Story Changes Again, Now Hillary’s Doctor Claims She Has Pneumonia

Having stated that her coughing fit last week was due to her suffering from seasonal allergies, and that this morning’s fainting episode was due to ‘overheating’, Hillary Clinton’s doctor has now released a statement concluding that she has pneumonia. So was Hillary lying when she said it was allergies?

Two quick questions:

1) She has been coughing since january – why did it take 9 months to diagnose this? 


2) If Hillary has pneumonia, and passed out at an event, why was she taken to her daughter’s apartment and not a hospital?

Even the left-leaning media is upset at the Clinton campaign…

It makes one wonder why something as simple as her not being well has to lied about, covered up, spun, and the propagandized? A distraction from her ‘deplorable’ comments? Perhaps, but one thing is for sure, all those mainstream media types damning conspiracy-theorists over health concerns are now silenced.

via Tyler Durden

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