Stocks, Bonds, Dollar Gain As US Macro Plunges To 11-Month Lows

Everything was going so great – Apple etc… – and then China ruined the party and payrolls disappointed…

An ugly week for US macro data (tumbling to its most disappointing in 11 months) did nothing to stall hopes for economic growth…

Or faith in the US plunge protection team…


And, despite today’s spike, yuan ended lower for the 8th week in a row (and 14th of the last 16 weeks) as China-US trade tensions escalated further…


As Chinese stock cratered…


European stocks were unhappy too…


But USA USA USA was positive – even The Dow managed to get back to ‘even’… as Trannies outperformed…


It seems ‘Murica is winning the trade war – or the equity algos are anyway…


AAPL managed to hold on to its trillion-dollar market cap…


Big week for TSLA as it squeezed higher again… but bonds faded today…


Nasdaq bounced perfectly off its 50DMA…


FANG Stocks ended the week lower (despite Nasdaq gains)…


Treasury yields were broadly lower on the week (thanks to a heavy bid today) but 30Y ended higher (in yield)…


The yield curve steepened on the week


10Y briefly topped 3.00% (China?) early in the week, before pushing back lower (note the same level on Fed day in June)… so now do we plunge back to the other end of the range?


Remember, bond positioning has never been more short.


The Dollar ended the week higher, but found resistance in the middle of ECB-day spike range…


Turkish Lira was the week’s biggest loser, puking above 5.00/USD for the first time ever…


Cryptos were ugly all week… just leg down after leg down…


Worst week for Bitcoin in two months, back below $8,000…

 Ethereum found support relative to Bitcoin once again at the 2017 year-end close…


Commodities rallied today but ended the week lower overall…


Finally, we note that China’s stock market capitalization has slumped to its lowest relative to the world since 2014 and a critical point of support/resistance…

Does this mean Trump is winning?

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