Leftists Predict Hysterical Dystopian Future Ruled By JD Vance And An Immortal Elon Musk

Leftists Predict Hysterical Dystopian Future Ruled By JD Vance And An Immortal Elon Musk

The secret to understanding the average progressive mind is to first realize that everything they do revolves around a deeply ingrained fantasy world in which they are rebels; righteous underdogs fighting against “the system” or “the patriarchy.”  Leftists cannot function within their collectivist ideology without first creating a fascist bogeyman to revolt against.  If they were to ever realize that they are, in fact, the establishment and the authoritarians, their entire world view would collapse.

This is why you will continue to see content like the election propaganda video below, no matter how ridiculous the premise might be.  Leftist activists create these narratives, not because they are necessarily convincing to most people, but because they need to convince themselves that they are still the good guys. 

JD Vance as dictator for life?  Conservatives banning contraception?  Elon Musk as an immortal techno god who spies on the masses using X and AI?  Global warming destroying the planet and creating a Mad Max future in which the homeless are forced into concentration camps?  The only thing missing is the forced birthing ceremonies from The Handmaid’s Tale.

The video credits cite a handful of progressive NGOs as references for donations (including Vote.org) but little on who specifically made it.  The relevant issue is the insight this gives into the insanity of left activists.  They cling to so many assumptions they have been proven wrong about time after time (global warming), and they also imagine a world in which conservatives are the elites searching for immortality.  They seem to be projecting the habits and hobbies of the very globalists that fund leftist groups today.  

One could argue that perhaps this is gaslighting – They’re accusing conservatives of scheming to rule the world when they are the people that actually want control.  That could be, but the conspiracy theories surrounding “Project 2025” suggest a Q-Anon level of delusion going on that feeds directly into bizarre narratives like those in the video.  Leftists have to believe they’re fighting the good fight, even though they’re actually useful idiots for the establishment. 

This desperate need to take on the role of “freedom fighter” doesn’t mesh very well with reality.  Keep in mind, for nearly two decades progressives have enjoyed expanding political and social power, with nearly every western government, every major NGO, every corporation, every legacy media outlet and every Big Tech platform dominated by woke ideology.  From ESG to DEI to LGBTQ+ and beyond, Americans and much of the west have been endlessly bombarded from every angle by leftist propaganda.  

Their war on conservative principles and individual freedom nearly came to a crescendo during the covid pandemic when they claimed the power to take away people’s access to the economy if they refused to accept an experimental vaccine and follow the mandates to the letter.  Surveys showed a disturbing number of Democrats supported the outright destruction of constitutional freedoms in the name of forcing people to adhere to medical mandates based entirely on lies.

Leftists also supported the widespread censorship of conservative voices on everything from the covid vaccine, to the lockdowns, to climate change, to Hunter Biden’s laptop.  This censorship was spearheaded by the Biden Administration acting in violation of the constitution as they worked closely with Big Tech companies to shut down dissent.

They aren’t fighting “the man”, they are the man.  Ridiculous AI generated political videos like the one above are not going to change that.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 11/02/2024 – 20:25

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/Dzk3w78 Tyler Durden

Halloween Is Over, But The Election Litigation Is Getting Really Scary

Halloween Is Over, But The Election Litigation Is Getting Really Scary

Authored by Jonathan Turley,

“Something wicked this way comes.” Those words from William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” capture a certain dread that takes hold of some of us tasked with covering the legal elements of the presidential election. 

Just as Halloween ended, things in the days leading into Election Day have begun to get…well, spooky. Call it election jitters, but some of us have been here before. 

More than 200 cases have been filed around the country before the election this year. In the last week, worrisome elements have begun to pop up in various swing states.

Over the last couple of decades, I have covered presidential elections for three networks (as I will do for Fox News in this election). The lead-up to elections always includes a flurry of lawsuits. As the voting margin shrinks between the parties, the number of lawyers increases.

