Newly Leaked Emails Reveal Unprecedented Coordination Between Hillary Campaign And Press

It is no secret that the mainstream media has a “slight” left-leaning bias in their political reporting.  But newly leaked emails from Guccifer 2.0, obtained exclusively by The Intercept, reveal just how “cozy” and pervasive the Clinton campaign’s relationship is with the press.  From “off-the-record dinners with the key national reporters” to feeding pre-written propaganda pieces to “friendly” journalists, the new leaks reveal startling coordination between the Clinton campaign and the mainstream media.

The first revelation comes from a January 2015 strategy document written by Hillary’s press secretary, Nick Merrill, about how the campaign should approach reporting on Hillary’s decision to run for president.  The memo identifies “Maggie Haberman” of Politico as someone who had a “very good relationship” with the campaign and who had “teed up stories” for Hillary in the past.

Hillary Press


Other documents revealed by The Intercept, listed those whom the campaign regarded as their most reliable “surrogates” – such as CNN’s Hilary Rosen and Donna Brazile, as well as Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden.  The list also included “David Brock” as a “Progressive Helper”…of course, Brock has made headlines this weekend as the latest WikiLeaks dump of the “Podesta Emails” revealed that the Hillary campaign potentially coordinated directly with Brock’s “Correct the Record” Super PAC, which is technically a felony (see “Podesta Emails Reveal Illegal Coordination With David Brock Super PAC“)

Hillary Press


The next memo comes from Clinton’s deputy press secretary, Jesse Ferguson, who helped setup an “off-the-record dinner with key national reporters.”  The memo lists the goals of the dinner, one of which is to “give reporters their first thoughts from team HRC in advance of the announcement”…certainly wouldn’t want anyone to form and/or report their independent, unbiased thoughts now would we?

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And, of course, the guest list included the who’s who of national reporters.

Hillary Press


Finally, another document reveals the Clinton strategy to constantly feed stories to the traveling press to prevent them from saying something that might be “unhelpful”…they do say that offense is the best defense.

“Give reporters who must cover daily HRC news something to cover other than the unhelpful stories about the foundation, emails, etc.”

Hillary Press


While none of these revelations are particularly shocking, they are yet another startling reminder of just how corrupt and irrelevant the mainstream media has become in delivering independent, unbiased news to the American public.

via Tyler Durden

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