“It’s Illegal for People Under 21 to Buy Canisters of Whipped Cream in NY”

So NBC New York reports, discussing how stores are beginning to comply with this law, enacted last Fall:

1. “[W]hipped cream charger” shall mean a steel cylinder or cartridge filled with nitrous oxide (N2O) that is used as a whipping agent in a whipped cream dispenser.

2. No … business … shall sell or offer for sale a whipped cream charger to any person under the age of twenty-one.

3. Any … business within the state selling, offering for sale, or distributing whipped cream chargers shall require proof of legal age prior to allowing an individual to purchase or receive a shipment of whipped cream chargers. Such identification need not be required of any individual who reasonably appears to be at least twenty-five years of age, provided, however, that such appearance shall not constitute a defense in any proceeding alleging the sale or distribution of whipped cream chargers to an individual under twenty-one years of age.

4. Any … business … that violates the provisions of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than two hundred fifty dollars for an initial offense and not more than five hundred dollars for the second and each subsequent offense.

The rationale, from the Senate sponsor, Joseph P. Addabbo:

This new law is an important step in combatting a significant problem for many neighborhoods throughout my district. The need to limit the access and sale of whippits first became apparent after receiving constituent complaints about empty canisters on neighborhood streets. Used whippits piling up in our communities are not only an eye sore, but also indicative of a significant nitrous oxide abuse problem. This law will help to protect our youth from the dangers of this lethal chemical, while helping to clean up our neighborhoods….

Whipped cream chargers are filled with nitrous oxide which is often referred to as “laughing gas” and popularly used as an over-the-counter inhalant because of its euphoric effects. Dental professionals use the chemical during oral surgery to relieve pain but it is highly addictive and has detrimental effects if used improperly.

Studies have shown that younger people are most at risk when it comes to inhalants because they are inexpensive, easy to obtain, and may provide one of the easiest ways to get high. The gas-filled canisters are to be legally sold for cooking, baking and other proper home uses.

And from the Assembly sponsor, Stacey Pheffer Amato:

Our bill will greatly improve the quality of life throughout our state by removing the unused whipped cream canisters from our streets, and prevent their dangerous misuse—especially among our youth.

The post "It's Illegal for People Under 21 to Buy Canisters of Whipped Cream in NY" appeared first on Reason.com.

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