Some lawsuits are important efforts to make changes to remove barriers for voters or the counting of early balloting. For example, on Friday an emergency lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union secured an order for election officials in Cobb County, Ga., to overnight mail ballots to roughly 3,000 citizens and to guarantee that they be counted after a snafu by election officials. Other lawsuits are what I call “placeholders,” where campaigns establish areas of concern to be able to reference later in any specific challenges on or after Election Day.

The Supreme Court has already intervened to stop an effort by the Biden-Harris administration to force Virginia to put people back on the voting rolls who had identified themselves as non-citizens. It is a crime for non-citizens to vote. Although Virginia allows any mistaken information to be corrected (and also allows for challenged voters to file provisional ballots), lower courts ordered Virginia to enable people to vote who had said they were not citizens.

Critics charge that the case is the continuation of the administration’s unrelenting attacks on voter identification and proof of citizenship laws, even though 84 percent of Americans support such laws. In California, Governor Gavin Newsom and Democratic legislators actually made it a crime for any poll worker to ask voters for identification.

Some of these early challenges are welcomed, in the sense that we still have time to work out problems. Courts are notoriously reluctant to intervene after an election with the limited time before the certification of votes. They often refuse challengers access to vital election board information or bar cases as speculative or litigants as lacking in standing. This fuels the public’s distrust of the integrity of the election.

Some challenges potentially involve a high number of votes in swing states. For example, in North Carolina, the Republican National Committee is suing the North Carolina State Board of Elections over 225,000 people who may not have been appropriately registered because that state failed to require a driver’s license or partial Social Security number.

In Arizona, a judge had to order Democratic Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes to release the names of roughly 218,000 voters who may have been allowed to register without the proof of citizenship required by state law.

There is also a growing concern over possible systemic voting registration violations in multiple districts in Pennsylvania. Initially, 2,500 forms were marked as suspicious for possible false names, duplicative handwriting or unverifiable or incorrect identifying information. Lancaster County District Attorney Heather Adams and her team found that about 60 percent of the 2,500 forms were potentially illegitimate. Monroe County District Attorney Mike Mancuso linked the registrations to “Field and Media Corps,” a subsidiary of Fieldcorps, an Arizona-based organization.

Field and Media Corps appears to have taken down its website, but it previously identified itself as a subsidiary of FieldCorps. It described itself as “connecting campaigns and projects with communities of color across the state. Our clients benefit from our social activism and coalition leadership experience gained through decades of leading campaigns, highlighting social inequalities, and developing BIPOC coalition building.”

FieldCorps has reportedly been working for the Harris-Walz campaign, the Mark Kelly campaign in Arizona and other Democratic campaigns. Efforts to reach FieldCorps for comment have been unsuccessful.

The concern is that companies like FieldCorps could be replicating errors across districts and states in the rush to register new voters.

If these are knowing falsifications, it could constitute a federal crime.

We also have the same controversies arising in this election about changes to voting laws just before the election. In 2020, many voters were opposed to courts in states like Pennsylvania issuing last-minute changes. Many assumed that these laws had been finally worked out to guarantee the criteria for consideration of mail-in ballots and other forms of voting. 

However, with less than two weeks to go, a divided Pennsylvania Supreme Court voted 4-3 to order a significant change in election rules. The Election Code in the state is a model of clarity — it says that a provisional ballot “shall not be counted if the elector’s [mail] ballot is received in a timely manner by a county board of elections.” However, the court ruled that provisional ballots must be counted even if an individual has already sent in a mail ballot rejected for violating a mandatory rule, such as failure to place the ballot in a secrecy envelope or to date or sign the envelope. Late Friday night, the Supreme Court declined to block the counting of the provisional ballots.

