Another Triple-Fat-Finger VIX Day Saves Stocks

Ugly data in Asia, Europe, and US PMI meant US equities opened gap-down… that was unacceptable to ‘someone’ and so the “most shorted” names were squeezed. However, after 10 minutes the ramp started to fade… and so the big boys ‘fat-fingered’ VIX and that rescued the dip. That would be fine… but it happened again at 958ET when stocks started to fade again and suddenly VIX was lit up and zoom… stock momentum was ignited and all was well in the world… Broken record? Yes! But clearly someone has to take note of this rigging…


Another triple-fat-finger day for VIX…

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Shorts got squeezed out of the gate… but the stalls in that first 30 mins could have spoiled OPEX pins around Goldman’s 2050 Target…


So… VIX was employed…


Looks fine right?

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OPEX tomorrow might clean up some of this…

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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