Germany’s CDU Considers Dropping ‘Christian’ From Name To Appeal To More Diverse Demographic

Germany’s CDU Considers Dropping ‘Christian’ From Name To Appeal To More Diverse Demographic

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Germany’s CDU political party is considering dropping the word ‘Christian’ from its name in order to appeal to a more diverse demographic.

The party, which was in power for 16 years before last year’s election, is worried that the word is preventing it from attracting non-Christian members.

This is based on concerns surrounding a decline in trust in the Church as well as the Catholic pedophile scandal.

Such a move would not be unprecedented in Europe given that the Christian Democratic People’s Party in Switzerland rebranded itself to be called “Die Mitte” (The Central).

“If the CDU were to go through with such a move, for many conservatives it would represent one step further to the left for a party that has become increasingly less conservative and which has even attacked parties, such as Hungary’s Fidesz, that profess to be defenders of the Christian faith in Europe,” reports ReMix News.

Indeed, given that the CDU produced Angela Merkel, who opened Germany’s borders up to a migrant onslaught from North Africa and the Middle East, they can hardly even be considered ‘Christian’ any longer.

While the Christian Democrats want to eschew the word ‘Christian’, others want to get away from the word ‘Germany’ itself.

As we highlighted last year, members the German Green Party loathe their own country to such a degree, 300 of them petitioned for the word ‘Germany’ to be removed from their own manifesto.

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Tyler Durden
Fri, 02/04/2022 – 05:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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