However, on Friday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court did hold the line on another major change of the state election laws ordered by a lower court. The court stayed a decision that it is unconstitutional to reject mail ballots without handwritten dates on the return envelopes. The stay means that the law will remain in effect for the election. Justice Kevin Doughtery (joined by Chief Justice Debra Todd) wrote a reassuring concurrence for many of us having to follow these cases: “’This Court will neither impose nor countenance substantial alterations to existing laws and procedures during the pendency of an ongoing election.’  We said those carefully chosen words only weeks ago. Yet they apparently were not heard in the Commonwealth Court, the very court where the bulk of election litigation unfolds.” 

In what may be the closest election in history, late changes to election laws are inflammatory for an already suspicious electorate. According to the Gallup polling, only 63 percent are “very (34 percent) or somewhat confident (29 percent) that votes in the upcoming midterm elections will be accurately cast and counted.” That is near a record low, and there is a 45 percentage point gap separating Republicans (40 percent) and Democrats (85 percent) in their confidence in election integrity.

To my astonishment, voting officials are still committing basic errors. In Bucks County, Pa., voters were turned away in their attempt to apply in person for mail-in ballots. Some were told that there were computer or staffing problems. A court then ordered additional days to request ballots, so that matter at least is resolved. Yet such glitches are concerning. This is not rocket science. Rocket science is Elon Musk catching a massive booster rocket on what looked like a giant barbeque fork. Getting the staff and computers in place in a historic election should not be a great challenge.

Given the emotions and closeness of this election, any such irregularities will only confirm the worst expectations of some voters. They are often neither sinister nor particularly suspicious. With tens of millions voting, there are going to be problems. Election officials can help reduce the suspicions by being more forthcoming in sharing information. In past years, officials have acted reflectively to oppose any disclosures while seeking the dismissal of cases. That largely succeeded legally but proved costly politically. It left many allegations (including ill-supported theories) unresolved in the minds of many citizens. 

It would be far better for the nation to resolve questions before the elections and strive for greater transparency in post-election challenges. That is why, if something wicked this way comes, we can more easily send it along its way.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro professor of public interest law at George Washington University and the author of “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage.”

Tyler Durden
Sat, 11/02/2024 – 19:50

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/Zz6fWnC Tyler Durden

Polymarket’s Trump-Bullish Whale Speaks Out: “Absolutely No Political Agenda”

Polymarket’s Trump-Bullish Whale Speaks Out: “Absolutely No Political Agenda”

While still guarding his anonymity, the mysterious man who’s bet more than $30 million on a Trump election victory via the Polymarket prediction marketplace has come forward to assert that his wagers aren’t intended to sway the election, but simply to profit from an outcome he’s highly confident in.    

“My intent is just making money,” said the man who describes himself as a Frenchman and former US resident who was a trader for American banks. In an exclusive interview with the Wall Street Journal via Zoom, he used the pseudonym “Théo,” saying he wanted to remain anonymous out of a desire to conceal the extent of his assets from his children and friends. The Journal said he was “sport[ing] a short, neatly trimmed beard” and spoke English with a small accent. 

Here’s how the Journal described the precipitation of the interview, and the paper’s process to ensure it wasn’t talking to an imposter: 

Théo emailed the Journal after the publication of an Oct. 18 article about his wagers. To prove that he was behind the Polymarket wagers, the Journal asked him to place a bet on whether Taylor Swift would announce that she is pregnant in 2024—one of the many small, nonpolitical wagers available on the platform. Minutes later, Polymarket’s website showed that one of the four accounts, Theo4, had placed a small bet on Swift’s pregnancy. 

With $30 million on the line, the whale says he’s certain pollsters are again failing to fully capture Trump’s support (AP/Alex Brandon)

In that original Oct. 18 article, the Journal gave some credit to the idea that the concentrated bets may represent some form of intentional narrative-control scheme meant to benefit Trump. Théo emailed the Journal to refute that theory, writing, “I have absolutely no political agenda.” 

In his subsequent interview, Théo told the Journal he’s a veteran trader with a history of risking tens of millions of dollars when he discovers a high-confidence trade — and said that’s what he sees in the chance to wager on a Trump victory.  

