Unvaxxed Coast Guard Cadets Given 24 Hours To Leave Campus

Unvaxxed Coast Guard Cadets Given 24 Hours To Leave Campus

Coast Guard Academy cadets who have refused the Covid-19 vaccine on religious grounds were ordered to vacate the campus within 24 hours of receiving notification that their cases had undergone final military adjudication, after their religious accommodation requests (RAR) for exemptions were denied in May.

In June, the Coast Guard Academy gave notice that the unvaccinated cadets would be disenrolled, while the appeals were formally rejected on Aug. 15. They failed to notify the cadets for three days, after which they gave them just one day to vacate the campus, according to Just the News.

After being ordered to leave within 24 hours of being notified that their disenrollment appeals were denied, the seven unvaccinated Coast Guard cadets had to pack up everything and figure out how to get themselves and all their belongings home before the deadline, one cadet told Just the News on Monday.

The cadets are still enrolled in the academy and receive pay — which the cadet said is like “pennies,” anyway — as they’re on temporary duty at their home addresses. Thus, they are required to attend their military trainings online, despite being unable to attend classes that started on Aug. 22. -Just the News

What’s more, because they’re still technically enrolled, they can’t leave the Coast Guard to seek other options for education or work. One cadet told JTN that it’s too late to transfer to another college at this point in the semester, and that only part of their credits would transfer over to another institution anyway. 

Two of those told to leave are seniors, one is a junior and four are sophomores.

According to the caadet, the academy claims they aren’t violating a protected stay order in a class action lawsuit against the vaccine mandate, Clements v. Austin, which allows the unvaccinated cadets to remain enrolled at the academy through Sept. 1, after which they can be disenrolled.

Attorneys for the cadets have requested a temporary restraining order against the vaccine mandate for the duration of litigation. The lawsuit claims that because the COVID-19 vaccine was ordered under emergency use authorization (EUA) – vs. full FDA approval – that the military can’t force them to take it.

The steps taken by the Coast Guard Academy are clear religious discrimination against Christians and reflect a total disdain for the faith and constitutional rights of cadets,” Military attorney R. Davis Younts told Just the News on Tuesday. “The actions of the Coast Guard continue to have a devastating impact on morale and military readiness. Worse, these actions appear to be based on a lack of moral courage among the leaders of the Coast Guard. With the new CDC guidance, there is simply no medical or scientific justification for treating young men and women who have worked so hard to earn a commission like pariahs.”

Read more here

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/29/2022 – 22:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/U1S54yI Tyler Durden

Bitcoin Aligns Incentives In The Perfect Way

Bitcoin Aligns Incentives In The Perfect Way

Authored by Conor Chepenik via BitcoinMagazine.com,

When a nocoiner asks me about Bitcoin, it’s hard not to take a “Michael Saylor breath” and embark on a four-hour conversation about how there is no second best.

My Bitcoin elevator pitch has become better over time, but it’s hard explaining why the world so desperately needs an honest monetary ledger in 30 seconds. Proof-of-work is required to have the glorious experience of going down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. In this piece I attempt to lay out why the incentives of the network are so well thought out at every level.

Humanity has never before had such a fair game. A truly free market ledger that anyone can access, verify and update if they play by the rules. From individuals to small businesses, followed by grid operators and energy companies, and finally nation-states, everyone benefits in the long run by playing fairly with electricity rather than through coercion and violence. While I’m most hopeful that Bitcoin can help empower sovereign individuals, it appears we are entering the point where institutions start stacking sats.

As the network continues to grow in size, Bitcoin will reach a point where every company and nation-state will adopt the technology in some form or fashion, just like they have with TCP/IP. The Bitcoin rabbit hole makes learning fun and teaches people about energy, finance, philosophy, physics, history, game theory, economics, computer science and a bunch of other subjects. At my local Bitcoin meetups in Massachusetts, I’ve heard many similar stories of people starting to study and learn about subjects they otherwise would never have bothered to study. In order to have a good understanding of Bitcoin you must commit hundreds, if not thousands of hours. At which point you are just getting started because “no one has found the bottom of the Bitcoin rabbit hole.” Once you start to grasp what Bitcoin means for humanity, it almost feels like a cheat code for life. An apolitical, censorship-resistant, truly scarce, decentralized ledger that is being adopted by the masses from the ground up. It’s a blessing that the anonymous person or group named Satoshi Nakamoto solved the Byzantine generals problem



Socialism doesn’t work because people are self-interested. I’d love to live in a utopia where everyone cooperates and helps their neighbor. I firmly believe that when you give via your own free will, it is one of the best feelings in the world. However, it does not feel very good to give when you are forced to do so in order to avoid violence. Throughout history, taking away the ability for people to keep the fruits of their labor has always ended poorly. Telling people they must produce for “the greater good” is a recipe for disaster. One example of this is what happened in China between 1959-1961. The country experienced what is now referred to as the Great Famine under Mao Zedong.

