Russia Initiates Call With Pentagon After NATO Offered Ukraine ‘Irreversible’ Membership Path

Russia Initiates Call With Pentagon After NATO Offered Ukraine ‘Irreversible’ Membership Path

In a rare positive development, the heads of the US and Russian militaries have held a rare phone call in an effort to deescalate tensions. But Moscow is livid at certain recent developments and pledges from the West.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Friday spoke by phone Russian Minister of Defense Andrey Belousov for the second time in less than a month. The call was initiated by Moscow just after the close of the NATO summit hosted by Biden in Washington this week.

A Pentagon readout said Austin “emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine,” deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh told a briefing.

The two sides had been quiet since a call in March 2023, but communications have been picking up, after a June 25th call which reestablished communications.

But Russia likely registered its anger at the NATO summit committing to an “irreversible path” for Ukraine’s NATO membership. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg still admitted in will be a very long path, as much as ten years or more.

He said in a CBS News interview days ago: “Well, no one has said exactly 10 years but- but- but it’s obvious that it is a very serious issue to bring in Ukraine. Because Ukraine is now a country at war.”

“Ukraine has been attacked by- by Russia. So the most important thing we should do is to step up our support to Ukraine to ensure that Ukraine prevails,” he continued. “That’s a precondition for any future membership for Ukraine.”

According to The Hill, another recent issue which has roiled Russia and was likely conveyed by Belousov to Austin, is seen in the following:

What’s more, NATO has backed Ukraine’s push for more latitude in its use of Western-supplied weapons to strike inside Russia, with the United Kingdom announcing it would allow Kyiv to hit targets over Russian borders with British-provided long-range missiles.

There’s also the US decision to deploy long-range missiles to Europe in violation of the previously in place INF treaty, which the US pulled out of in 2019. The missiles are expected to be deployed to Germany soon.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has warned this could make Germany or other places in Europe a target: “There has always been a paradoxical situation: the United States has deployed a variety of missiles of different ranges in Europe, which are traditionally aimed at our country,” he said, and warned: “Accordingly, our country designated European locations as targets for our missiles.”

Tyler Durden
Sat, 07/13/2024 – 12:15

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Tulsi Gabbard – The Ultimate Insurance Policy For Trump

Tulsi Gabbard – The Ultimate Insurance Policy For Trump

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog,

Having now done literally hundreds of interviews/livestreams/podcast over the past seven years, I’ve learned a few things about media. The first is that this is a lot harder than it looks.

I’ve done it the very hard way, limited success through repetitive failure.

It’s who I am. I’m neither a book nor ear learner. Learning is a kinetic process for me.

For those who aren’t natural public speakers it’s even harder than that. They have to take lessons and shit. And practice. Practice. Practice. I got a small amount of training back when I ran as a Libertarian in 2002. How to dress, reactively listening (Still no clue how to do that), etc.

So, while I’m no expert public speaker, I have become pretty aware of a few things about it: Long form is better than short. Not all media is good media. You have to be willing to ‘get into character.’

Just Be Yourself, Kinda.

Crafting a version of yourself to fit the format is the key to being both a good host and a good guest, both of which I’m still working on. That version/character you craft has a lifespan.

This isn’t to say that the character is artifice necessarily. It isn’t. It is the essence of the lines by T.S. Eliot from The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock:

There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;

It’s not artifice to be a gracious host or a respectful guest, in common parlance it’s called “manners.”

And mine, despite my best intentions, are just barely adequate on the best of days.

How well you prepare that face and greet the opportunities to meet new faces with humility, will ultimately determine how far you go. We all have that choice in front of us every day.

It’s why Prufrock is one of my favorite poems in the English language, it so thoroughly captures the embedded schizophrenia of post-modern society.

You can have your script, practice your character, and maintain the lie for a certain amount of time. But eventually, no matter what you say, there you are.

The bigger the deviation that character is from the real you, the more exhausting maintaining that character is, the shorter the lifespan.

And because anyone can fool another person if they only have to put on the corporatist/globalist feedbag for a 2-5 minute fawning media segment, short form media is itself nothing but a potential lie-generation engine.

It is the height of artifice.

Podcast Campaigning

Podcasting, on the other hand, is just conversation. And conversations have their own vibe.

You still, however, have to craft a version of yourself for any conversation, because manners. But ultimately the inverse time function of maintaining a facade rules.

I can hold it together for about an hour, after that fatigue sets in and the persona, however slight it may be, begins to slip.

So, pro tip, podcasters, if you want controlled, normie-friendly Luongo, keep it under an hour. If you want That Mr. Hyde guy, just keep the tape rolling an extra 20 to 30 minutes.

This is why podcasting has taken off the way it has. It’s why Joe Rogan found the magic by accident.

Eventually everyone lets their guard down. Everyone is laid bare for us to truly see. And since we are all desperately crying out for authenticity in a sea of smarm, we gravitate towards the format which gives us the highest probability of getting the truth and the people who bring that to the table consistently.

