Myth Busted: Trump Ordered Officials To ‘Make Sure’ J6 Was ‘Safe Event’

Myth Busted: Trump Ordered Officials To ‘Make Sure’ J6 Was ‘Safe Event’

Things you won’t see in the Democrats’ January 6th kangaroo court;

  • Testimony from the Secret Service agent to corroborate jilted staffer Cassidy Hutchinson’s claim that Trump tried to ‘grab the wheel’ of his limousine to redirect to the Capitol.
  • Testimony from Ray Epps – who was notoriously caught on camera literally inciting Trump supporters to storm the Capitol – yet, somehow walks around free while J6 participants rot in cells.

  • Testimony from the FBI on how many government agents were present at the January 6th riot.

And last but not least – J6 Committee uniparty operatives will never highlight evidence that President Trump ordered the event to be ‘safe,’ and did not want to incite violence as his political opponents contend.

As Just the News reports:

But the hearings have been undercut by a fundamental fact: Trump’s actions before the riot began included urging supporters to “peacefully and patriotically” express their opinions and ordering his top aides to ensure there was a large contingent of National Guard troops at the ready to ensure no trouble ensued.

A Capitol Police timeline obtained by Just the News shows the Trump Pentagon first offered National Guard troops to the Capitol Police on Jan. 2, 2021, four full days before the event. The police turned down the offer but then began to have second thoughts. The Capitol Police then asked their political minders — the House sergeant at arms chief among them — for permission to accept the troops on Jan. 4 but were turned down on the ground that such a show of force would create bad “optics,” the records show.

But the smoking gun is a memo from the Inspector General which reveals that President Trump wanted to avoid – not incite – violence.

The memo details a Jan. 3, 2021 meeting in the White House between Trump, former SecDef Christopher Miller, and Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“Mr. Miller and GEN Milley met with the President at the White House at 5:30 p.m.,” reads the IG report. “The primary topic they discussed was unrelated to the scheduled rally. GEN Milley told us that at the end of the meeting, the President told Mr. Miller that there would be a large number of protestors on January 6, 2021, and Mr. Miller should ensure sufficient National Guard or Soldiers would be there to make sure it was a safe event. Gen Milley told us that Mr. Miller responded, ‘We’ve got a plan and we’ve got it covered.'”

The fact of the matter is that Trump told his senior advisers that he knew the event would attract at “large number of protesters,” and he ordered it to be kept “safe” using National Guard troops.

Instead, the evidence actually points to a large amount of pushback from underlings who were concerned about the optics of using the National Guard – which might create the perception of a military coup or martial law during the electoral process.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, for example, “did not want to create the perception that the military was involved in the electoral process,” per the memo. “He said that Mr. Miller made it clear that the military would not be involved in certifying the election results and that 10 different news agencies asked him about military use and martial law.”

Also opposed to using the National Guard was DC Police Chief Robert Contee, who was appointed to his position on December 22, 2020 by Mayor Muriel Bowser.

“Chief Contee explained to us that he did not want other Federal law enforcement involved on January 6, 2021, because of the risk associated with having unidentified Federal officers carrying weapons within D.C.,” reads the memo.

Even as key security officials were shrinking from deploying National Guard troops lest the “optics” send the wrong political message, the Capitol Police was being flooded by the FBI, the Marshal’s Service and the Homeland Security Department with raw intelligence warning of possible violence, Just the News reported recently.

Those intelligence reports, which started flowing more than two weeks before the riot, flagged online chatter about waging a “bloody war,” using nerve gas, concealing guns, and burning down the Supreme Court and specifically flagged two groups for possible trouble, the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.JTN

 “Right-wing extremists are talking about tunnels below the Capitol Complex and the allegiances of USCP officers,” said Capitol Police intelligence expert John T. Nugent Jr. in a Dec. 21, 2020 email to the department’s Intelligence and Interagency Coordination Division.

So the President wanted the National Guard to keep the peace, while the FBI and US intelligence was warning of impending violence – and the January 6th Committee has no interest in getting to the bottom of it.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 07/22/2022 – 15:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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