When news broke of the whale’s huge wagers on Trump, Polymarket engaged outside experts to scrutinize transactions in presidential election betting, an unnamed source told the Journal at the time. Last week, Polymarket said it had contacted the whale and confirmed it was a French citizen with an extensive financial services and trading background. “Based on the investigation, we understand that this individual is taking a directional position based on personal views of the election,” the firm said

Théo said his conviction on a Trump victory rests on pollsters’ failure to capture the full extent of Trump’s support in both the 2016 and 2020 elections, and his belief that the “shy Trump voter effect” still endures in 2024. “I know a lot of Americans who would vote for Trump without telling you that,” he said, while also scoffing at the possibility that pollsters have improved their methodologies this time around.  

Having been previously accused of trying to shape the election, Théo dished out an accusation of his own, saying leftist major media outlets are setting America up for post-election social unrest by perpetuating a fiction that the race is a close one. Théo thinks Trump is poised to rout Harris, which is why he has more than $30 million on Trump reaching 270 electoral votes, with the potential to receive $80 million if he’s right. He says his $30 million on Trump represents most of his liquid assets.

Théo also has bets on a Trump popular-vote victory, along with bets on various swing-state wins. He also gave some insights into how he’s been trading:  

He started quietly in August by betting several million dollars on Trump, using an account with the username Fredi9999. At the time, Trump and Harris had roughly even chances on Polymarket.

Théo spread out his wagers over multiple days and weeks to avoid causing a price spike. Still, as his bets grew, Théo noticed other traders were backing away from quoting prices when Fredi9999 was buying. That made it harder for Théo to get attractive prices. He created the other three accounts in September and October to obscure his purchasing, Théo said.   

Single-handedly accounting for 25% of the contracts on a Trump electoral college win and 40% of the bids on a popular vote victory, Théo would have a hard time pulling money off the table without pushing the value of his contracts down. Speaking of which, the electoral college version of a Trump win peaked on Wednesday at 76 cents (with a dollar payoff if Trump wins). However they’ve taken a big dive since — plunging to 57.5 cents as this is written in the wee hours of Saturday morning. You can check the current price here.    

If you’re itching to buy the dip, note that Americans are officially barred from Polymarket. You can thank your all-powerful, all-knowing, Constitution-violating federal government for protecting you from yourself: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission fined the platform in 2022 for allegedly providing illegal trading services, prompting Polymarket to bar Americans going forward.  

Tyler Durden
Sat, 11/02/2024 – 15:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/G4t3duD Tyler Durden

YouTube Pushes Back Against NY Times’ Attempts To Censor Conservatives

YouTube Pushes Back Against NY Times’ Attempts To Censor Conservatives

Authored by Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov via Headline USA,

Despite its reputation as one of the most well-known Big Tech censors, YouTube surprised conservative Americans by pushing back against the New York Times’ claim that some right-wing political commentators were spreading “misinformation” right before the election.

The Times pressured YouTube to censor or outright deplatform political commentators like Tim Pool, Michael Knowles, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Steve Deace and Rudy Giuliani, but the Big Tech platform refused.

“The ability to openly debate political ideas, even those that are controversial, is an important value — especially in the midst of election season,” she said in a statement to the newspaper.

After realizing that YouTube won’t censor those people, the Times made the Big Tech platform one of the villains in the story.

Within months [after June 2023], the largest video platform became a home for election conspiracy theories, half-truths and lies. They, in turn, became a source of revenue for YouTube, which announced growing quarterly ad sales on Tuesday,” the newspaper wrote.

The Times also claimed that YouTube has “acted as a megaphone for conspiracy theories.”

The commentators used false narratives about [2020 election] as a foundation for elaborate claims that the 2024 presidential contest was also rigged — all while YouTube made money from them,” the newspaper wrote.

Conservatives on Twitter criticized the Times for its attempts to silence those who oppose the mainstream media narrative.