I keep going back to one of the first blogs I posted on this site, The Authenticity Gap, detailing why Hillary Clinton’s credibility gap was her Achilles’ heel against Donald Trump.

The Democrats have been lying to us about literally everything while the GOPe led by Yertle the Turtle ran cover for them to…

 … gin up World War III before Trump takes office to avoid being thrown in jail.  This is how sick these people are.

Because, all that matters in the end is their maintaining power, no matter who it hurts or what it costs.

I wrote those words in 2016, before Trump won. They are just as accurate today.

This is why we’ve only seen Joah Bii-DEN! in public here and there, in sound bites and short clips, creating the fiction that he was anything other than a mushroom sporifying in the White House, feeding him a steady diet of bullshit-flavored ice cream.

That piece is still relevant today, just replace The Hildabeast with Joe Biden. Trump and Putin are still ‘literally Hitler.” And the Democrats are self-immolating on the altar of their own tenuous relationship with common decency.

Watching Gabbard Gab

Having watched/listened to hundreds of hours of Tulsi Gabbard over the years, I’ve noticed a few things.

First, she’s not a natural public speaker, nor is she really comfortable in front of the camera. So, she has worked very hard on crafting a public persona which is not easy for her to slip into but which is also authentically her.

Because she is uncomfortable, that face begins to slip after a while…. about an hour. I always get the sense that there is a ‘macho military’ version of Gabbard lurking just below the surface, that swears like a mafia don and prays like a priest. And every once in a while it leaks out.

But it will never do so in a six-minute segment on Fox News.

You’ve got to get past that fatigue barrier.

The reason I bring all of this up is because Gabbard was recently on the Keep Hammering Collective podcast with Cameron Hanes for nearly two hours.

She did that podcast after spending the day with him doing his triathalon he calls Lift, Run, Shoot which I suggest you watch the video of, especially if your name is Donald Trump.

Why? You know why. I’ve already made my case for why I thought Gabbard is the ‘box-ticking’ favorite to be Trump’s running mate this fall.

I think, however, in retrospect, that was a little unfair to Tulsi Gabbard.

I, like the Davosians who tried to groom her into their perfect barista of globalism, made the mistake of not really getting past the character she plays, the boxes she ticks. There’s a fiery person underneath that calm face she wears in front of the camera. Her book, which I’ve read, makes this point ad infinitum.

And the rounds she’s making supporting the book are showing us a Tulsi Gabbard hinted at, but she hasn’t really shown us before.

What’s, uh, the VP deal?

Dexter White’s recent post reminded us about why Joe Biden was selected to be Barack Obama’s VP, “the life insurance policy for the first black president…”

Obama thought “…I sure don’t want to get shot, who could I pick for VP that would make even an assassin think twice?  Oh, I know, Joe Biden.  No one wants that dumbass in charge!”

Over the years, we’ve gotten so caught up in the political game that is choosing a Vice-President we forgot what the actual job description is… to be the person to step into the role should the President not be there, physically, mentally, or otherwise.

I say this to remind the ghost of Al Haig that we still don’t want him in charge.

It is precisely because Kamala Harris was picked to be Biden’s veep for every other reason than the job description that the Democrats and Davos are in the bind they are in as I write this.

It was never about Harris’ competence, capability, or commitment that landed her in the Naval Observatory. It was the boxes she ticked, the perception of her moral fluidity, and her solidification of the black female vote at a time when black men were drifting into Der Trumpenfuhrer’s orbit that made her the center of their Venn Diagram.

Notice how she was never a person to them… just a series of attributes.

For Trump, who has held back his choice for vice-president for months, the big question has been, if he wins the election will the blob/Deep State/Davos/etc. just kill him off before the inauguration?

It’s a real conundrum.

So, I say, turn about is fair play. Biden was Obama’s insurance policy, make Gabbard Trump’s. Because, if there is one person of all the people on the short list to be Trump’s VP that Davos do not want to see on the ticket it is Tulsi Gabbard.

Because she really is that person who walked away from power, has a strong moral center, and is authentically motivated by service. And that motivation, coupled with their previous shots against her, like they’ve done with Trump, should scare them maybe more than he does.

Remember, Trump’s ultimately a deal-maker. Is Gabbard? Open question.

This is why every trial balloon imaginable has gone up in the past three months for the usual suspects like Skeletor Scott, his separated at birth brotha Tim, Little Marco, Tom Cotton Pickin’ Neocon, etc… They are trying to move Trump to tick boxes rather than choose the whole person.

The only person other than Gabbard that gets their globalist goat more is Gen. Mike Flynn.

But, really, go watch the real Gabbard emerge in the 2nd half of the Cameron Hanes podcast. She knows who they are. She told them to “GFY,” but has too many manners to say it publicly.

Beneath that calm demeanor is someone deeply angry.

Even if she tries to hide the real fire in her belly while she’s auditioning for the role.

