdote, as Reuters reports, in the Dallas community of Vickery Meadow (where Richard Duncan was staying), a cultural polyglot where about three dozen languages are spoken, the one word on everyone’s lips is “Ebola.” There is little indication a visitor to the community had been infected with a disease that has killed more than 3,000 people in West Africa, in the worst Ebola outbreak on record. “There’s no notes on the doors. No one came to talk to us. I picked up my kids from school down the street and found out it was this close,” one mother exclaimed, adding “right now, I’m not sure to take my daughter to school tomorrow… I’m getting so nervous.”


As Reuters reports,

On Sunday, a group of blighted apartments in a section of the neighborhood favored by West African immigrants was shaken by screams as one family saw a recently arrived relative being carted away in an ambulance.


The man was the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States. He was last seen by neighbors in the parking lot vomiting on the street.


“I heard about Ebola on the news, but I didn’t know it was right here,” said Juan Pablo Escalante, 43, who is from Mexico.


There is little indication a visitor to the community had been infected with a disease that has killed more than 3,000 people in West Africa, in the worst Ebola outbreak on record.


“There’s no notes on the doors. No one came to talk to us. I picked up my kids from school down the street and found out it was this close,” Escalante said on Wednesday.


Dallas County said it would put “boots on the ground” to monitor those who may have been exposed. In Vickery Meadow, residents worried if that would be enough to prevent an outbreak at what has been dubbed “ground zero” for Ebola in the United States. Vickery Meadow is home to about 25,000 people and more than 30 languages spoken among immigrants who have come to Dallas because it has one of the better job markets in the United States and relatively inexpensive property prices.



The community’s schools have also been touched by Ebola, with five children coming into contact with the patient. The children went to the four different schools they attend after being exposed. They are now home and showing no symptoms, but parents are worried.


Dozens of comments from parents posted on the Dallas Independent School District’s Facebook page said more information was needed, including the names of the potentially exposed children.

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Stay calm everyone – the government will be here soon with ‘the solution’.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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