Gold Surges Most Since Brexit After ‘Dovish’ Fed Hike

With the focus overnight on the Rutte 'win' despite the surge in populist angst, and headlines from The Fed, PBOC, BoJ, and BoE sending global stocks to record highs, one might be forgiven for not noticing that Gold is surging (most since Brexit) following Janet's decision to raise rates for the 3rd time in 11 years – far outperforming other assets classes.

The Dollar continued to get pounded overnight as China unexpectedly tightened policy…


Gold the big winner (thogh WTI is rallying also on the heels of the tumbling dollar)


This is gold's biggest day since Brexit…


Gold is above its 50- and 100-day moving averages and $1225, and Silver is above $17…


Helped by the dollar and the news of the split vote (the first in 8 months) at the BoE, cable is surging too…


via Tyler Durden

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