And, lastly, she understands the threats and dangers to civilization itself these people represent.

Because Gabbard is the real deal, folks.

I thought it before. I know it now.

You can’t fake what she has. And that’s an insurance policy whose payout is more than even the ghouls at Globalist Central can afford.

*  *  *

Join my Patreon if you like character.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 07/13/2024 – 11:40

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

When Rents Rise, So Does Homelessness

When Rents Rise, So Does Homelessness

According to a Pew Charitable Trusts study, rising rental prices are directly linked to an increase in homelessness in the United States.

As Statista’s Ann Fleck reports, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s homelessness data and Apartment List rent data from 2017 and 2022 shows that of the six metro areas where homelessness increased the most, rents had also risen faster than the national average.

These were Sacramento, Fresno, Raleigh, Phoenix, Austin and Tucson.

Infographic: When Rents Rise, So Does Homelessness | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista


Meanwhile, four areas that saw declines in homelessness also saw below-average increases in their median rents.

The writers of the report explain:

“There are still places in the U.S. where levels of homelessness are low, either because those places have low-cost housing readily available – such as Mississippi, where homelessness is 10 times lower than California – or because they have rapidly added housing and made a concerted effort to reduce the ranks of residents without homes. In Houston, the rate of homelessness is 19 times lower than it is in San Francisco, even though Houston’s population has grown more than San Francisco’s in the past decade. Looking at these markets helps to show how population growth generally does not explain growth in homelessness, except in instances where there is not a sufficient increase in the housing supply.”

The analysts further note that while homelessness often has several contributing factors – such as substance use disorder, mental health, weather, the strength of the social safety net, poverty, or economic conditions – none are as impactful as the role of high housing costs.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 07/13/2024 – 11:05

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Finland Passes Controversial Law Blocking Asylum Seekers From Russia

Finland Passes Controversial Law Blocking Asylum Seekers From Russia

Finland has upped its efforts at blocking migrants seeking to enter the European Union country from Russia. The neighboring countries share a lengthy 1,340 km north-south border which has been source of heightened tensions ever since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

On Friday Finland’s parliament passed a controversial bill which fully empowers border guards to turn away asylum seekers at the border. The new law was narrowly passed – approved by 167 Finnish lawmakers – which was the minimum needed for the 200-seat Finnish parliament.

Proponents have described the measure as a necessary reaction against Russia’s ‘hybrid warfare’. Officials have long accused Moscow of intentionally trying to flood the border with Middle East migrants.

“This is a strong message to Russia, a strong message to our allies, that Finland takes care of its own security, we take care of the security of the EU border,” Prime Minister Petteri Orpo said Friday, describing further that it will stop as well as prevent future arrivals.

A regional Mideast news outlet has tallied thatMore than 1,300 asylum seekers crossed from Russia since the middle of last year, but there had been no new arrivals since March until Thursday” and that they are largely from Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Somalia.

There have been some instances of young Russian men desiring to avoid military service seeking entry into Finland. Finland had shut the border last year as a result of the uptick in arrivals, and bolstered physical barriers. Many officials believe Russia ‘weaponized’ migrants as retaliation for Finland abandoning its historic neutrality in order to join NATO.

Soon after formally entering NATO in April 2023, fears grew that both sides would militarize the border, and that increased troop movements could result; however, these predictions have largely failed to materialize and the situation has remained mostly peaceful.

The new law does contain some exceptions – for example guards are not to turn away children and disabled asylum seekers. Amnesty International has meanwhile condemned the new bill…

Belarus and Poland have been in the midst of a parallel controversy and crisis. Warsaw has for at least two years been bolstering its border while charging Minsk with facilitating the arrival of migrants from the Middle East. President Lukashenko has been accused of waging a hybrid war to bog down Polish troops and border guards at key crossings. Warsaw has also had to pour huge amounts of money into solving the crisis, while also building up a long border fence.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 07/13/2024 – 09:55

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

How Will We Distribute The Pain Ahead?

How Will We Distribute The Pain Ahead?

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

What is acceptable, and what is unacceptable? We’ll soon have to decide.

I wish the transition ahead–the unwinding of all the distortions and sources of instability in our economy and society–could be painless. That would be ideal. But history suggests that hope is unrealistic. History suggests those in power will cling to whatever is working well for them even as the economy and society decay and decohere around them.

Denial and magical thinking are the order of the day. Rome is eternal, so there’s nothing to worry about. If the peasants have no bread, let them eat brioche. And so on.

If the painless option is off the table, then the issue boils down to the distribution of the pain. Ideally, those least able to sustain further sacrifices will be favored at the expense of those better able to sustain sacrifices. But those most able to sustain sacrifices are those with the power to distribute the pain to others. This dynamic leads to those least able to sustain sacrifices being distributed the majority of the pain, to the point that they have so little to lose that abandoning the status quo becomes the least worst option.

