Protesters Swarm Celebrity-Studded Barclays Center Where A Cop Just Pepper Sprayed Himself By Mistake: Live Feed

Tonight, the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, where the Nets and the Cavaliers are playing, is quite a sight.

On one hand, inside we have the US “royal family” present:

… as well as the equally famous UK royals visiting from England:

Meanwhile, another King is down on the court, even if  in protest:

Meanwhile, other “protesters” have gathered outside…

… and are proceeding to engage the police.

… as well as attempting the now traditional looting of any local retail outlets:

As for the punchline: until this moment Emergency Medical Services were waiting on standby, when this happened:

Or just the right amount of comic ineptitiude to either diffuse the tense situation or to result in something far more dangerous, especially with all the celebrities already present and accounted for.

Watch what happens with the following life feed.

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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