Confidence Guaranteed By A 3:58PM VIX-Slam

The initial 330ET ramp took the S&P 500 green for a Friday close – the necessity for confident-spending of all that extra gas-price-cut cash this weekend. But it faded once the initial VIX slam slowed… have no fear… we’ll do it again… VIX was clubbed 0.35 points to get 1.7 S&P points and ensure a green close for tonight’s Evening News…



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Here are the week’s (Mon to Fri) closing levels for the S&P 500 cash index – 2038.3, 2039.6, 2038.3, 2039.4, 2039.8

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A VIXnado At End-Of-Day Keeps The Red Friday Close Away

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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