Brooklyn Resident With Ebola Symptoms Rushed To Bellevue

The most “transparently” folsky, if data-fabricating, administration in history may be watching its Obamacare dreams go up in flaming house of cards, even as not a single mainstream media outlet, including ABC, NBC, or CBS, will be covering Obama’s “historic” executive action on immigration from Las Vegas later today, but at least Obama’s Ebola Czar has managed to put a vacuum seal over any coverage of Ebola on US soil, because as Zero Hedge showed, there was no better correlation to the volatility of US stocks than the frequency of Ebola stories hitting the wires. And the last thing Obama care afford now is to lose control of the markets.


Which likely explains why two days ago, when there was some brief chatter that a Brooklyn woman on an Ebola watch list had collapsed dead, bleeding from the “face, mouth and nose”, we had to go all the way to the yellow UK press to get the details of this latest development which certainly is relevant to Brooklyn, and New York City, residents.

It also means that the latest news out of the NY Post, the same outlet that broke the first NY Ebola case, will get zero publicity.

To wit:

A Brooklyn man, who recently returned from West Africa, was rushed to
Bellevue Hospital with Ebola-like symptoms Thursday, police sources


The man, whose name is being withheld by The Post, returned from Mali on Nov. 14, and came down with flu-like symptoms which are similar symptoms to those exhibited by patients suffering from Ebola, the sources said.


A patient is in isolation at HHC Bellevue Hospital & is being tested for Ebola. Statement by @HHCnyc & @nychealthy:

— NYC Health&Hospitals (@HHCnyc) November 20, 2014

The patient had been suffering from nausea, chills, and body aches but when his condition continued to worsen, he called 911.


He is undergoing a series of tests to determine whether or not he is infected with the Ebola virus, the sources said.

Full official statement here:

Joint statement by NYC Health Department and NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation


An individual who came to the United States from Mali, a country with limited Ebola transmission, was taken to HHC Bellevue Hospital Center today. Due to the individual’s travel history and symptoms, the patient has been isolated, and an Ebola test will be performed. Results are expected later today.

Somehow we get the feeling that the “results” due from an administration whose credibility has absolutely disintegrated in recent weeks, will be on par with the truthfulness one has come to expect about Obamacare-for-dummies. But then again, what’s the worst case: a few million stupid voter folks could die.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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