Jordan Releases Footage Of Green Berets Killed While On Secret CIA Syria Mission

Jordan has just released the previously suppressed CCTV video footage of last year's heinous attack on 3 Green Berets by a Jordanian soldier and ISIS-sympathizer as they entered a desert facility to conduct training operations as part of a CIA secret program aimed at regime change in Syria.

Last week we reported the following:

"The Jordanian government had a strong incentive to gloss over the murders of the three Green Berets.  Likewise, the CIA was scared of potential blowback and the exposing of their covert program," says investigative journalist Jack Murphy, himself an Army special forces veteran.


A premeditated green-on-blue attack in Jordan outside of King Faisal Air Base (at al-Jafr in Southern Jordan) late last year resulted in the deaths of three elite US Green Berets in what the media initially dubbed a mere unfortunate gate incident and what the Jordanian government dismissed as a "a tragic accident devoid of any terrorist motives". But the whole event and subsequent attempts at cover-up just as Obama was leaving office enraged both the families of the slain and the US special forces community; and it further threatened to blow wide open the CIA's illegal Syrian regime change operation, called Timber Sycamore, which involved American special ops soldiers being tasked with training so-called "moderate" Syrian rebels in Jordan and Turkey as part of an inter-agency program.


As details of the court case involving the shooter continue to emerge this week, the media continues to misreport the true nature of the what the US special forces personnel were doing in Jordan in the first place, and how a CIA secret program put them at risk.


Last November the three Green Berets were entering King Faisal Air Base assigned as part of the CIA's 'Timber Sycamore' training. According to court testimony as well as evidence collected by the Pentagon, a soldier in the US-allied Jordanian Army opened fire as the Green Berets' convoy was stopped in front of the base. The Jordanian guard fired for six minutes, reloading multiple rifle magazines. The Jordanian government and media attempted to paint a picture that the approaching US convoy charged the gate and neglected protocol, and that the guard thought he was acting in self defense (a claim later retracted by Jordan). But initially suppressed surveillance footage captured the entire event, and confirms a methodical and willed attack as the Americans yelled in English and in Arabic, “We’re Americans! We’re friendly!" (the Jordanian military court refused to show the footage). As Foreign Affairs reported, "they were hunted down and executed at close range." A fourth US soldier was able to wound the shooter, bringing the attack to an end.

Watch the just released video (previously suppressed by the Pentagon, FBI, and Jordanian government) here:

Excerpt from the United States Special Operations Command 15-6 investigation report:



4 Nov. 2016 King Faisal Air Base Shooting AR 15-6 Investigation Summary

b. The Jordanian Air Force guard opened fire on the second vehicle of the convoy with his M-16 rifle, killing SSG Kevin McEnroe and mortally wounding SSG(P) Matthew Lewellen.

c. Within seconds of coming under fire, SSG James Moriarty and another Soldier exited the third and fourth vehicles in the convoy in order to seek cover as the shooter closed on their position. After unsuccessfully trying to communicate to the shooter that they posed no threat, the Soldiers returned fire. While the other Soldier maneuvered to gain a better position, SSG Moriarty stood and fired his pistol directly at the shooter, who was wearing body armor. After closing in on their position, the shooter shot SSG Moriarty twice mortally wounding him. SSG Moriarty’s actions enabled the remaining Soldier to maneuver and engage the shooter and seriously wound him.

d. SSG McEnroe died at the scene. SSG(P) Lewellen and SSG Moriarty were medically evacuated after receiving initial treatment at the local medical treatment facility but died en route to King Hussein Hospital in Amman. Autopsy results show that no amount of medical care could have saved these three Soldiers due to the nature of their wounds.

e. All team members maintained at least an intermediate language proficiency in Modern Standard Arabic. Prior to deployment, the teams conducted additional language training in Levantine Arabic, specialized weapons training, and advanced medical training.

f. There is no evidence that substantiates post-incident allegations and speculation that alcohol was involved, the Special Forces Soldiers were not complying with established procedures for entering the gate, or the Americans were the first ones to fire their weapons.

Read more about the circumstances behind the deaths of the Green Berets and the CIA program they were involved in here.

via Tyler Durden

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