Good News (For Republicans): Warren Supports Kamala Harris If Biden Drops Out

Good News (For Republicans): Warren Supports Kamala Harris If Biden Drops Out

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Here’s a bit of good news for Republicans, courtesy of Elizabeth Warren. If Biden drops out, Harris is likely the worst candidate Democrats could reasonably field.

Big Swift Kick in the Pants

My mom frequently stated so-and-so “needs a big swift kick in the pants”. She added the words “big swift”.

I looked up the phrase “kick in the pants” but cannot find the origin. I found discussion of kick in the pants and swift kick in the pants but not big swift kick in the pants.

A Really Big Decision Says Elizabeth Warren

The Wall Street Journal reports Warren Signals Support for Harris if Biden Drops Out

Harris is ready to “step up” and “unite the party to take on Donald Trump,” Elizabeth Warren, the senator from Massachusetts, said Saturday on MSNBC. Warren vouched for Harris as a crusader against big banks and heralded her efforts to protect abortion rights. 

“Look if you’re running against a convicted felon, then a prosecutor like Kamala is really a good person to make that case,” Warren said, referring to Harris’s previous roles as California’s attorney general and San Francisco’s district attorney.

Warren’s remarks—along with the other comments from Democrats backing Harris—offer a public glimpse into the extent to which party leaders are already positioning for the possibility of Biden stepping aside. It remains an open question whether Biden would push for Harris to replace him or favor a more open contest that some Democrats worry could become a nasty free-for-all.

In her Saturday remarks, Warren said for the first time that Biden “has a really big decision to make” about his candidacy, a phrase that has become something of a calling card for Democrats looking to gently nudge Biden out of the race.

Big Donors Appalled

It appears Warren prefers the “gentle nudge” tactic over the “big swift kick” theory.

Mom would not approve. Nor do big Democrat donors who are appalled by any loyalist enthusiasm for either Biden or Harris.

I commented on donors earlier in Kamala Hangs Up on Donors, 12 More Democrats Ask Biden Drop Out

A growing tide of Democrats including Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio ask Biden to step aside. Kamala Harris huddles with donors on a phone call then hangs up on them.

Also Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris defended Biden during a contentious call with Democratic donors at a time when wealthy financiers feel misled by the president and are vowing to not give money to his campaign. The call abruptly ended before Harris would field any donor questions.

On the Friday donor call, Harris and others tried to tamp down a growing revolt. Harris didn’t take questions. When donors tried to speak, the organizer quickly ended the call.

Here are some additional amusing details on that donor call from the New York Times.

Call With Harris Fails to Reassure Donors

Please consider Call With Harris Struggles to Reassure Major Democratic Donors

Vice President Kamala Harris tried to buck up the Democratic Party’s biggest donors on Friday, telling about 300 of them that there was little to worry about in President Biden’s campaign.

“I will start by sharing something with all of you,” Ms. Harris told the donors, according to a listener on the call who described her remarks on the condition of anonymity, “something I believe in my heart of hearts. It is something I feel strongly you should all hear and should take with you when you leave. And tell your friends, too. We are going to win this election.”

“Not surprisingly, there was no news generated on this call, and instead, it was a pitch for donors to continue to invest in groups on the ground who are working to defeat Donald Trump,” read an email from Corridor Partners, which advises donors focused on climate issues.

The email, which was viewed by The New York Times, added, “The call was not productive, and we wanted to apologize to each of you who joined for sharing that invitation.”

After Ms. Harris stopped speaking, according to three listeners, one participant who was unmuted could be overheard calling the entire call “ludicrous.”

Epic Infighting

Infighting among democrats has reached epic levels to the point backers are labeling a pep talk by Harris as ludicrous. What a hoot.

The democrats cannot unite against Trump as long as they are hopelessly split into two major factions.

Two Factions

  • Progressive Loyalists: This faction includes President Biden, Elizabeth Warren, AOC, and the Congressional Black Caucus. The loyalists are further split into two camps. Those who are openly loyal to Biden and those who support a gentle nudge but only to Harris.

  • Open Conventionists: This faction is led by donors plus a growing number of Congressional Democrats who prefer an open convention and a better shot at winning than going down with the loyalist ship.

Democrat Clown Show

Many Congressional cowards are standing in the middle of this sinking ship unwilling to take a stand until they see which way the ship rolls over.

The liberal media also wants to push out Biden. That is something the Democrats have never before witnessed.

Adding to the comedy, Republicans are hoping the Biden loyalists win because either Biden or Harris would be easier to defeat than some potential candidates if there were to be an open convention.

Nate Silver Blasts the 538 Election Forecast, His Previous Site

I discussed other candidates including Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Nate Silver Blasts the 538 Election Forecast, His Previous Site

I caution, this election is not over.

75 percent ≠ 100 percent. Few seem to understand the importance of that mathematical fact.

The best chances for Republicans are if Biden can hang on until until the bitter end, and second, if Biden is replaced by Harris. Regarding the latter, the later the better.

An open convention would give Democrats the best shot. Ironically, the DNC seems hell bent on preventing that outcome.

Meanwhile, the comedy show proceeds.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 07/21/2024 – 10:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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