Watch As Over 100 Migrants Illegally Scale US-Mexico Border Wall Before CBP Arrests Them

More than 100 Central American migrants were caught on camera illegally scaling the US-Mexico border wall in Arizona, just one week after 376 migrants tunneled through to the US near the same location. 

Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents “apprehended a group of 110+ Central Americans who illegally scaled the wall with the assistance of a smuggler with a ladder,” tweeted the Agency on Monday. 

In the video, a procession of people can be seen slinking over the 21-foot wall and dropping to the ground, after which a person can be seen running further into Mexico while carrying a ladder. Of note, Trump’s long-promised border wall – now to be made out of steel beams with 13-inch spikes on top, would be around 30 feet tall should it ever be built. 

Last week 376 migrants tunneled under the wall an claimed asylum. 

President Trump and Congressional Democrats are at an impasse over $5.7 billion Trump has requested to build the wall, or 0.0013% of the 2018 federal budget – resulting in the longest partial government shutdown in US history. 

Border Patrol agents have been working without pay as the stalemate continues. Of note, CBP commissioner Kevin McAleenan tweeted on Wednesday: “CBP Team: No major increase in sick calls.  You are remarkable professionals.  Thank you and your families for your strength and patience.  As you work to protect others, we are pushing for a solution.”

US Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost quote-tweeted McAleenan, adding that she is “humbled by the selfless dedication I see displayed by the men and women of the Border Patrol each and every day. Please accept my sincere gratitude as we work toward a resolution.” 

The partial government shutdown began on December 22, while approximately 800,000 affected workers are set to miss their second paychecks on Friday. 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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