The data collected by Italian researcher Vilfredo Pareto revealed a pattern throughout Nature and civilization of 80/20 distributions, what we call the 80/20 Rule or the Pareto Distribution: 20% of the sales staff make 80% of the sales, 20% of the populace ends up owning 80% of the property, 20% of the plants produce 80% of the seeds that sprout, and so on.

The Pareto Distribution distills down to 80% of 80% and 20% of 20%, or 4/64: 4% of the populace ends up with 64% of the property. In the U.S., the top 10% own 93% of the stocks, and it’s likely the top 5% own 65%–in line with the Pareto Distribution. The bottom 50% own 2.6% of all financial assets.(See Federal Reserve chart below.) This is in line with the Pareto Distribution: the bottom 64% own about 4% of the nation’s financial assets.

The issue thus becomes how best to avoid the dire consequences of the 4% at the top of the wealth-power pyramid distributing 64% of the pain to those at the bottom. Unfortunately, the pain will be distributed unevenly regardless of our intentions: highly paid people in unsustainably costly industries will be laid off along with people in more precarious jobs.

Our most realistic hope is to do our best to ease the burdens of those who will suffer the most severe dislocations and shift some of the sacrifices to those with sufficient means to cushion them from any real suffering. We can rethink our winner take most financial system, our duct-taped social contract, our enfeebled civic virtue and our waste is growth Landfill Economy.

Or we can let the system run to failure and let the Devil Take the Hindmost. What is acceptable, and what is unacceptable? We’ll soon have to decide.

*  *  *

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Tyler Durden
Sat, 07/13/2024 – 09:20

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Where In The World Are The Top Universities?

Where In The World Are The Top Universities?

Visual Capitalist’s Pallavi Rao breaks down which countries host the most top 100 universities in the world, as per the World University Rankings 2024, sourced from Times Higher Education.

The ranking measures 1,906 universities across 108 countries on 18 performance indicators across broad pillars like teaching, research environment, research quality, industry, and international outlook.

The U.S. Dominates in Higher Education

Not only does the U.S. have the most top 100 universities (36), it is also the most represented country (169 universities) in the entire ranking catalog of nearly 2,000 schools.

Adding the U.S. number to that of Canada’s (3) gives a regional total for North America (39) that compares similarly to Europe’s (36) regional total.

When looking at the top 10 specifically, the U.S. (7), and UK (3) split the pot for the very top of the ranking, which contains the world’s best universities.

Oxford University ranks first overall while Stanford University (#2) is first for teaching, and MIT (#3) is first in research quality.

Looking at top-ranking schools on a per capita basis, Singapore boasts two top 100 universities while having just over 5.5 million people. Switzerland, with nearly 9 million people, has three of the world’s best.

Notably South America and Africa do not host a single top 100 university, at least according to this ranking framework and the criteria within.

If you liked this article check out How Hard Is It to Get Into an Ivy League School which details the admission rates and median SAT scores required to be accepted.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 07/13/2024 – 07:35

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Why Viktor Orbán Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize

Why Viktor Orbán Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize

Submitted by Russian Market,

Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, stands out for his audacity and persistence in the realm of contemporary politics. His tireless efforts in diplomacy and steadfast commitment to national and global stability merit serious consideration for the Nobel Peace Prize. His relentless pursuit of peace, even amidst widespread criticism, underscores the kind of leadership the world desperately needs today.

The Nobel Peace Prize, despite its controversies, remains one of the highest accolades for contributions to global peace and reconciliation. Historical recipients, from the European Union in 2012 for turning Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace, to Henry Kissinger and Barack Obama for their diplomatic endeavors, have set a precedent for recognizing transformative efforts in international relations. While some decisions have sparked debate, the prize continues to honor those who genuinely strive for global harmony.

For over two decades Viktor Orbán has been a central figure in Hungarian politics. His tenure has seen Hungary navigate through the 2008 financial crisis and emerge with strengthened national sovereignty and economic stability. Orbán’s policies have focused on reducing national debt, increasing employment, and supporting families, thereby fostering a social cohesion that is essential for lasting peace. Economic stability, after all, is a cornerstone of societal tranquility.

Recently, Orbán’s diplomatic missions have further highlighted his unwavering commitment to peace. As the head of the rotating EU presidency, he has been at the forefront of international diplomacy, particularly concerning the Ukraine conflict. His proactive visits to key leaders—including Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev, Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Xi Jinping in Beijing, and next, Donald Trump in Floridademonstrate his dedication to engaging with global leaders and promoting dialogue. These are not mere photo opportunities but substantive efforts to foster real change.

Orbán’s vigorous diplomatic activities have undoubtedly stirred the waters in Brussels. Critics argue that Orbán’s methods sometimes breach diplomatic protocols, but his engagement with pivotal figures in the Ukraine conflict illustrates the kind of bravery and initiative that many modern politicians lack. Orbán’s actions transcend superficial diplomacy; he is actively striving to move continents towards real solutions during a time of great division.

