Young American Adults: Then And Now, In Charts

It was a little over month ago when we presented our visual guide to the Millennial generation. Since then, dissecting America’s overindebted, overeducated, underqualified, underemployed, underpaid young adults – if only in charts – has become one of the nation’s favorite pastimes. And so, courtesy of the US Census Bureau which too has taken a fascination with the sad plight of the one generation that, at least in theory, should carry the weight of the US economy on its shoulders, is the latest demographic dressing down of Americans aged 18 to 34.

Percent of population aged 18 to 34


Percent of total population age 18 to 34 who are non-Hispanic, White


Percent of population age
18 to 34 who reported their ethnicity and race as something other than
non-Hispanic White. 


Percent of total population age 18 to 34 years who are foreign born


Percent of total population age 18 to 34 who speak a language other than English at home


Percent of civilian population age 18 to 34 who are veterans


Percent of population age 18 to 34 living alone


Percent of total population age 18 to 34 who never married


Living With a Parent, Age 18 to 34



Percent of total population age 18 to 34 years with bachelor’s degree or higher


Percent of total population age 18 to 34 who are employed


Median earnings for population age 18 to 34 with earnings who worked full-time, year-round (in 2013 inflation-adjusted dollars)


of total population age 18 to 34 for whom poverty status is determined
with income in the past 12 months below poverty level


And while the trends should be clear enough by now, those who seek an even more in-depth analysis can do so at the following interactive map:

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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