HBO’s Bill Maher Bets 100 Rubles That Trump “Will Be Out By Christmas”

HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher believes the Trump Presidency will be over before 2017 is.

During Friday night's episode, he even goaded a guest – conservative political commentator and former Trump campaign official Boris Epshteyn – into making a “gentleman’s bet” of 100 rubles, a little less than $2, that the president "will be out by Christmas.”

“It looks like he’s trying to get impeached,” Maher argued.

You got to hand it to Epshteyn: He handled the difficult task of defending Trump to a liberal-leaning audience with remarkable poise, reminding Maher of one simple fact: There’s no evidence that Trump interfered in FBI Director James Comey’s probe of Flynn. And that prior to deciding to change his mind and testify that Trump pressured him, as CNN reported, Comey even testified to that fact.

Epshteyn also reminded the audience about Hillary Clinton’s own brush with obstruction: when President Bill Clinton boarded Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s plane for an impromptu catch-up back in June, just before the release of the Benghazi findings, while the FBI investigation into his wife was still open.

“I believe he’ll be in office for eight years,” Epshteyn said.

You can watch the rest of the exchange below:

Though Maher has been an outspoken critic of Trump, he has, on occassion, displayed some level of sense. 

A few months back he hosted conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos on his show to discuss liberals’ newfound penchant for suppressing free speech. And before that, he called the University of California at Berkeley “the cradle for F-ing babies” after the university rescinded an invitation for her to speak. A few months ago, when Hillary Clinton was trying to position herself as a leader of "the resistence" – and possibly for another run in 2020 – Mahar joked that she should just "stay in the woods."

"You had your shot. You fucked up."

via Tyler Durden

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