America Throws Up Over Obama’s Immigration Executive Action Even Before It Is Announced

Ahead of President Obama’s address to the nation tomorrow to dictate his executive orders on immigration, potentially allowing millions of undocumented immigrants to stay legally in the US, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds nearly half of Americans disapprove of his plan. Only a dismal 38% support the President taking this executive action… which makes us wonder if there has ever been so much revulsion at the policies of a standing President. It’s good to be king.

As NBC News reports,

Forty-eight percent oppose Obama taking executive action on immigration — which could come as soon as later this week — while 38 percent support it; another 14 percent have no opinion or are unsure.



Not surprisingly, these numbers largely break along partisan lines: 63 percent of Democrats approve of Obama taking executive action here, versus just 11 percent of Republicans and 37 percent of independents.


Latinos are divided, with 43 percent supporting the action and 37 percent opposing it.

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via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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