“Taking away all means of private food production (in some places even cooking utensils), forcing peasants into mismanaged communes, and continuing food exports were the worst acts of commission. Preferential supply of food to cities and to the ruling elite was the deliberate act of selective provision.” 

– Vaclav Smil

This is just one example of what happens when the government takes away the ability for its citizens to work on what they themselves deem worthy. It ruins the incentive structure for productive people to work on meaningful tasks. The world is not a utopia no matter how badly socialists want it to be. It is one thing to demonize monopolistic practices because they hinder the free market from operating properly. It is a completely different thing to demonize profit. If people can’t make a profit they won’t spend their time and resources making something of value. That is unless they are forced to do so by the threat of violence. The more coercion is applied, the less value is created because someone working for profit is a lot more motivated than someone working because they are being forced to do so.

One monopolistic practice hindering our modern world today is the monopoly central banks have on fiat currency. By centrally planning interest rates and having the ability to create fiat money without facing an opportunity cost for doing so, the free market becomes corrupted. This leads to distorted price signals and individuals being pushed out on the risk curve.

“Every day that goes by and Bitcoin hasn’t collapsed due to legal or technical problems, that brings new information to the market. It increases the chance of Bitcoin’s eventual success and justifies a higher price.” — Hal Finney

While bitcoin becomes less risky every day it exists, I tip my hat to the individuals who understood its importance before buying bitcoin was a mainstream thing. Before exchanges like Mt. Gox, people were not using fiat currency to buy bitcoin. They were using electricity and computers to mine it, which is what made Bitcoin so special. A new system that is completely outside the traditional one of relying on credit and growth. Many projects that came before Bitcoin failed in the long run, but various ideas from these projects were referenced in Nakamoto’s white paper. Logically, over time, more people will come to the Bitcoin network to protect their purchasing power as long as the network keeps adding blocks of transactions approximately every 10 minutes.

The more people who see the impact that fiat currency debasement has on their purchasing power, the more likely they are to look for alternatives to protect said purchasing power. This is what initially attracted me to buy some bitcoin in early 2017. My friend told me about this new form of currency that had appreciated greatly since its inception. I watched the documentary “Banking On Bitcoin,” which I still highly recommend because it helped open my eyes to the fact that money is just a ledger. Unfortunately, I didn’t fully go down the rabbit hole at that time. I spent the first couple of years of my journey looking at my exchange balances as my bitcoin and altcoins multiplied 10 times, only to be depressed when my gains came crashing down after the bull market ended. Like most who are initially attracted to cryptocurrency for the speculation, I obsessed over the fiat price. Doing so caused me to miss the whole point of not having to rely on any counterparties to verify and hold bitcoin. While it sucked losing all the fiat gains I had made, it taught me some very valuable lessons.

“The danger is if people are buying bitcoins in the expectation that the price will go up, and the resulting increased demand is what is driving the price up. That is the definition of a BUBBLE, and as we all know, bubbles burst.” 

– Hal Finney

As Finney so eloquently pointed out in those early days, when something goes parabolic superfast it will likely crash just as fast. Pain is the best teacher and this was my first hint at why having a low time-preference is so important. It also served as a lesson for myself to focus on Bitcoin, not crypto. I kept an interest in Bitcoin, but it wasn’t until 2020 that I really started digging into the rabbit hole. When I got a stimulus check in the mail for doing nothing, that set off an alarm inside my mind. While free money is always nice, it was obvious that there would be consequences to the United States government handing out cash to its citizens. I didn’t fully understand why at the time. It was annoying me that I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong so I started down the Bitcoin rabbit hole which led me to Austrian economics and how money actually works. It was both frustrating and enlightening to learn about Bretton Woods1971 and why central banks are in a race to debase their currency.

When I learned that most U.S. dollars are held on a server (in an SQL database) at the Federal Reserve, I was shocked. These people can press buttons on a keyboard and print trillions. By granting 12 unelected officials the privilege to centrally plan the cost of borrowing money we have hindered the free market’s ability to effectively tell market participants what the cost of capital is. Fiat is latin for “by decree”; thus, it makes a lot of sense why central bankers will fight tooth and nail to keep the ability to control money. The Fed claims to be an apolitical organization, but as debt levels increase to numbers typically seen during times of war, central bankers are pressured politically to debase their currency. The other option is to default on the debt and that is never politically viable. The silver lining is that more people are waking up because they get frustrated watching their purchasing power decline rapidly in inflationary environments. Being self-interested is not a bad thing. It is what motivates individuals to work hard so they can enjoy the fruits of their labor. Bitcoin optimizes for this, while the Keynesian economic models of ever-expanding credit steal the fruits of people’s labor. No one knows how it ends but over time it makes sense more people would end up saving their “fruits” in the harder money. 