This article is effectively trying to strongarm YouTube into censoring voices that the New York Times disapproves of. Shameful behavior from a newspaper,” @TheRabbitHole84 wrote.

Conservative commentator Ian Miles Cheong also responded to the recent news.

“You really don’t hate the New York Times enough,” he wrote.

People from the free-speech platforms also used their chance to criticize the Times and promote their companies.

Notice how the New York Times is targeting @TuckerCarlson [and] @benshapiro on YouTube, even though those same creators are also on Rumble. Reason why? They know Rumble will them to [f***] off,” CEO of Rumble Chris Pavlovski wrote.

Twitter’s CEO Linda Yaccarino also responded to the recent article.

“We are not afraid of Media Matters. We are not afraid of The NY Times. And they shouldn’t be afraid of an informed group of citizens who are dedicated to preserving freedom of speech. Yet THEY seem to be?” she wrote.

Conservatives mentioned in the article also responded after discovering that the Times was working on the hit piece.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 11/02/2024 – 15:10

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/Vsq7ULk Tyler Durden

Khamenei Warns Israel Of ‘Crushing Response’ – Ramping Up Rhetoric Ahead Of US Election

Khamenei Warns Israel Of ‘Crushing Response’ – Ramping Up Rhetoric Ahead Of US Election

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has issued a new fierce warning to the United States and Israel at a moment there continues to be speculation that Iran could hit back for the last early Saturday morning attack by Israel which involved over 100 IAF jets attacking Iranian military sites.

He addressed an audience of students connected with the anniversary of the 1979 takeover of the US embassy in Tehran by Islamic revolutionary students. “The enemies, whether the Zionist regime or the United States of America, will definitely receive a crushing response to what they are doing to Iran and the Iranian nation and to the resistance front,” the 85 year old Shia cleric said.


It’s unclear if this means Iran is preparing a response. He previously said that Iranian leaders would weigh a potential response and that the last weekend attack “should not be exaggerated nor downplayed.”

The crowed of supporters hailed Khamenei and his message with cheers, chanting, “The blood in our veins is a gift to our leader!”

Two days prior to Khamenei’s Saturday speech, Axios reported that Iran is still preparing a major retaliation. Israel’s strikes on missile and military facilities was itself a much anticipated response to the Oct.1st ballistic missile attack.

While most regional observers believe the tit-for-tat has cooled down, reflected in declining oil prices this week, the Axios report cited a pair of Israeli officials to say “Israeli intelligence suggests Iran is preparing to attack Israel from Iraqi territory in the coming days, possibly before the US presidential election.”

This would involve large numbers of drones and ballistic missiles, they say. Throughout the Gaza war, there have been sporadic drones launched by Iran-backed paramilitary units in Iraq, but nothing on a major scale.

Israeli sources on Thursday have suggested that Iran is actually moving ballistic missiles to prepare for such an attack.

Also, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander Hossein Salami has been cited as saying that Iran’s response will be “different from any scenario” Israel might expect.

But Netanyahu is now strongly counter-signaling yet more escalation:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signaled on Thursday that Iran’s nuclear program could be Jerusalem’s next line of attack as Tehran promises to return fire following last week’s air strikes. 

“The supreme objective that I have set for the IDF and the security services is to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said while speaking at a course graduation ceremony for soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). “Halting the nuclear program has been – and remains – our chief concern. 

“I have not taken, we have not taken, and we will not take, our eyes off this objective,” Netanyahu added. 

