The New Federation

Jeff Nielson for Sprott Money


In previous commentaries, readers have seen scoffs of derision with respect to (arguably) the two, most-important propaganda myths of the 21st century: the New Normal, and the New World Order. The gist of that criticism is that we rarely see anything truly “new” in our lives, in conceptual terms.

The declaration (through propaganda and/or disinformation) that we have two all-encompassing, new paradigms which supposedly comprise our current reality is patently ludicrous, on its surface. Context changes. Principles are immutable.

The “New Normal” is nothing but a lie of the Corporate media designed to (supposedly) justify the fact that the lives of the masses are getting steadily worse every day, while the lives of the Privileged get steadily better every day. The “New World Order” is nothing but a disinformation lie, spread through the Alternative Media, to cover-up the fact that our societies are currently ruled/dominated by an Old World Order – the same Old World Order which has been pulling the strings of our government for over a century.

Proof of this assertion comes in the form of a book. The Economic Pinch was written by Charles Lindbergh Sr. in 1924. Not to be confused with the famed aviator (who was his son); Lindbergh Sr. was a Republican Congressman, an unknown hero of his era. As noted in a previous piece; he is purported to have presented The Bankers’ Manifesto of 1892 to the U.S. Congress, some time between 1907 and 1917.

Lindbergh himself identifies the Old World Order which already ruled our societies in his era:

Shortly after the [American] Civil War a group of men formed a selfish plan to rule the world by the manipulation of finances.


Regular readers are very familiar with this cabal which seeks to “rule the world by the manipulation of finances”, and know it today as the One Bank. Lindbergh labels the members of this cabal “profiteers”. Nearly 100 years ago; he warned the world of the current peril posed by the profiteers of this Old World Order:

So far as [the profiteers] go there is but one hope for them – not that they will save themselves – but that the people will take action to save the people from the impending peril of the super-wealthy gone wealth crazy.  [emphasis mine]

Lindbergh is very explicit that even in his own era, the economic oppression imposed by the psychopaths of the Old World Order was already worse than the oppression which existed in pre-Revolutionary times, when “the United States” was nothing but a colony of the British Empire.


If we take into account the conditions of the people, we see more injustice imposed by the profiteers and politicians of these times than is stated in the Declaration of Independence against the Imperial Government we were then under.

He is also explicitly clear that the U.S. “Two-Party Dictatorship” frequently described/alluded to in previous commentaries (and controlled by the Old World Order) was already a reality in his own era:

There is no material difference now in the old political parties, except which shall control patronage.

It is with the knowledge that “the New Normal” and “the New World Order” are nothing but propaganda fiction, and we are ruled by the same Old World Order today which ruled us 100 years ago, that we can look back to Lindbergh’s time (and Lindbergh himself) for “new ideas” on how we can fight back against this oppression.

The starting point here is to refer to Lindbergh’s own economic paradigm. He states that our societies are roughly broken down into Four Groups:


a)    the Three Useful Groups

b)    the One Useless Group


He describes the Three Useful Groups as the Farmer, the Wage Worker, and the Business group (what we would call today “small business”). Naturally the One Useless Group is the Profiteers, economic parasites who create/produce nothing themselves, but leech all of the wealth out of our societies to appease their own, insatiable greed.

Here Lindbergh identifies an economic truth which is oblivious to all of the charlatans of our own era who have the audacity to call themselves “economists”. He points out that the Three Useful Groups share strong, mutual interests. Specifically; it is in the best interests of each group that all Three Groups be prosperous.

If the Farmer is prosperous; he/she can produce abundant crops, at reasonable prices. If the Wage Worker is prosperous; he/she will tend to be well-educated, well-dressed, and a generally more productive employee. If the Small Business group is prosperous; it can hire more workers, or even pay its Wage Workers higher wages – which they will then spend buying the crops of the Farmer and the goods of the Small Businesses.

It is only the One Useless Group – the Profiteers – whose (selfish) interests are contrary to the interests of all other groups. Thus, he notes, the Three Useful Groups can/should/must unite, to collectively promote and represent their enormous mutual interests.

Already, in Lindbergh’s time; the Old World Order was heavily involved in divide-and-conquer politics. It continually attempted to drive political/economic wedges between these groups, in a never-ending effort to manufacture antagonism (or at least mistrust) between the Three Useful Groups.

Already, in Lindbergh’s time; there were independent associations of one form or another, by which the Three Useful Groups sought to separately promote their interests. But already, in Lindbergh’s time (just as we see today); these “associations” had been infiltrated and/or corrupted by the Old World Order. Thus not only were (are) those associations unsuccessful at collectively protecting the interests of the Three Useful Groups, they were (are) completely ineffectual in even representing their interests individually.

It was time, Lindbergh declared (in 1924), for a new idea, a new way of doing things: a New Federation. The Three Useful Groups uniting in a collective federation, to collectively promote their mutual interests, or (to steal a line from Alexandre Dumas) “One for all, and All for one”.



It is because the Three Useful Groups have always sought to promote their interests separately that it has been so easy for the puppet-masters of the Old World Order to play their game of divide-and-conquer politics. Conversely, a larger, united Federation would/could not only do a better job of protecting the individual interests of the Three Useful Groups, it would also (for the first time) promote their collective interests.

In our own (corrupt) paradigm; it is only the One Useless Group which is united. Its vehicle for our political/economic oppression and the parasitic looting of our societies is the One Bank.

Standing against this political/economic oppression, on behalf of the Three Useful Groups? We have nothing. Our governments, our “representatives”, are nothing but paid stooges of the One Bank. Our (individual) associations which represent the Three Useful Groups are weak, ineffectual, and (often) corrupt as well.

With representation inside the political system now nothing but a hollow joke; the Three Useful Groups, who collectively represent the vast majority of our societies, need to organize themselves outside of the current, corrupt political framework. United we stand; divided we fall.

As acknowledged in numerous, previous commentaries; it is already far, far too late to prevent an economic “fall”, of monumental proportions. The One Bank, the Old World Order, has already crippled and hollowed-out our present economic system (and even our political/social infrastructure) to such a grievous extent with its systemic plundering that an economic Day of Reckoning is now inevitable.

What is of paramount importance as we approach this (inevitable) precipice is that control of our economies, governments, and societies no longer remain solely in the hands of the same cabal of psychopathic oligarchs who have nearly completed the destruction of the wealthiest, most prosperous societies our species has ever built.

We need the New Federation which Charles Lindbergh Sr. described/explained to us over 90 years ago. Not to protect the societies we have built, and the wealth we have amassed. The Old World Order has already destroyed and stolen that, respectively. We need a New Federation so that when these psychopaths have reduced our current system to nothing but rubble and ashes with their rapacious looting that we can rebuild something better in its place.


Jeff Nielson for Sprott Money

via Zero Hedge Sprott Money

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