“Vodka Rebellion” Begins – Canada, US Bars, Liquor Stores Remove Russian Alcohol From Shelves

“Vodka Rebellion” Begins – Canada, US Bars, Liquor Stores Remove Russian Alcohol From Shelves

North American liquor stores and bars are pulling Russian vodka off their shelves in solidarity with Ukraine. 

On Friday, Peter Bethlenfalvy, Ontario’s Minister of Finance, directed the provincial’s Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) to remove all Russian vodka from stores. 

“Ontario joins Canada’s allies in condemning the Russian government’s act of aggression against the Ukrainian people, and will direct the LCBO to withdraw all products produced in Russia from store shelves,” Bethlenfalvy said. 

Fox News reports LCBO will remove Russian liquor and other products from 700 stores across the province. 

However, some people question LCBO’s move because “the inventory is already paid for. The LCBO is the only one who suffers while they store this paid inventory. The easiest answer is to stop any future purchases.” 

Some question if Canada is willing to ban Russian vodka imports, why not energy products?

Other provinces, including Manitoba, New Brunswick, British Columbia, and Newfoundland, are taking similar action. 

The Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation, which controls sales of alcoholic beverages across Nova Scotia, said Russian vodka has been removed from store shelves and website because of the “terrible events taking place.” 

Just south, in the US, some bars and liquor stores reportedly poured out Russian vodka onto the streets and or removed the products from store shelves. Fox News called it a “vodka rebellion.” 

“I think the whole world knows by now that Russia’s at war with Ukraine for no apparent reason,” said Jamie Stratton, owner of Jacob Liquor Exchange in Wichita, Kansas, told local news KSNW-TV. He removed more than 100 bottles from his store and poured some on the ground. 

“I guess this is our sanction … and this may be small, but every small thing makes a difference,” Stratton said.

There has yet to be a concerted effort by US state or county liquor boards to ban Russian vodka, just individual stores and bars/restaurants letting their emotions get ahead of themselves by dumping already paid for vodka into the streets as a protest. How does this exactly hurt Russia?

Here’s a novel idea: liquidate the current inventory of Russian vodka instead of wasting it and cancel future purchases. Then switch to domestic brands. 

Anyways, it appears a Russian vodka rebellion is underway and could spread worldwide if the movement goes viral on social media. 

Tyler Durden
Sat, 02/26/2022 – 12:30

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/xHWr7mY Tyler Durden

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