Assange Promises “Most Interesting And Serious” Hillary Emails Are Yet To Come

A lot of speculation continues to swirl around exactly what remaining information Wikileaks has related to Hillary Clinton and when it will be revealed.  Earlier in the week we noted (see “WikiLeaks’ Assange Warns Clinton Campaign: More “Unexpected”, Game-Changing Emails Loom“) Assange’s comments that Wikileaks is in the process of reviewing “thousands of pages of materials” related to Clinton which he described at “significant.”

“We have a lot of material, thousands of pages of material.  There’s a variety of different types of documents and different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign, some quite unexpected angles that are, you know, quite interesting, some even entertaining.”

Yesterday, in an interview on Fox and Friends, Assange went a little further disclosing his belief that the information currently under review is the “most interesting and serious” yet.

“Well, I think the most interesting and serious [disclosures] relate to upcoming publications we have.”

When asked whether WikiLeaks has information on the Republican campaign he noted that while they do have information its difficult to find anything more controversial on Trump than what comes out of his “mouth every second day.”

“The problem with the Trump campaign is it’s actually hard for us to publish much more controversial material than what comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth every second day.”


via Tyler Durden

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