For now, nothing is likely to happen except for the continued build-up of verbal threats and counter-threats, and both sides are unlikely to make major moves – at least until after US election Tuesday.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 11/02/2024 – 11:05

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/s1ep50x Tyler Durden

“Victory Plan” Or Deadly Delusion? Zelensky’s Perilous Five-Point Plan

“Victory Plan” Or Deadly Delusion? Zelensky’s Perilous Five-Point Plan

Authored by Carus Michaelangelo via The Mises Institute,

It’s finally here: Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelensky’s “Victory Plan,” furtively touted for weeks as Zelensky sought, unsuccessfully, to peddle it to world leaders. Until now, all that Zelensky would say in public was that this clandestine plan paradoxically would not require negotiation with Putin, but also provides a way to strengthen Ukraine in order to “push Putin” to diplomatically end the war. Tone deaf in the extreme, several weeks ago Zelensky brazenly flew on a US Air Force C-17 transport plane into the key battleground state of Pennsylvania to visit a munitions plant before hectoring the United Nations General Assembly on this special plan. Election interference be damned!

Blessed with Zelensky’s grand reveal of his vaunted five-point plan to the Ukrainian parliament on October 16, the tragic farce of the “Victory Plan” sharpens into focus.

Still shielding “three secret” addenda from the general public, Zelensky’s top goal is as unsurprising as it is meretricious: an invitation for Ukraine to join NATO.

Zelensky hopes that NATO nations will grant Ukraine’s application for admission, which it submitted over two years ago. Ukraine’s Victory plan is little more than a Hail Mary. Why would NATO nations suddenly wish to jump headlong into the fray now, as Ukraine’s already-dim prospects admittedly vanish, which cannot be papered over even by friendly commentators?

The patent absurdity of the Victory Plan does not stop there. Zelensky’s other four points involve:

(1) unrestricted Western support for unrestricted warfare;

(2) “non-nuclear deterrence” to “safeguard the country against future” Russian “aggression”;

(3) “economic growth and cooperation,” which includes further Russian sanctions plus joint investment opportunities; and

(4) a “post-war security architecture,” in which Ukraine’s “large and experienced military force” can help secure Europe.

Zelensky seeks to unleash the Ukrainian military, hitherto shackled by arbitrary US restraints on long-range strikes into Russia. This invitation to nuclear war is bad enough, but he also seeks funds, arms, and intelligence from the West beyond the already-prodigious aid and comfort shuttled off these past two years. Additionally, this plank demands for Ukraine “additional supplies of long-range capabilities,” asks for the West to take out Russian missiles and drones, and suggests further ground invasions of Russia to create “buffer zones.” As Russia expands and lowers the bar for using nuclear weapons, Zelensky means to thrash about Russia like an elephant in a Matryoshka shop.

Zelensky may feel as though Ukraine has nothing to lose—wrongly, since Russia’s prospect of wiping Ukraine off the map only increases as the war prolongs—but the West has everything to lose. If it stands, President Biden’s justified reticence to authorize long-range strikes into Russia could be the most consequential decision of his presidency. But the media has foamed at the mouth at this cold shoulder—notwithstanding new aid to Ukraine, repeatedly—so do not hold your breath.

At first glance, Zelensky’s call for “economic growth and cooperation” seems almost comical. In these dire straits, marred by death and destruction, what does Ukraine have to offer the West? The devil is in the details. Zelensky’s plan likely seeks to entice lawmakers like US Senator Lindsay Graham, who seek access to Ukraine’s stocks of resources like lithium, a critical mineral used in electric vehicle batteries. Yes, for some supporting Ukraine may be based on as loathsome a reason as securing cronyist exploitation of Ukraine’s natural resources. If you thought the Bush administration would be the last America saw of such contemptuous profiteering, think again. One is tempted to laugh were the situation not so enraging.

In his October 16 address, Zelensky noted the grave consequences that would befall the world if we allowed the impression “that wars of aggression can be profitable,” with new aggressions likely to pop up in “the Gulf region, the Indo-Pacific region, and Africa.” All those things may well occur, but largely this will be thanks to US meddling, rather than the “isolationist” phantom. Unfortunately, however, the establishment piper plays only one tune: “Appeasement! Munich!”

Apparently unironically, Zelensky also states that North Korea’s supplying of Russian with munitions and soldiers “is effectively participation of a second state in the war against Ukraine on Russia’s side.”