Orbán’s peace efforts have drawn significant criticism, especially from European and German political leaders. However, his bold and relentless pursuit of peace positions him as a modern-day Robin Hood, fighting for stability and harmony in Europe. While many leaders prefer the comfort of their offices, Orbán is on the global stage, engaging with world leaders and taking decisive steps to bring about peace.

Many politicians focus on short-term gains and superficial gestures, but Orbán stands out as a leader willing to take bold actions for the greater good. His approach to diplomacy—meeting with adversaries, challenging the status quo, and prioritizing long-term stability over fleeting popularity—lays the groundwork for meaningful peace talks and steps toward the de-escalation of the Ukraine conflict. These substantial contributions to peace warrant recognition.

Viktor Orbán embodies the spirit of a modern-day Robin Hood, daring to undertake actions that many politicians shy away from. For his relentless pursuit of peace and stability, Orbán deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 07/13/2024 – 07:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Tipping Point: When Populations Peak

Tipping Point: When Populations Peak

As yesterday marks World Population Day, we’re taking a closer at one of the population trends that will affect many countries sooner or later in the 21st century: population decline. Especially prevalent across Europe and developed Asia, Statista’s Felix Richter reports this demographic trend is a consequence of declining birth rates and ageing populations and poses significant challenges to the countries affected.

Infographic: Tipping Point: When Populations Peak | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

In countries like Japan and Italy, where population decline has begun in 2011 and 2015, respectively, fertility rates have long fallen below the replacement level of 2.1 percent, influenced by factors such as higher education and career opportunities for women, shifts in societal norms regarding family and childbearing and an ageing overall population.

Countries with declining populations face a number of challenges, both economic and social. Economically, a shrinking workforce can lead to labor shortages, reduced productivity and increased pressure on social welfare systems. With fewer working-age individuals to support a growing elderly population, the financial burden on pension systems and healthcare services intensifies. Socially, a declining population can result in the depopulation of rural areas, shrinking communities and the ensuing challenges in maintaining infrastructure and public services.

Addressing these issues requires comprehensive strategies and strategies. Raising the retirement age or increasing taxes/social contributions can help alleviate the financial burdens associated with a demographic imbalance. Policies to support work-life balance and affordable childcare can help slow the population decline and immigration of young, skilled workers can help address the labor shortages and increase productivity.

According to the latest revision of the United Nation’s World Population Prospects, many countries will face these challenges within this century if they do not already, such as the aforementioned Japan and Italy and China and Germany, which were expected to see their first population decline in 2023.

France’s population is expected to start declining in 2043, Brazil’s in 2048 and even India’s vast population is projected to start shrinking in 2065.

Among developed nations, the United States, Canada and Australia are notable exception, with none of them currently expected to see their first population decline in the 21st century.

Geographically, many African nations are still growing rapidly, resulting in a continental shift in global population that will see countries like Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia and Tanzania among the most populous nations in the world by 2100.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 07/12/2024 – 22:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“Project 2025” Is Just “Project 1981”

“Project 2025” Is Just “Project 1981”

Authored by Michael Tracey,

“Dangerous, diabolical, and dastardly” is how Hakeem Jeffries, the House Democratic Leader, just described the so-called “Project 2025” planning document that all liberals have now been commanded to light their hair on fire about and run around in circles screeching how it portends some imminent apocalyptic MAGA takeover.

First off, it’s the least surprising thing in the world that the preeminent DC think tank of the “Conservative Movement” would merge itself to the maximum extent possible with the branding and sensibility of Donald Trump, the current undisputed ruler of the “Conservative Movement,” such as it exists. What would be far more surprising is if the Heritage Foundation, which drafted the document now being wailed about by every Democratic pundit, had not maximally ingratiated itself with Trump — in fact, the Trump Administration’s embrace of the Heritage Foundation was already well underway during his first term. But now liberals, desperate for a campaign pivot amidst Joe Biden’s cognitive implosion, are using their usual overwrought melodrama to hype “Project 2025” as slam-dunk proof that Trump obviously represents an Existential Threat To American Democracy™ or whatever. What they curiously fail to mention is that the document is robustly aligned with many of the liberals’ most sacrosanct priorities.

Amusingly, Trump has been busy lately ‘disavowing’ Project 2025, but that’s neither here nor there.

What percentage of despondent Dems who have this crippling fear of Project 2025 have actually read the document? I’m not going to claim to have read all 920 pages, but I did read the sections on the Department of Defense, State Department, and “Intelligence Community.” I would love to ask MSNBC anchors if they read these portions, because if they did, they should be celebrating the glorious reaffirmation of “bipartisan consensus” contained therein, rather than fulminating about some despotic nightmare.

