Political “Pissing Match” In Connecticut Turns Into Actual Pissing Match, As Two Politicians Take Sobriety Tests

This is one political “pissing match” that literally turned into a pissing match.  

Bridgeport City Councilman Ernest Newton and school board member Maria Pereira had been engaged in a flameware in the comments section of a Connecticut blog, Only in Bridgeport, according the the NY Post. The Connecticut Post has called the spat “a modern twist on the classic political duel”.

Both Democrats, the politicians began attacking each other over an article about budget figures after Pereira questioned the accuracy of numbers coming out of the Mayor’s office.

Newton, whose political career includes a five year stop in prison for corruption charges, separately disputed figures coming out of the Board of Education’s office. 

“Please remember to take your meds,” Newton responded to Pereira on April 13.

Pereira responded by saying: “Ernie, I promise I will continue to take any and all prescribed medicine. In turn, please ensure you take anything you need that may have to be swallowed, snorted, inhaled, or injected.”

She continued, telling Newton, who once struggled with a crack addiction: “…stop taking drugs. It is killing the few remaining brain cells you have left.”

“Do we have a psycho on the Board of Education?” Newton asked in response. He claimed that Pereira had once been placed in a psych ward. She responded that they were “wild accusations [he] will never be able to substantiate.”

That’s when Pereira challenged him to a drug test. “I’ll tell you what, Ernie. I will gladly pay for both you and I to take a drug test with the understanding the results, whatever they may be, will be released,” she said. 

“Name the time and place,” Newton responded. 

Pereira then said: “I am asking that we take the test by 5:00 PM tomorrow so that it narrows any opportunity to take anything that would hinder the detection of substances in our urine. Agreed?”

Newton accepted: “How about doing it today? You got all the mouth. I’m going today so that you will see how big of an a–hole you really are.”

Both politicians took the test and tested negative for marijuana, cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, opiates, oxycodone, PCP, barbiturates, benzodiazepine and methadone.

“This is a Board of Education member challenging a black elected official. She wouldn’t have challenged a white person. She’s no different than Donald Trump. I did this to show how crazy she is,” Newton said. 

More important than proving their sobriety, both Newton and Pereira proved they were great at doing what politicians do best: wasting time, capital and resources on meaningless nonsense.

via ZeroHedge News http://bit.ly/2ZCEtRQ Tyler Durden

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