Tucker Carlson: Deep State Leaks An ‘Utter Perversion Of The System’

Content originally published at iBankCoin.com

Tucker Carlson went in with guns blazing after
yesterday’s Senate testimony by Attorney General Jeff Sessions – calling
elements of the US Intelligence community ‘corrupt’ and
‘politicized’ for illegally leaking information with the intention of
damaging President Trump.

In a Democracy we’re
in charge – not unelected bureaucrats… Once the beurocracy has shoved
asdie an elected government, they can do it again – and at that point
it’s over… democracy is dead.

Tucker counts the ways… 

months, conspiratorial propaganda has been making it’s way from the
United States surveillance apparatus to mainstream outlets such as the
New York Times and the Washington Post – which was instrumental in
seeding the phrase ‘fake news.‘ For more salacious material such as the discredited 35-page ‘pissgate’ dossier (cobbled together in part through a 4chan trolling effort), tabloid outlets such as Buzzfeed are utilized.

ran through a list of several deep state leaks meant specifically to
harm Trump and his administration – beginning with the fact that
yesterday’s testimony took place in large part due to former FBI
Director James Comey’s previously leaked suggestion that Sessions may have met with the Russian Ambassador last April during a crowded event at the Mayfower Hotel.

In December unnamed intel sources told the Washington Post that Russia helped Donald Trump win the Presidency. A week later, unnamed senior Intel officials told NBC news that Putin personally was involved in helping Trump win.


In February, current and former American officials released the details
of a phone call between incoming National Sec Advisor Mike Flynn and
ambassador Kislyak of Russia. [Flynn’s] career and reputation were
subsequently destroyed by all of that.


Trump’s private phone call with the President of Mexico – surveilled by American Intelligence and then leaked.


His call with the Aussie PM, same thing…

With Vladimir Putin – again, leaked by the Intel community.


could this possibly have advanced American National Security interests,
which is what they’re supposed to be doing? None of it did – it was entirely political.

And then in March
as if to prove this point, a half dozen current and former Intel
officials told the NYT that they’d sought to spread classified intel
information about the Trump campaign as widely as possible throughout
government to ensure it would all eventually leak!

[And let’s not forget the time former Obama DoD official Evelyn Farkas slipped up and corroborated the report]

In closing, we are reminded exactly why this is so important

In general the public ought to know a lot more about government than it does, but we’re seeing something new here. These
are strategic leaks – the release of classified intelligence from
people whose job it is to collect and safeguard that intelligence
– and in that way it’s an utter perversion of the system. We give enormous power to our intelligence agenices – CIA, NSA, the rest of them. We let them listen to our phone calls, read our email, watch us from satellites.
We let them do that so they can keep us safe from foreign threats – not
so they can pick our political leaders or devise our policies…


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