Global Anarchy: Woman Waves Severed Head, Man Stabs 10 Schoolchildren, Burnt Horse Head Found In Box

When we reviewed the most popular Zero Hedge posts of 2014, we weren’t entirely surprised to learn that civil unrest was one of the themes readers were most interested in discussing.  

Indeed, polite society seems to be breaking down all over the world and in 2015, we got what certainly looks like evidence that anarchy beckons – even in the US, the supposed bastion of modernity and human “advancement”.

There were, for instance, the riots that reduced parts of Baltimore to smoldering ash in April…

In August, an apparently disgruntled news anchor murdered his former colleagues on live television.

That came on the heels of a horrific shooting at an African American church in Charleston perpetrated by a rather angry 17-year-old.

Since then, things have only gotten worse. In fact, the US has seen three mass shootings in the last week alone.

And the trend towards societal disintegration is a global phenomenon. The Paris attacks underscore the extent to which the chaos and outright depravity that characterizes everyday like in the Mid-East has spilled over into Western Europe. That spillover has in turn triggered feelings of intense nationalism in Germany, Sweden, Finland, and Norway (among other countries) where far-right political movements look set to invoke Europe’s troubled past. 

On Monday, we got what might well be the surest sign yet that society is rapidly descending into a Hobbesian state of nature. In Moscow, a woman dressed in all black was arrested near a metro station screaming “I am a terrorist.” She also shouted the following:

The end of the world is coming in a second…I’m your death. I hate democracy. I’m a terrorist.”

“I have been cursed and destroyed so many times.”

“I’m your suicide bomber… I’m going to die in a second…The end of the world.” 

But believe it or not, that’s not the most disturbing part of this story. The woman, as you can see in the video below, was holding the severed head of a child

An investigation revelaed the woman was a citizen of a “Central Asian country.” She apparently burned down the apartment where she was supposed to be caring for the child who was “three or four.” The child’s headless body was found in the charred remains of the building. The woman was identified as Gulchekhra Bobokulova from Uzbekistan. She beheaded the child, she said, because of her husband’s “betrayal.” 

It wasn’t immediately clear what the connection was between the dead toddler and her alleged husband. 

Meanwhile, in China, 45-year-old Li Sijun decided to stab 10 schoolchildren this morning for apparently no reason at all. As CNN reports, “the incident took place in Haikou, the capital city of the southern island province of Hainan.” Thankfully, all of the children survived. Li didn’t. He killed himself.

Finally, rounding out Monday’s news from our increasingly anarchic world, a woman strolling through Highbridge Park near 190th Street in New York found a box. With a “cooked horse head in it.” 

“Cops,” The New York Post says, “are looking into whether the animal parts are tied to ‘voodoo.'”

So, a woman decapitates a toddler and displays the head while shouting about the end of the world, a man stabs ten schoolchildren for no reason, and a woman finds a baked horse’s head with possible ties to “voodoo” in Manhattan. 

And that’s just in the past 24 hours.

If you have the means, it might be a good time to invest in a doomsday bunker…

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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