Christopher C. Miller, who briefly served as Trump’s “acting” Secretary of Defense, writes in his Project 2025 contribution that the next Conservative Administration must “prevent Beijing’s hegemony over Asia,” including by “modernizing and expanding the US nuclear arsenal.” Because we all know that what the “Deep State” fears most is pouring untold billions into nuclear weapons boondoggles that will keep themselves and their corporate partners gainfully employed in perpetuity. Miller solemnly declares that in addition to China, “the United States and its allies also face real threats from Russia, as evidenced by Vladimir Putin’s brutal war in Ukraine, as well as from Iran, North Korea, and transnational terrorism.”

Countering these alleged threats, he concludes, “will require more spending on defense, both by the United States and by its allies.” Thus the fearsome Project 2025 envisions a future in which the march of US and “allied” militarization continues apace, just like it has during the Biden Administration. Someone’s going to have to explain how massively increasing expenditures on what is sometimes derisively referred to as the “military-industrial complex” represents any sort of severe blow to the “Deep State,” as the trembling libs claim to fear, and as “anti-establishment” right-wingers claim to yearn for.

Miller says US conventional force planning must be structured in such a manner as to “defeat a Chinese invasion of Taiwan,” so if what you deplore in this document is that bipartisan planning for war with China could accelerate under a second Trump Administration, that may be legitimate — but that does not seem to be what the liberals are whining about.

The chilling cover page of the Think Tank document

Because the Biden Administration is currently doing the same thing!

Miller amusingly calls for the “acquisition community,” also known as arms manufacturers, to be granted greater flexibility in securing multi-year procurement contracts to spur the “innovation” required for the Defense Industrial Sector to adequately confront all the scary Emerging Threats around the world. Liberals in a state of terror can take solace that this multi-year procurement reform has already been well underway during the Biden Administration, largely to provide armaments for Ukraine (and Taiwan), and these legislative adjustments have been enacted with thoroughly bipartisan support, as usual.

“Replenish and maintain US stockpiles of ammunition and other equipment that have been depleted as a result of US support to Ukraine,” the document advises. Good news: that, again, is already happening, with new artillery factories popping up everywhere from Arkansas to Texas.

Miller’s DOD section additionally declares that the US “must regain its role” as the “Arsenal of Democracy” by further ramping up foreign arms sales, which he says have fallen to unacceptable lows under the Biden Administration — despite Biden and Democrats similarly trumpeting the “Arsenal of Democracy” concept as it relates to Ukraine and other conflicts in which “Democracy is on the Line,” just like WWII. (Yawn.) Apparently there is firm agreement on this messianic imperative amongst the “Project 2025” crowd. The US has firmly retained its distinction as the world’s number one global arms exporter all throughout the Biden Administration, but this clearly isn’t enough for Project 2025. Weirdly, the MSNBC liberals don’t seem to be particularly troubled by that policy prescription.

Among the “byzantine bureaucracy” that Project 2025 wants to cut is those bureaucratic impediments which prevent the US from exporting arms across the world at an acceptably rapid pace. The Heritage Foundation pinheads also want to eliminate the practice by which the State Department notifies Congress about such arms sales, decrying this already-meager oversight opportunity as a terrible “hinderance” (sp).

As far as the DOD’s “intelligence” assets, Miller advises that they more fulsomely “align collection and analysis with vital national interests (countering China and Russia).” Can someone explain what Democrats find so “existentially” horrifying about this? They support the same exact thing, and in fact often argue that Trump is insufficiently committed to countering Our Big Bad Enemies. If there’s an “existential threat” contained anywhere in this document, it’s the same one that Democrats are currently promoting at full-blast: a lurch into a hotter-than-Cold War with China and Russia. (Which was just bolstered once again at the Washington NATO Summit this week, having produced an official Declaration that came closer than ever before in designating China an official enemy, by accusing it of providing “material support” to Russia’s war effort in Ukraine.)

Miller wants to “increase the Army budget”; for the Navy, he wants to “build a fleet of more than 355 ships” as well as “produce key munitions at the maximum rate with significant capacity,” because the Navy must be urgently “prepared to expend large quantities of air-launched and sea-launched stealthy, precision, cruise missiles.” If any of this sincerely troubles hysterical Democrats, they would’ve been troubled by the budget-busting Defense expenditures that Biden has ushered in, building on the similarly budget-busting expenditures ushered in by the “dangerous” Trump. But of course they’re not troubled by any of this stuff.

As far as the Ukraine war, the author of the State Department portion of the tome, Kiron Skinner, a former Director of Policy Planning in Trump’s State Department, attempts to distill what she concludes to be the consensus “conservative viewpoint” with respect to Ukraine: “Continued US involvement must be fully paid for; limited to military aid (while European allies address Ukraine’s economic needs); and have a clearly defined national security strategy that does not risk American lives.”

This nicely mirrors what has indeed been the Congressional Republican consensus with respect to Ukraine policy under Biden, including among many self-proclaimed “MAGA” Republicans; it also tracks with the garbled and obfuscatory policy stance that’s been intermittently articulated by Trump.

