LGBT Activists Meet With Pope, Urge Him To End Vatican Opposition To Trans Ideology

LGBT Activists Meet With Pope, Urge Him To End Vatican Opposition To Trans Ideology

LGBT activists have a strange obsession with religious acceptance, specifically from the Catholic church.  Rational minds would argue that if a group is diametrically opposed to a your lifestyle then you would avoid associating with that group.  Why clamor for their attention?  

In the early days of the gay rights movement the attitude of proponents was essentially that they would go their own way – All they wanted was for religious ideals to no longer be codified into law and used to regulate their lives.  It sounds fair enough, but the problem with the political left is their underlying agenda of incrementalism and their unhealthy tendencies toward moral relativism.

In other words, give them an inch and leftists will steal a mile.  They see compromise as an invitation to dominate.  Giving concessions to a leftist is the same as inviting a vampire into your house; do it once and they’ll keep coming back to feed whenever they please.

The gay rights issue is a perfect example of this ugly habit.  In the 1990s the community was widely accepted in the west, the only right they didn’t enjoy was to have their marriages recognized nationally.  They claimed that once that right was achieved they would ask nothing more of the Christian community or the church.  And of course, that was a lie.  

Today, gay and trans rights groups demand that all church denominations accept trans ideology and trans membership.  This includes gay and trans church leaders that teach “tolerance”, mixing activist mantras into religious lessons and supporting “trans visibility”.  Going their separate ways is not enough and lack of association is unacceptable.  Leftists require that their beliefs be adopted by everyone everywhere. 

The Vatican under Pope Francis has been surprisingly reticent to welcome the trans movement into the fold, despite Francis being a devout globalist on more than a few hot button issues. Earlier this year the Pope called gender ideology the ‘worst danger today’, noting:

‘I would like to emphasize one thing: It is very important that we have this meeting, this meeting between men and women, because today the worst danger is gender ideology, which erases differences.’

In response, LGBT activist groups are increasing their focus on pressuring the Vatican to change their public position.  Trans representatives met with the Pope this month in an 80 minute private discussion.  The group included a Catholic sister who works with LGBTQ people, a member of the transgender community, and a U.S. medical doctor who helps run a clinic providing gender-affirming hormonal care for adults.

“I really wanted to share with Pope Francis about the joy that I have being a transgender Catholic person,” Michael Sennett, who took part in the meeting, told Reuters.

Sennett, a transgender man (a biological woman) from Boston, said she told the pontiff about “the joy that I get from hormone replacement therapy and the surgeries that I’ve had that make me feel comfortable in my body.”  The group say they specifically urged the Pope to reconsider his opposition to gender affirming care (sex change hormones and surgeries).

It’s not know exactly what was said during the event, but activists that met with the Pope claim he expressed an interest in appointing bishops in the US that are ‘more open’ to transgender Catholics.  Considering the idea is a violation of multiple Biblical ideals and doctrines, it’s hard to say how this would be possible. 

As mentioned, this scenario sounds once again like the incrementalism of the progressive left.  It starts with compromises on LGBT membership, then trans ideology makes its way into the church, then it takes over the church and you end up with this disturbing result:

Activists claim they just want to worship like other Christians do, but that’s not the trend we see in the western world.  The argument being promoted is that Christianity must “adapt to the times” and that Biblical beliefs must “evolve.”  It’s the typical futurist method of removing opposing systems that act as obstacles to their control.  The notion is that everything new is better and everything old should be abandoned.  It’s the Marxist view of religion, which does not compromise. 

Even for those that are not religiously inclined the end game should be obvious – The inevitable erasure of Christianity.  The push for Trans affirmation by the Vatican is likely an attempt to destroy conservative ideological opposition from within while installing a new kind of religion in Christianity’s place.            

Tyler Durden
Sun, 10/27/2024 – 14:35

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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