Surely he realizes that the US and many countries in the West were already belligerents in the war?

Though the foolish depths of the Victory Plan seem limitless, Zelensky offers one silver lining.

At least, for those who survive the possible nuclear apocalypse unleashed by his pyrrhic Victory Plan. Under his plan, Ukraine’s soldiers can replace US soldiers in select locations in Europe. Sign me up!

Avoiding war was once the mark of the great statesmen; making peace, equally so. It will be a difficult peace for Ukraine to make. Admitting defeat is rare—for good reasonMany Ukrainians are coming to their senses, but not the most important Ukrainian. For the sake of Ukraine, and the world, one hopes Zelensky rouses from his war-fevered slumber. Hope springs eternal; but alas, so does vanity.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 11/02/2024 – 10:30

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/R3pBPq6 Tyler Durden

Trump Or Harris? Turkey’s Government Can’t Decide Which Would Be Best

Trump Or Harris? Turkey’s Government Can’t Decide Which Would Be Best

Via Middle East Eye

There are four days left until the US presidential election and the Turkish leadership in Ankara is split over which candidate they favor. Turkish officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to Middle East Eye, believe either of the two outcomes would have a consequential impact on Turkey’s foreign policy, as well as regional and global dynamics. 

Many observers in Turkey believe President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is awaiting the election results in the United States before making his own policy decisions, even over his cabinet staffing. Yet, officials have been particularly and unusually tight-lipped about their preferred candidate in this campaign period.


Erdogan’s only public outreach to either of the candidates was to Donald Trump via a phone call after the former president was shot at during a rally in Pennsylvania in July. 

Media reports claimed in September that Erdogan tried to set up a meeting with Kamala Harris on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, but several Turkish officials denied it. 

“Some officials have floated the idea but eventually no formal proposal had been made to Harris’ team,” a source familiar with the episode told MEE. “We kept our distance to both of the candidates and had not sought a meeting with Trump either.” 

The leaders of other neighboring countries, such as the United Arab Emirates President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, opted to meet both Trump and Harris in September around the General Assembly. 

Ups and downs

Turkey’s non-engagement with the candidates stems from two things, sources in Ankara say. First, Ankara is deeply confused about the possible ramifications – advantages and disadvantages – of a Trump or Harris presidency for Turkey’s relationship with the US.

Many among Erdogan’s entourage believe a Trump presidency could work well with his government because the two have a history of sharing frequent engagements, such as phone calls and meetings, providing a space for the Turkish president to make a case on issues he cares about. 

For example, during one call in 2019, Trump gave Erdogan the green light to conduct a military offensive in northern Syria that allowed Ankara to seize areas and deny US-allied Syrian Kurdish armed groups uninterrupted territory across the Turkish border.

When Washington sanctioned Turkey over its purchase of Russian-made S-400 air defense systems, Trump also picked the lightest sanctions package presented to him.

Despite the ups and downs, such as Trump imposing sanctions on Turkish ministers over the imprisonment of US pastor Andrew Brunson in 2018, people in Erdogan’s entourage believe both leaders have similar mentalities and could work together for broader objectives.

They say Berat Albayrak, Erdogan’s son-in-law and former finance minister, for instance, had a good relationship with Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. However, several politicians at the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and some top bureaucrats in relevant Turkish ministries say this is a misleading picture of Turkey’s relationship with Washington under the Trump administration.

“They always say Trump and Erdogan have had good dialogue. What concrete things have we achieved with that?” said a top politician at the AKP. Others say Turkish ministries and institutions were not able to work properly with their US counterparts because of the constant churn of officials on the American side.

They also complain that Trump would often make promises and deals that wouldn’t result in any progress or follow-up. Apart from big promises and attention-seeking statements, little to nothing was achieved together during the first Trump term, they say. 