Trump and the mainline GOP seldom ever object to the principle of funding and supplying the Ukrainian war effort. (After all, Trump is the one who started sending Ukraine lethal weaponry in the first place.) They simply call for that funding to be streamlined with a greater emphasis on core military expenditures, rather than the “economic aid” that Democrats are generally more keen to tack on. This was the essence of a House GOP policy brief that “MAGA Mike Johnson” (to use Trump’s preferred nickname for the Speaker) personally hand-delivered to the White House in late 2023, while the mammoth National Security Supplemental bill was being preliminarily negotiated — and which Trump himself eventually orchestrated the passage of. Another key prescription in that policy brief was that the US should “descope” its involvement in Ukraine to only that which is necessary for “enabling the killing of Russians on the front lines. That means providing the necessary weapon systems and tactics to win — not to tie.”

If you notice, this proclamation amounts to House Republicans (the group most acutely responsive to Trump’s political influence and dictates) arguing that the Biden Administration has been insufficiently aggressive in supplying Ukraine with weapons. The final War Funding Bill that Trump backed in April thus included a requirement for the Biden Administration to send Ukraine longer-range missile systems, which was then followed by Biden’s authorization for Ukraine to strike territorial Russia with US-provided materiel.

Project 2025 states that “European allies” must take center stage in “addressing Ukraine’s economic needs,” which is also already well underway, with the EU approving 50 billion euro in “economic” assistance several months ago. Hence, even the marginal, insignificant critiques of Ukraine policy in this document could become mostly irrelevant by the time Trump theoretically takes office.

So what exactly are Democrats and liberals blabbering about when they screech that Project 2025 is an “existential threat”? Insofar as it relates to the Ukrainian war effort, which they also fanatically support, the document merely reinforces and solidifies the pro-war bipartisan consensus. (As usual.) They should therefore be cheering the document, rather than screaming like banshees about it, but of course a rational policy analysis is not what Dems are aiming for with their present bluster. They just want a scary-sounding applause line for revving up anti-Trump voters by making them think Trump is getting ready to barrel into office with some crazed tyrannical plan, while omitting any mention that the “plan” is fully consistent with the foreign policy prescriptions they fervently support.

When it comes to what’s commonly referred to as the “Deep State” in MAGA parlance — aka, the “Intelligence Community” — Project 2025 contains virtually the opposite as what’s being suggested by hysterical libs. (Go figure). Fundamentally, the guidance calls for marginally re-organizing the Intelligence Services so as to empower them.

Trump loves to grouse that elements of the National Security State were irrationally against him in 2016-2018, and that’s true as far as it goes, with the Russiagate/Mueller fiasco being proof of these tawdry machinations. So it would make sense that Trump and the people in his orbit would want to impose various safeguards to prevent any future sabotage against Trump. But the idea that this means Trump would radically overhaul the “Intelligence Community” and put it in service of Putin and Kim Jong Un, or whatever other nonsense, is just entirely wrong. Simply read the text!

The whole point of these fearsome reforms with respect to the “Intelligence Community” is to enable “an incoming conservative President” to use all the “intelligence authorities” at his disposal to more “aggressively anticipate and thwart our adversaries, including Russia, Iran, North Korea, and especially China.” Is this what Democrats have in mind when they hyperventilate about Project 2025? Of course not, because the Biden Administration is doing essentially the same exact thing. As usual, however, recognizing the fundamental cross-party continuity in US foreign policy and “national security” serves no one’s short-term partisan interests, so they have to deceive the public about it for votes.

The document merely recommends mild bureaucratic reorganization, some of which it says has already been implemented by the Biden Administration — at the urging of the outgoing Trump Administration! 

To help further the legislative intent behind IRTPA, DNI Ratcliffe advised during the transition of incoming Biden DNI Avril Haines that the DNI should be the only Cabinet-level intelligence official. While his recommendation was adopted and has corrected the previously allowed imbalance by making the DNI the only Cabinet official and head of the IC at the table, the ODNI’s effectiveness and direction leave much to be desired.

With regard to the CIA, Project 2025 decries the tendency of “risk aversion or political bureaucracy to delay execution of the President’s foreign policy goals.” It thus recommends the diminution of bureaucracy and placement of individuals in the agency who will more effectively harness the power of clandestine operations to fortify and expand American hegemony. Another huge shocker!

The “intelligence” section of the document further advises the renewal of FISA warrantless surveillance, declaring that “Section 702 should be understood as an essential tool in the fight against terrorism, malicious cyber actors, and Chinese espionage.” Which again nicely aligns with Trump’s position, so far as it can be ascertained, seeing as he backed MAGA Mike Johnson’s successful effort to renew FISA in April, on the understanding that they both wanted Trump to be the one wielding that power when it next comes up for reauthorization in two years.

It would also be fascinating to hear exactly what Biden boosters find so objectionable about the document’s exhortation for the next Administration to double down on “ensuring Israel has both the military means and the political support and flexibility to take what it deems to be appropriate measures to defend itself against the Iranian regime and its regional proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.” Yeah, nothing like that going on at the moment.

