Biden Tells Sharpton He’s Running For President Again In 2024

Biden Tells Sharpton He’s Running For President Again In 2024

President Biden privately told Rev. Al Sharpton last month that he plans to seek a second term as president, telling the MSNBC host “I’m going to do it again,” as the two posed for a photograph in the Roosevelt Room, according to an official from Sharpton’s National Action Network.

While Biden allies have said he will seek re-election, he has shied away from declaring it unequivocally, at least in part to avoid triggering campaign finance reporting laws. His remarks to Sharpton at the tail end of a meeting with the leaders of several of the country’s most prominent civil rights organizations represent a stronger assertion that he will be on the ballot again. –NBC News

Biden’s meeting with Sharpton follows several polls showing that his support among black voters has cooled significantly.

In May, a Washington Post-Ipsos poll found that black voters nationwide are losing faith in Biden over unkept campaign promises, and are less enthusiastic about turning out for the Nov. 8 midterm elections than they were about voting to keep Trump out of office in 2020.

The demographic was key to Biden’s comeback in the Democratic primaries – propelling him to victory in South Carolina after he failed to take first place in the first three races in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. Days later, it was overwhelming support from Black voters that made Biden’s presidency possible.

No word on whether Biden has obtained permission from his handlers to run again. We’re sure the White House will walk it back if not.

Tyler Durden
Tue, 10/04/2022 – 17:05

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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