Figures with a Bitcoin flag, walking on the U.S. dollar


Visa and Mastercard have a combined market capitalization of about $775 billion dollars at the time of this writing. They charge around 3% of retailers’ revenue for their services which eats into the profits or get passed onto consumers of the companies accepting debit and credit cards. While cards make it much easier to transact, many businesses and consumers would be happy to avoid these fees if possible. There is an option of going cash-only for final settlement, but that means missing out on business from younger generations who don’t carry cash. By accepting bitcoin, these companies not only avoid the fees, but they also receive final settlement transactions just like cash. No more waiting 90 days to make sure a credit card doesn’t get charged back. Bitcoin will massively disrupt many financial rails we have today. Many in the Western world might not appreciate what a big deal this is because our financial rails are pretty well established. However, those in less developed countries know perfectly well what a pain it is to have hucksters butting in to take a cut. It won’t be instant, but bitcoin can help wean small businesses off middlemen who are no longer necessary. Bitcoin can also serve as an incredible marketing tool. I’d gladly spend some satoshis at any local small businesses that took bitcoin. Tahinis is a great example of a small business who leveraged bitcoin to get some brand awareness. I’ve never been to Canada, but if I ever go, I’d like to eat at Tahinis so I can use bitcoin to buy shawarma. Bitcoin forms a special bond between people to the point where you literally want to support their business because you know they have taken the orange pill.



Energy companies and grid operators also have a massive incentive to adopt a bitcoin strategy. Rather than just having one buyer on the grid that demands more energy during the day than at night, the grid could have a second buyer who is willing to consume energy 24/7, 365 days/year. Bitcoin miners can monetize energy that would otherwise go to waste. There is the up-front cost of buying an ASIC and having the technical whereabouts to maintain and run said ASIC. This means more jobs for the talented individuals who understand how to do so. More talented workers creating value means more energy efficient grids. It amazes me how much fear, uncertainty and doubt gets spread about Bitcoin’s energy usage, when the reality is Bitcoin can stabilize grids and make the capital put up to build green energy infrastructure much less risky. 

If you wanted to build a massive hydro plant in a rural area before there was Bitcoin, it would be very hard to raise the capital. Investors would not want to put up their money for a power plant that did not have buyers for the power being generated. With Bitcoin, the investors can rest assured there is always a buyer for that power. While I think there will be a point when miners just keep the bitcoin, they can also sell them for fiat at any point in time. Unlike traditional markets, bitcoin never stops trading. Since fiat depreciates over time, the most efficient miners will be able to hold and accumulate their bitcoin, while the less efficient miners will have to sell for money that is constantly being debased by the money printer. The best companies will thrive over the long run, while the inefficient operators will have to adapt or die. It is the free market doing its job. 

The more I learn about how grids operate, the more apparent it becomes that bitcoin can help usher in an abundant energy future where energy prices aren’t going parabolic because of poor decisions made by central planners who are printing money at unheard-of rates. The whole green energy and environmental, social and governance (ESG) narrative is an antihuman farce meant to hide the disaster that the central banks have created. These greeniacs claim that CO2 is going to suffocate the world, but this chart in Alex Epstein’s “Fossil Future” shows why more fossil fuel use is needed.


Energy is the base layer of society. Without reliable and reasonably priced energy, things will get ugly fast. Just look at what happened to Sri Lanka who had one of the highest ESG ratings in the world before their economy collapsed. Every example of hyperinflation stems from irresponsible monetary policy. Calling currency debasement “quantitative easing” doesn’t change the fact that it results in more money chasing the same number of goods. People joke that Bitcoiners are psychopaths who can’t stop talking about magic internet money, but the truth is we just want others to take the orange pill so we can stop suffering from the central planners. Bitcoin Maximalists have a reputation of being mean online for calling out bad actors, but almost every Bitcoiner I’ve met in person turns out to be one of the most genuine, kind and intelligent people I meet. In person, I’ve seen that Bitcoiners are willing to help onboard as many people as they can because we all strongly believe Bitcoin is the best way to achieve a pro-human future where we have an abundance of food, energy and choice.

In my opinion, helping people understand that bitcoin is the life raft is one of the most noble things a person can do. History has shown that the free market will ultimately end up with one form of money winning out. Before bitcoin that was gold and then we ended up with fiat to keep up with the speed of commerce. Now that we have bitcoin, I believe fiat will continue to rapidly lose its purchasing power as more people and businesses realize that bitcoin can’t be debased by a single entity.


This one is a double-edged sword. I want as many individual people to adopt bitcoin before the nation-states start accumulating. I’m hopeful that the nation-states who do end up adopting bitcoin will be able to utilize its fiat price appreciation to create a more abundant society for the individuals that live there. At the time of writing, two countries have adopted bitcoin as legal tender. According to the World Population Review’s prosperity index, El Salvador ranks 98 and the Central African Republic ranks 165 out of 167 countries. Neither of these countries is in the top 50% of prosperous nation-states and they were the first to adopt bitcoin. I believe this trend will continue since the most prosperous countries have much more to lose by not being able to “decree” what happens with their country’s money. Before bitcoin, El Salvador was a dollarized economy. Now they allow both USD and BTC to operate as legal tender. The Central African Republic had the CFA franc as its currency. According to Wikipedia:

“Critics point out that the currency is controlled by the French treasury, and in turn African countries channel more money to France than they receive in aid and have no sovereignty over their monetary policies.” 

Top: Central African Republic flag. Bottom: El Salvador flag

It is encouraging to see nation-states that are at the mercy of foreign central banks adopt bitcoin to get around these monopolies. I imagine at some point the richest nation-states will be forced to adopt bitcoin if their currency is hyperinflated because it will be the only viable way to trade with other countries. These wealthy nations will fight for as long as they can to keep control of their monopoly on fiat currency. It is the poorer nations who don’t have complete sovereignty over their money that will look to bitcoin to protect their purchasing power because they have the least to lose. 

If you are a nation-state and you can’t create your own money to fund government spending, you are much more likely to invest in a truly scarce currency than another nation-state that can create more of its own currency out of thin air. While El Salvador might not be in the green in terms of where they bought bitcoin on the spot market, they have made up for it with the massive boost in tourism and interest in their country. Personally, I would love the opportunity to visit El Salvador and use bitcoin to buy stuff. El Salvador will likely continue to experience a massive influx of tourism as more Bitcoiners, like myself, start to plan trips there so they can use this new form of money. The cyber hornets don’t mess around and as more countries notice the impact bitcoin can have on their local economies, the logical conclusion is to adopt it as legal tender and attract tourists to bolster their economy.



It might get messy. Rich nations, the World Bank and The International Monetary Fund aren’t just going to toss up their hands and go, “Well, it was fun controlling fiat while it lasted.” Just look at the U.S. who passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes hiring and arming an additional 87,000 IRS agents. The United States is planning on printing money out of thin air so they can pay citizens to do this.

(Archived source)

It is quite ironic that the nation which was created because we demanded no taxation without representation is doubling down on its tax force.

The people in power will fight tooth and nail to protect their interests and hinder bitcoin’s adoption. Top-down controls can only go so far. Individuals, companies and nation-states are all self-interested. No one likes a parasite when they are the one dealing with the consequences that are draining their resources, time and value. Over a long enough time horizon, it seems bitcoin will bleed these parasites dry as they lash out and try to impose top-down controls across the world. The truth can only be hidden so long; it always comes out in the end. Bitcoin can fix energy, monopolistic central banks, credit-based systems and massive surveillance states. It can help disincentivize violence because if someone stores their private keys in their head, no one can steal that bitcoin. They can kill the person who holds the keys, but if they were not able to torture those private keys out of the victim’s head, that just results in a donation to the rest of the network since that person’s bitcoin will never be moved.

If enough people adopt bitcoin and use solid safety practices, powerful entities stand to gain more by cooperating with these sovereign individuals rather than killing them. I don’t want it to get messy and I truly believe the best way to avoid conflict is by getting more people to take the orange pill and showing them how to run a node. Individuals, companies and nation-states theoretically no longer need banks to transact.

As a U.S citizen, I hate to see America in disarray. Ray Dalio makes some excellent and terrifying points about the state of our republic in his book “The Changing World Order.” The U.S is a declining empire at this point and China is on the rise. This chart from Dalio really helped me understand what it means to have world reserve currency status.

Estimates of ‘power’ levels of empires relative to others.

The Netherlands had reserve currency status and lost it to the British, who lost it to the United States. Now it looks like China is getting ready to gain world reserve currency status over the U.S. There is little hope of reversing the trend of USD no longer being a global reserve currency. While losing reserve status is never a fun experience, the U.S could benefit greatly from having bitcoin as a neutral world reserve currency rather than the Chinese yuan. Having a central bank digital currency (CBDC) as the reserve currency would serve as the ultimate tool for central planners to corrupt the free market and wreak havoc on value creation. As a country, China has a deep, rich history and a nation full of hardworking people. However, their massive surveillance state and CBDCs are not something that will ever fly in a free country. It is up to the masses to say “enough!” and opt out.

Future generations deserve a better world than one where the government can turn off access to its citizens’ money with the flick of a switch. These past two years have been absolutely insane. We are seeing people get their bank accounts frozen because they donated to a peaceful protest put on by truckers in Canada. We are seeing an attack on farmers across the globe to meet antihuman ESG agendas that will destroy countries in the same way it did Sri Lanka. We are even seeing the greatest nation on the planet come after its own citizens by devaluing their currency at unprecedented levels, hiring more IRS agents and raising taxes during a recession. All of this is what is at stake if the masses don’t wake up and peacefully opt out from these corrupt regimes with bitcoin.

All we have to do is use an old computer or a Raspberry Pi and run Bitcoin Core. Now, it is that easy to transact with anyone in a peer-to-peer manner and verify that only 21 million bitcoin will ever be created. It brings a warm, tingly feeling to my heart thinking about the freedom, prosperity and abundance bitcoin can bring to the world.

“Abundance in money creates scarcity everywhere else, and scarcity in money creates abundance.” 

– Jeff Booth

Once the masses understand this, they will understand why the phrase “Fix the money; Fix the world,” is the embodiment of the Bitcoin ethos.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/29/2022 – 21:40

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/TQnGIPU Tyler Durden

Student Loan Forgiveness May Result In A State Tax Bill In Over A Dozen States

Student Loan Forgiveness May Result In A State Tax Bill In Over A Dozen States

Those excited about the forthcoming student loan forgiveness are now finding out that they may wind up getting hit with a state tax bill on forgiven loans. 

While the student loan forgiveness is set to be tax-free on federal returns, some experts have said that the cancellation may wind up triggering a state tax bill, as some states may count the cancelled debt as income. 

The rules could affect borrowers in more than 12 states, according to a writeup by CNBC. They may also add a state liability of roughly $300 to $1,100, the report says. The states that may be included are Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin, the report says.

As a result of the American Rescue Plan of 2021, the forgiveness is Federally Tax Free through 2025. 

Jared Walczak, vice president of state projects at the Tax Foundation, said: “Generally speaking, states use the federal tax code as a baseline for how they define taxability.” States use “conformity” to follow Federal legislation, he said. In rare cases states may decouple from Federal guidelines and make their own. 

He said of handling the forgiveness: “States could come back very early in the next legislative session, update their conformity statute and make it effective immediately. This is not a niche issue that only affects a few people. It affects a very large number of people and hopefully, there will be clarity provided on it.”

Many borrowers making under $125,000 per year individually or $250,000 per year married will qualify for up to $10,000 of forgiveness under the bill. Pell Grant recipients will receive up to $20,000 in forgiveness. 


Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/29/2022 – 21:20

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/O0q4uQi Tyler Durden

Federal Court Strikes Down Biden Administration’s Transgender Medical Mandate

Federal Court Strikes Down Biden Administration’s Transgender Medical Mandate

Authored by Caden Pearson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

A federal appeals court on Friday struck down a Biden administration statute that forced doctors to perform medical procedures, including gender-transition procedures, against their religious beliefs.

Jean Ballard protests Fairfax County school board’s pro-transgender policy outside of the Luther Jackson Middle School in Falls Church, Va., on June 16, 2022. (Terri Wu/The Epoch Times)

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit unanimously upheld a lower court’s ruling in Franciscan Alliance v. Becerra which protected around 19,000 health care professionals in Franciscan Alliance, a Catholic health care network, from performing medical procedures against their conscience.

The lower court’s ruling had permanently prohibited the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) “from requiring Franciscan Alliance to perform gender-transition surgeries or abortions in violation of its sincerely held religious beliefs.”

Becket, the legal counsel representing Franciscan Alliance, said the court explained that permanent protection from the statute was appropriate for health care workers.

This ruling is a major victory for conscience rights and compassionate medical care in America,” said Joseph Davis, counsel at Becket, in a statement“Doctors cannot do their jobs and comply with the Hippocratic Oath if the government requires them to perform harmful, irreversible procedures against their conscience and medical expertise.” 

The court noted that the Biden administration argued for more chances to show why it needed religious health care providers to participate in gender-transition surgeries, but that the ACLU, a co-appellant, cited a previous case that worked against their argument, according to court documents (pdf).

“For years, our clients have provided excellent medical care to all patients who need it,” Davis said. “Today’s ruling ensures that these doctors and hospitals may continue to do this critical work in accordance with their conscience and professional medical judgment.”  


The mandate was first issued six years ago as part of the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare. Becket noted that this applied to “virtually every doctor nationwide.”

Section 1557 of Obamacare prohibits health care programs that receive federal funds from discriminating against patients on the basis of sex.

In May 2016, HHS issued a rule interpreting Section 1557’s prohibition of “discrimination on the basis of sex.” It defined sex discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of “termination of pregnancy” and the disputed concept of “gender identity.”

Franciscan Alliance claimed the 2016 rule violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) by defining “sex discrimination” inconsistently with Title IX, which protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance.

This rule was swiftly challenged by nine states and a group of religious organizations and received protection from federal courts in North Dakota and in Texas.

Read more here…

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/29/2022 – 21:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2QT6p5j Tyler Durden

Iran Gives West Ultimatum On Nuclear Deal As It Starts Enriching Uranium At Natanz

Iran Gives West Ultimatum On Nuclear Deal As It Starts Enriching Uranium At Natanz

Iran has issued an ultimatum which further suggests that at a moment a restored nuclear deal is reportedly at the ‘finish line’ (or hanging by a thread, depending on the source) – it could be on the brink of unraveling in this final crucial stage. 

“Iran’s president warned Monday that any roadmap to restore Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal with world powers must see international inspectors end their probe on man-made uranium particles found at undeclared sites in the country,” the AP reports.

AFP via Getty Images

This has been a key demand of the Iranian side particularly over the past months, but the US and its ally Israel in the background have claimed the withdraw of inspectors will only more easily allow the Islamic Republic to pursue a covert nuclear weapons program under cover of a restored JCPOA.

The IAEA has long demanded answers after man-made uranium particles were found at undeclared sites inside Iran. President Ebrahim Raisi addressed this in his Monday speech:

As a member of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, Iran is obligated to explain the radioactive traces and to provide assurances that they are not being used as part of a nuclear weapons program. Iran found itself criticized by the IAEA’s Board of Governors in June over its failure to answer questions about the sites to the inspectors’ satisfaction.

Raisi mentioned the traces — referring to its as a “safeguards” issue using the IAEA’s language.

“Without settlement of safeguard issues, speaking about an agreement has no meaning,” Raisi said.

Thus his words point to an agreement on the “final text” being anything but a done deal.

Complicating things further, Reuters in a Monday afternoon report, citing the IAEA, says:

Iran has started enriching uranium with one of three cascades, or clusters, of advanced IR-6 centrifuges recently installed at its underground enrichment plant at Natanz, a report by the U.N. atomic watchdog to member states seen by Reuters said on Monday.

Iran is using the cascade of up to 174 machines to enrich uranium to up to 5% purity, the confidential report said.

Critics of the negotiations and a restored JCPAO will be sure to pounce on this, particularly at a moment that top Israeli officials are in Washington seeking to lobby the White House against a deal. 

Meanwhile, Iranian state media is reporting that Tehran is still reviewing Washington’s response to the ‘final text’ after the EU delivered it last week, and is not expected to give formal reply until Friday, September 2.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/29/2022 – 20:40

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/ZhO2f5b Tyler Durden

The Fed Is Openly Cheering The Stock Market Plunge Following Jackson Hole

The Fed Is Openly Cheering The Stock Market Plunge Following Jackson Hole

Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com,

After actively promoting bubbles in housing and the stock market for years, the Fed is now rooting for a price crash…

Neel Kashkari ‘Happy’ to See the Stock Market’s Reaction to Jackson Hole

Bloomberg reports Neel Kashkari ‘Happy’ to See the Stock Market’s Reaction to Jackson Hole

“I was actually happy to see how Chair Powell’s Jackson hole speech was received,” Kashkari said in an interview with Bloomberg’s Odd Lots podcast on Monday, reflecting on the steep drop after Powell spoke. “People now understand the seriousness of our commitment to getting inflation back down to 2%.”

“I certainly was not excited to see the stock market rallying after our last Federal Open Market Committee meeting,” he said. “Because I know how committed we all are to getting inflation down. And I somehow think the markets were misunderstanding that.”

“One of the biggest mistakes they made in the 1970s at the Fed is they thought that inflation was on its way down. The economy was weakening. And then they backed off and then inflation flared back up again before they had finally quashed it,” Kashkari said. “We can’t repeat that mistake.”

Actively Promoting Bubbles

The Fed actively promoted a housing bubble to bail out banks following the DoCom crash. Of course, the DotCom bubble was openly embraced by Greenspan as a productivity miracle.

Not understanding bubbles and crashes, the Fed promoted the “Everything Bubble” as it is now called in response to the housing crash and great recession. 

Finally, the Fed actively promoted the biggest bubble of them all in response to the Covid pandemic by the most QE and monetary stimulus ever coupled with the biggest fiscal stimulus in history.

Actively Popping Bubbles

Now, the Fed has decided it does not like the inflation it created.

The only way it knows how to fix inflation is via demand destruction. The way to do that is to kill the wealth impact from the bubbles it created. 

So now the Fed is cheering the stock market decline. 

Gaps Galore on the Stock Market, Where Is the Market Headed and When?

Earlier today, I commented Gaps Galore on the Stock Market, Where Is the Market Headed and When?

I think the S&P is headed to the 2400 level and the Nasdaq to the 6,000 level. 

That’s roughly a 50% decline from the top on the S&P 500 and a 64% decline from the to on the Nasdaq.  

Fed Pivot? Forget It!

The Fed has eliminated any talk of a pivot. It might do so, but only if there is a credit event.

We cannot rule that out, but this is not 2008. 

Housing is in a bigger bubble from a price perspective, but this time there is not the underlying liar loan problem. Nor is there a huge wave of layoffs coming. 

The job market is tight and unlike most other economic bears, I expect this recession will have a minimum unemployment rate rise.

Employment Levels in Retirement Age Groups 

With over 22 million people aged 60 or over and roughly half of them 65 or over, millions of boomers will be retiring in the next couple years.

Employment lost due to retirement will not add to the unemployment rate. 

Powell has plenty of room to hike at will especially given the massive number of openings in the Leisure and Hospitality sector. 

Expect a Long Period of Weak Growth, Whether or Not It’s Labeled Recession

On August 19, I commented Expect a Long Period of Weak Growth, Whether or Not It’s Labeled Recession

On August 26, at Jackoson Hole, Fed Chair Jerome Powell Pledges to “Act With Resolve” to Beat Inflation

Key comments: “Reducing inflation is likely to require a sustained period of below-trend growth.”

Stocks are priced for perfection, not a long period of weak growth, and with the Fed openly cheering their demise.

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Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/29/2022 – 20:20

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3Gd7YZt Tyler Durden

“Get The F*** Out Of This Province!” Canadian Deputy PM Pounced On In Alberta

“Get The F*** Out Of This Province!” Canadian Deputy PM Pounced On In Alberta

Canadian deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland received an icy welcome to Alberta on Friday, as a man accosted her in a city hall building, calling her a traitor and a “fucking bitch.” Video of the incident has been circulated on social media. 

When the Canadian government confronted “freedom convoy” truckers paralyzing downtown Ottawa earlier this year in protest against vaccine mandates, Freeland — who is also finance minister — was the smiling face of the country’s alarmingly tyrannical response.  

After Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked Canada’s Emergencies Act for the first time in the country’s history, Freeland orchestrated the freezing of financial accounts of hundreds of protesters — without any due process

On Friday, Freeland — who was born in Alberta — was about to board an elevator in a Grand Prairie city hall building when a man in blue jeans and a sleeveless t-shirt called her first name. Freeland turned and cheerfully replied, “Yes?”

Then came a blistering verbal tirade that carried on until the elevator doors closed, with Freeland, surrounded by three other women, smiling and hugging the corner of the car: 

“The fuck you doing in Alberta? You fucking traitorous fucking bitch. Get the fuck out of this province! You’re a fucking traitor, you fucking bitch!”  

A woman who was accompanying the man and recording the action chimed in, “You don’t belong here.” 

After that, another man approached the outspoken man and told him to “get.” 

“Don’t tell me to ‘get.’ I’ll walk off on my own power, ok, so back off, fucking back off,” he replied. “That fucking cunt shouldn’t be even allowed be allowed in Alberta. She’s destroying this country and your kids are gonna have no future. Ok? I hope you get it. Somebody’s gotta get it, because we’re the only ones fighting for this country right now!” 

According to CTV News, the man who accosted Freeland may be Grand Prairie resident Elliot McDavid, who “has been an active organizer of freedom convoy events in his area.”

“What happened yesterday was wrong,” Freeland tweeted on Saturday. “Nobody, anywhere, should have to put up with threats and intimidation.” 

In a Sunday address, Trudeau condemned the verbal attack and, in true leftist style, predictably portrayed it as an act of intolerance: 

“We are seeing increasingly people in public life and people in positions of responsibility, particularly women, racialized Canadians, people of minority or different community groups, being targeted almost because of the increasing strength of your voices.”  

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/29/2022 – 20:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/dhPgAfD Tyler Durden

US Hints At Preparing Military Option Against Iran To Israeli Officials

US Hints At Preparing Military Option Against Iran To Israeli Officials

Authored by Dave DeCamp via AntiWar.com,

An Israeli official said that the US hinted it was preparing a military option against Iran during a meeting between Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Friday, The Times of Israel reported.

The Israeli official said that Gantz told Sullivan that Israel “needs” the US to have a credible military option against Iran. The meeting came as Washington and Tehran are engaged in negotiations to revive the nuclear deal.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken with Defense Minister Benny Gantz in a June 2021 meeting, via AP.

The official said that Gantz received “good hints” that the US was preparing a military option. The official didn’t offer details but said the idea of the military option that Israel wants would be to get Iran to make more concessions in negotiations. If not, the US could potentially take military action against the Islamic Republic alongside Israel.

Gantz expressed his opposition to the nuclear deal in the meeting with Sullivan, and the Israelis are stepping up pressure on the Biden administration to abandon the talks. As part of the pressure campaign, the head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, David Barnea, is heading to Washington next week.

Barnea is expected to brief members of the House and Senate intelligence committees on Israel’s opposition to reviving the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA. He will also meet with CIA Director William Burns and other Biden administration officials.

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid slammed the EU’s recent proposal to revive the JCPOA, calling it a “bad deal.” Iran is currently reviewing the US response to the EU proposal, which came after Tehran gave a response of its own.

Lapid said that the EU proposal is not something President Biden said he would pursue during his trip to Israel in July. “We told the Americans: ‘This is not what President Biden wanted.’ This is not what he talked about during his visit to the country,” he said.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/29/2022 – 19:40

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/6ypKTPQ Tyler Durden

Student Loan Forgiveness Proves All Those College Degrees Really Are Worthless

Student Loan Forgiveness Proves All Those College Degrees Really Are Worthless

What is a college degree actually worth?  We know what secondary schools charge for the “opportunity” to study with them, but this does not really tell us much about the value of the services they offer.

On average, college tuition costs around $10,000 per year for a person studying in their home state, and $25,000 a year for those studying out-of-state.  Federal student loans can cover these costs, but this is the application of public tax dollars with the expectation of returns; it is not supposed to be free money.  And to be clear, NO ONE is entitled to a secondary education, let alone for free.  

The average interest rate on a student loan is around 5% these days, and such loans include stipulations that they cannot be erased through bankruptcy.  The argument among people who support loan forgiveness is that the cost of a degree is too high and the loans are impossible to pay or escape.  On top of that, many of these graduates can’t even get a job once they leave college.  

Surveys over the past couple years show that at least 45% of college graduates are unable to find a job once they enter the private sector.  Those that can find a job usually end up working outside the scope of their field of study.  Keep in mind this is happening during a period of very low official unemployment.   