So when the MSNBC crowd shrieks that Project 2025 is the terrifying roadmap for the next Trump Administration, they perhaps have it half right. There’s every reason to think the plan does in fact broadly represent DC conservative priorities for the next administration. But what the shriekers fail to convey is that this comfortably aligns with vaunted bipartisan consensus on critical issues. Many sections could easily have been pilfered from a Democratic think tank.

The 1981 version of the fearsome Think Tank manifesto

Yes, there’s a bunch more domestic policy stuff in Project 2025 that I haven’t focused on here. (I’ve only even highlighted a small percentage of the “national security” stuff.) But for the record, Ronald Reagan also ran on abolishing the Department of Education in 1980, back when he was also outsourcing his personnel and policy plans to the reviled Heritage Foundation. The abolition never happened. Whatever your views on this desirability of maintaining the existence of the Department of Education, the fact remains that this has been a bog-standard “Conservative Movement” aspiration for ages. So you might as well call the plan Project 1981 rather than Project 2025. To portray it as some sort of apocalyptic fascism unique to Trump is just totally ridiculous.

The 1981 version was compiled in 1979, similar to the advance compilation of the “2025” document, which was published in 2023. (The Reagan-era document is about equally as long and comprehensive, clocking in at at least 1077 pages, while the Trump-era document fizzles out at a paltry 920 pages). Comparable plans had also been drafted in the late 1990s in anticipation of the Conservative Movement returning to power after eight years of the Clinton Administration:

On August 20, 1999, the well-known American conservative think tanks, Heritage Foundation and The Project for a New American Century, together launched a policy statement calling for an end to the US’s “strategic ambiguity” policy on Taiwan, openly calling on the US government to “clearly announce that in case of an attack or blockade of Taiwan, the United States will go to defend Taiwan, including Kinmen and Matsu islands along the coast.” This statement has 23 people’s signatures, including Paul Wolfowitz, Lewis Libby (later served as Chief of Staff to the Vice President), Richard Perle (later was appointed as Chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, Rumsfeld’s main assistant), Richard Armitage (later served as Deputy Secretary of State).

“Project for a New American Century” might ring a bell as the classically “neoconservative” think tank that in 1998 wrote an infamous letter to Bill Clinton demanding regime change in Iraq. The letter was signed by a bevy of luminaries who’d later serve in the George W. Bush Administration, like Elliott Abrams and John Bolton, who also went on to serve in the… Trump Administration.

So yes, there’s plenty to be “alarmed” by in “Project 2025,” but none of it is particularly unique to Trump. Instead, it’s part and parcel of longstanding DC Conservatism, sometimes known as Con Inc., which will inevitably shape the personnel and policy framework of a forthcoming Trump Administration — just like it did with the previous Trump Administration. But of course that’s not the fear being stoked by anguished Dems, who are desperate to inspire the 10 millionth Mega Trump Panic in hopes of salvaging their current electoral prospects.

The Heritage Foundation used to love to tout that “the foundation had a great hour when Ronald Reagan was elected president and found waiting for him three volumes of Heritage material designed to help him chart the nation’s course in the right direction.” Undoubtedly future homages will be made to the amazing greatness of their influence under Trump, while befuddled Democrats wonder how “democracy” managed to remain in tact.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 07/12/2024 – 22:05

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Where Inequality Is More & Less Rife

Where Inequality Is More & Less Rife

The Global Wealth Report 2024 was released today by the Swiss bank UBS, highlighting where wealth inequalities have grown the furthest.

As Staista’s Anna Fleck shows in the chart below, South Africa comes top of the list, scoring 82 out of 100 on the inequality index, where 0 indicates total equality and 100 indicates absolute inequality. This is a jump of 17.7 percent since 2008.

Infographic: Where Inequality Is More & Less Rife | Statista

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Other countries with particularly high scores were Brazil (81), the United Arab Emirates (77), Saudi Arabia (77) and Sweden (77).

Even Japan, which at 54 scored the lowest figure of the markets analyzed, is still far from equal.

The gap on inequality has closed slightly in North America since 2008, with the United States recording a decrease of 2.4 percent in that time frame.

Inequality has widened in Latin America and much of Eastern Europe and Asia though.

This is shown on the chart, with Brazil seeing a wealth increase in inequality of 16.8 percent and Mexico a rise of 6.5 percent, as India saw an increase of 16.2 percent, Singapore of 22.9 percent, Indonesia of 15.1 percent, China of 7.4 percent and Japan of 9.4 percent. South Korea and Hong Kong buck the regional trend, with decreases of 8.1 percent and 5.9 percent, respectively.

According to UBS, while inequality is increasing in fast-growing markets, the opposite is true in a number of mature economies, where middle wealth segments are outpacing the pace of growth of higher wealth brackets.

While the Gini index is a useful tool for comparing inequality across different markets, it is important to take the measure of absolute wealth into consideration too.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 07/12/2024 – 21:40

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden