Alleged Chemical Attack Sends ‘Furries’ Flying In Chicago

In a particularly vicious alleged chemical attack, thousands of MidWest FurFest “Furries”the term for people who dress up in expensive animal costumes and role-play (sometimes sexually) as anthropomorphic critters – were evacuated when chlorine gas was released in the Chicago Hyatt hotel in which they were nesting. As AP reports, authorities are investigating the release of a gas that sent 19 “people dressed like dogs and foxes,” as a criminal matter – as someone apparently intentionally left chlorine powder in a ninth-floor hotel stairway, causing the gas to spread. Does give one paws for thought though, eh?


Authorities are investigating the release of a gas that sickened several hotel guests and forced thousands of people – many dressed as cartoon animals – to evacuate the building.

Vice reports,

The Midwest FurFest drew 4,600 attendees this year, which means a lot of people stood to be poisoned if the apparent attack were successful. Luckily, the leak was obvious due to the chemical’s pungent odor, and attendees were evacuated from the Chicago-area Hyatt about 30 minutes after the leak was detected shortly after midnight. Chlorine exposure can cause symptoms ranging from blurry vision to a condition called acute lung injury, and in up to 1 percent of exposure cases, people die.


A ?hazmat team found the source of the gas in a hotel stairwell—a pile of powdered chlorine—and the incident sent 19 people, who were complaining of dizziness and other medical issues, to the hospital. (A police investigation into who put the chlorine there is ongoing.)


By 4:21 AM, the Rosemont Police Department gave the all-clear and allowed the furries to continue their party. ” As we wake up today we want to continue to provide the best possible convention that we can, despite the trying circumstances,” FurFest organizers said in a ?statement. “We ask you to continue to be patient, and remember that the volunteers who make Midwest FurFest happen intend to give 110 percent to make sure that the fun, friendship, and good times of Midwest FurFest 2014 overshadow last night’s unfortunate incident.”

But as AP adds, the furries do not seem worried that this is the starte of trend…

Kit McCreedy, a 28-year-old from Madison, Wisconsin, said he didn’t think the incident would further disrupt Midwest FurFest, which was in its final day.


“I think we’ll recover from this,” said McCreedy, his fox tail swinging behind him as he headed back inside. “People are tired but they’re still full of energy.”


Others said they didn’t know why anyone would try to upset the convention that includes dance contests and panel discussions on making the costumes. Some pointed out that the brightly colored outfits are made from fake fur and foam.


“Nobody uses real fur,” said Frederic Cesbron, a 35-year-old forklift operator who flew to Chicago from his home in France. He attended the convention dressed in a fox outfit that he said is worth about $3,000.

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Some folks are furrying…

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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