The result?  Four year or eight year degree holders end up working side-by-side with high school graduates in lower wage jobs.  This is extremely common and is fueling a rise in worker discontent.  Their fantasies of six-figure incomes and a life of prestige suddenly hit a wall called reality, and now these students are angry and in debt to the tune of $36,000 or more on average.

But do they have a right to be angry?  No, not really.  

The problem with this line of thinking is once again about real world value.  When these students chose their field of study, were they considering the value of the work they would eventually be able to do?  Were they considering the job that their degree would afford them, or were they only thinking about how easy it would be to take those particular classes?

As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently noted:  “It’s very unfair to have a truck driver have to pay back a loan for somebody that got a PhD in gender studies. That’s not fair. That’s not right.”              

This is an accurate assessment.  The loan could have been used for anything – Any field of study with limitless potential for job growth and success, but 45% of these kids chose idiotic majors with zero earning potential.  The money was wasted on nothing, and now, many of these graduates that made foolish decisions are being rewarded for it with loan forgiveness by the Biden Administration.

What’s worse is that these same children now act as if they were “victimized” by receiving the loans in the first place.  No one made them take the loans, and no one made them pick a field of study that was lazy and worthless.  They can’t use the excuse that the jobs market is unfavorable, because according to Joe Biden this is the “best employment environment ever.”

So what is the root disconnect?  What is the question that no one is asking?  Well, if the degrees were worth the cost of the loans then wouldn’t it be easy for graduates to pay them off as high level producers and money makers?  Why does the federal government need to step in at all?  Shouldn’t graduates be able to pay off their loans with the vast number of jobs available under Joe Biden?  Why would they need the help if the economy is flying?  

There are multiple points to make here:

1)  Someone has to pay for the debt that is created, it doesn’t disappear because Joe Biden says so.  It gets added directly to the national debt and the deficit and every taxpayer has to take on that cost, along with the increased drag on the economy.  Why should we pay for the mistakes of a bunch of low expectation college kids, or for educational services that add no value to the financial system?  

2)  Is it legal for Joe Biden to essentially buy votes from college students by offering them free tuition as long as he stays in office?  Isn’t this what he is doing, or is this really Joe giving the kids a break from the goodness of his heart?  Because we all know if Joe can do this successfully once, he will do it again.      

3)  Loan forgiveness only confirms what many of us already suspected; that at least half of all degrees are worthless and pointless.  If they were worth something, then there would be no need for forgiveness because the graduates would be able to pay off their loans without aid.

4)  If we accept the fact that half of student loans are for worthless degrees, then we also have to then ask why they were given out in the first place?  Shouldn’t student loans for necessary fields such as STEM fields or business fields be prioritized and loans for meaningless fields like social sciences be turned down?  Why not only give loans in fields where there are insufficient applicants and a high demand for trainees?  Why not incentivize students to take on a field of study that is difficult and needed?  Wouldn’t this be smarter than adding hundreds of billions (potentially trillions) of dollars onto the national debt with the stroke of a pen?

5)  Finally, maybe it is good to make people pay for their mistakes?  Maybe this builds character and forces them to work harder to rectify their lives.  If we subsidize their mistakes, then won’t they simply learn that they can continue doing whatever they please without consequences?  Doesn’t this incentivize stupidity?   

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/29/2022 – 19:20

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/im9D0lW Tyler Durden

DeSantis Suspends Four Broward County School Board Members

DeSantis Suspends Four Broward County School Board Members

Authored by Jannis Falkenstern via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended four Broward County School Board members on Aug. 26, following a grand jury recommendation citing “incompetence, neglect of duty, and misuse of authority.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis talks to the media in Miami, in April 2022. (Courtesy, The Florida Governor’s Office)

A Statewide Grand Jury released a 122-page report accusing the four of a range of “inexcusable actions… and unacceptable behavior” relating to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on Feb. 14, 2018, when 17 students and staff lost their lives.

The governor said he took the report’s recommendations and decided to act on his constitutional authority as governor.

“It is my duty to suspend people from office when there is clear evidence of incompetence, neglect of duty, misfeasance or malfeasance,” DeSantis said in a written statement. “We hope this suspension brings the Parkland community another step towards justice. This action is in the best interest of the residents and students of Broward County and all citizens of Florida.”

In announcing the suspensions, DeSantis said, “These are inexcusable actions by school board members who have shown a pattern of emboldening unacceptable behavior, including fraud and mismanagement, across the district.”

In 2019. the governor asked the Supreme Court to convene the grand jury to look into safety and security issues statewide in the aftermath of the Parkland tragedy.

The grand jury’s report, which was completed in April 2021, but was not released until Aug. 19, 2022, details accounts of mismanagement within Broward schools after the shooting.

Former Broward Superintendent Robert Runcie was indicted on perjury charges by the grand jury in April 2021. He stepped down in August 2021. Much of the report was highly critical of Runcie’s leadership, but the four now-suspended board members continued to support him.

Read more here…

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/29/2022 – 19:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/wUypxG0 Tyler Durden