Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe Resigns

Zimbabwe’s Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda had barely finished reading the rules and regulations of how impeachment proceedings would proceed against President Robert Mugabe when the 93-year-old leader and former revolutionary surprised his colleagues by officially resigning the presidency – something he had been reluctant to do even after the military placed him under house arrest last week.

Both Reuters and the Associated Press confirmed that Mugabe had resigned, citing an announcement made by Mudenda.



"I Robert Gabriel Mugabe in terms of section 96 of the constitution of Zimbabwe hereby formally tender my resignation… with immediate effect," said speaker Mudenda, reading Mugabe's letter.

"My decision to resign was voluntary on my part."

Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe since the country gained its independence from the UK in 1980.

via http://ift.tt/2hIUph0 Tyler Durden

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