Woman Sets Herself On Fire In Front Of Presidency Of Europe’s Poorest Country

With French youth revolting, Spanish regions seeking secession, and GREXIT back on the cards, Europe’s social unrest concerns are starting to rise once again to troubling levels. However, it is in Europe’s poorest nation, Bulgaria that the message of dissatisfaction is loudest. As The BBC reports, a woman has set herself ablaze near the presidency building in the Bulgarian capital Sofia. There were six similar self-immolations in Bulgaria last year, amid anger over chronic poverty and alleged corruption.


When it comes to this, you know there is a problem (Warning: Graphic)


As The BBC reports,

A woman has set herself ablaze near the presidency building in the Bulgarian capital Sofia and is now in hospital being treated for severe burns.



It is not yet clear why the 38-year-old woman doused herself in a flammable liquid and torched herself.


She was engulfed in flames before bystanders managed to put out the blaze and load her into an ambulance.


There were six similar self-immolations in Bulgaria last year, amid anger over chronic poverty and alleged corruption.


Last month Bulgaria’s centre-right GERB party won a snap parliamentary election but failed to get an overall majority. The party led by former Prime Minister Boyko Borisov is trying to form a new ruling coalition with smaller parties.


Last year Bulgaria, the poorest country in the EU, was rocked by weeks of protests over low living standards, a banking crisis and allegations of high-level government corruption.

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Maybe she should have bought stocks in US small caps? or the Alibaba IPO?

via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1uq4Dol Tyler Durden

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