Information Warfare: Trump PAC To Crush Trash-Talking Journos With Their Own Russiagate Reporting

Snarky liberal journalists beware; The RNC and a Trump super PAC have all of your Russiagate conspiracy tweets, which might be used against you for trash-talking the president and spreading misinformation before, during and after the Mueller investigation. 

With the redacted 300-page Mueller report weeks away and a four-page summary by AG William Barr revealing they found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, the president plans to take full advantage of what he called his ‘total exoneration‘ 

And while Trump and Congressional Republicans have put Obama officials and holdovers alike on notice that there will be an investigation to get to the bottom of the ‘hoax,’ journalists who peddled the Russiagate narrative will be subject to a montage of their journalistic malpractice over Twitter

“The media made a critical mistake concerning the Mueller investigation coverage,” Keystone College political science professor Jeff Brauer told the NY Post

Their major sin was the wrong assumption that Mueller’s professional silence about the probe was an indication that he was holding all his cards close to his chest. In the end, it was the opposite. Mueller made all his moves openly during the investigation. When they found something, they simply indicted and prosecuted.

When he was finished playing his last card, he wrapped up the probe and wrote the account. He did not keep a treasure trove of evidence and charges on Russian collusion from the public spotlight only to be released in a bombshell report.” –NY Post

To that end, the Republican National Committee and the pro-Trump super PAC America First are “geared up for any nonsense to come” from reporters covering the 2020 election. 

Any reporter who tries that will be hit with 30-second spots of all their ridiculous claims about collusion,” one source told The Atlantic on condition of anonymity. 

Their tweets have all been screencapped. It’s all ready to go.” (“It’s the same thing we’ve been doing the last two years. We’re going to hold the media accountable when we see fit,” an RNC official clarified, adding that this would include digital clips shared on social media.)

Pundit alert

The Trump campaign, meanwhile, has sent a letter to various TV producers cautioning them against booking anti-Trump guests who have pushed – and in some cases continue to push, the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory. Named individuals include; Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Democratic Representative Adam Schiff of California, and Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez.

“It’s not hard to figure where we’re going to go with this,” said a current campaign official. “We’re still in victory-lap mode, but it will turn into a message that [Democrats] will say or do anything to stop us from making America great again, including making up lies about the president and ruining a lot of people’s lives.”

While some Democrats won’t let go, others want to run the other way

According to The Atlantic, White House officials aren’t going to move on from the Mueller findings because Democrats aren’t moving on either – “doubling and tripling down” in fact, according to White House spokesman Hogan Gidley. 

At some level, letting go would be out of character. From the first, Trump has personalized the presidency. He still obsesses over the crowd size at his inauguration, along with perceived betrayals from Senator John McCain of Arizona, who died last summer. The Mueller investigation shadowed Trump for nearly two years. Now that it’s over, he is indulging in a bit of triumphalism. –The Atlantic

Some Democrats, however, want their party, and the MSM, to let it go.

“They just harp on the same thing, and you would think there’s nothing else Trump’s done wrong,” said 73-year-old Democrat Jim Henry of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. “That’s the only thing they have on him? Come on, talk about the other stuff.” 

Pennsylvania coffee shop pals Jim Paddock (from left), Roger Jewell, Jim Henry, Philip Schindel and Richard Sawyer agree it’s time to stop talking Mueller.

Henry is kibitzing with his morning crew — friends Richard Sawyer, Philip Schindel, Roger Jewell and Jim Paddock — at two tables pushed together at the Ragged Edge coffee house in this Civil War battleground town. Sections of the New York Times and the Gettysburg Times are spread out on the table alongside a plate of muffins and several cups of coffee.

None of them had a problem with the special counsel probe, all are Democrats and all vehemently dislike the president — an unusual trait for people in this ruby-red county. But they do think the day-in-day-out speculation over Mueller’s findings wore the public down to the point of giving the president an advantage heading into the 2020 election. –NY Post

“I don’t think we need to forget about Russia. And I think that needs to be reported one way or the other,” said 76-year-old Jim Paddock, supervisor of a nearby township “But because other big issues like health care and infrastructure aren’t being talked about, it gives him momentum.” 

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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