For example, despite US President Joe Biden’s apparent dislike of Erdogan, both leaders authorized their foreign and defense ministries, as well as intelligence agencies, to work together and reach a middle ground on issues such as Sweden and Finland’s accession to Nato. 

Earlier this year, Washington agreed to ink a multibillion dollar F-16 fighter jet deal with Ankara after Erdogan ratified Sweden’s Nato membership. The bilateral trust has gradually grown to the point that both sides are discussing a possible sale of next-generation F-35 warplanes to Turkey and the Biden administration has been passing messages to Iran through Turkish interlocutors in Ankara. 

Watching and waiting

There is an expectation among some Turkish officials that these dynamics could be maintained through a Harris administration.

Harris herself doesn’t have many foreign policy red lines and the expectation is that she would use bureaucracy and foreign policy gurus within the Democratic establishment to craft an institutional policy.

For example, her current national security advisor, Philip Gordon, could be considered a Turkey expert, as he has much experience working in the country and with its government. This could mean a stable and negotiated relationship rather than the ups and downs of the Trump administration.

The second reason Ankara has kept a studious silence is the election has been incredibly close. For weeks, the polls have been very tight and there is no indication that one candidate is more likely to emerge victorious. Ankara’s previous attempts to engage with Trump officials before the 2016 elections were also educational.

Turkey’s bid to lobby Trump’s then-national security advisor Michael Flynn massively backfired when investigations into his activity treated Turkish efforts on par with Russian influence campaigns. This time, the Turkish government reportedly doesn’t seek any adventures and maintains a by-the-book approach to the elections. 

Tyler Durden
Sat, 11/02/2024 – 09:20

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/IF6WBn3 Tyler Durden

Group Of Ten Mainly Chilean Nationals Charged After Stealing At Least $2.5 Million In 2024

Group Of Ten Mainly Chilean Nationals Charged After Stealing At Least $2.5 Million In 2024

Federal prosecutors in California have charged 10 individuals, mainly Chilean nationals using fake IDs, with conspiring to steal millions from banks and ATMs, according to the Mercury News

The group allegedly rented Airbnbs and used a secret stolen car rental service near targeted locations. 

Throughout 2024, they reportedly stole at least $2.5 million, with some single heists netting $250,000. Their method often involved spray-painting security cameras, using power tools and blowtorches on ATMs, and disguising as a construction crew with equipment like cellphone jammers, sledgehammers, and crowbars.

In one incident on September 18, they allegedly accessed a Wells Fargo ATM cash room by breaking through the wall of a neighboring pet spa, resulting in a $247,000 loss.

The Mercury News reports that despite their efforts to avoid detection, the theft group left a digital trail, according to the FBI.

The case saw a breakthrough when agents identified suspect vehicles linked to an underground rental service in West Hollywood. A Chevrolet Suburban, rented from Instagram promoter @xtrackz to a person named “Gordito” for a supposed family vacation, turned out to be connected to the crimes.

“Gordito” was identified as Alex Moyano-Morales, the alleged ringleader with fake IDs from Colombia and the U.S.

Following Moyano-Morales’ identification, FBI agents tracked his cellphone and found his associates had rented Airbnbs near several heist locations. Video footage from a Turlock Airbnb showed the group unloading burglary tools.

Photo: Mercury News

Prosecutors have charged Moyano-Morales and nine others, including Maite Celis-Silva, Erik Osorio-Olivarez, and Pablo Valdez-Rodriguez, with thefts targeting banks and ATMs across cities like Modesto, Citrus Heights, Fresno, and Anaheim. They are also under investigation for similar larcenies in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Houston.

The group recently moved to Oregon, allegedly committing additional thefts there. Four members—Valdez-Rodriguez, Alarcon-Alarcon, Parada-Munoz, and Dacosta-Frias—were arrested at a Seattle Airbnb with $20,000 and burglary tools. Parada-Munoz reportedly resisted arrest, while the others attempted escape in a Ford Fiesta used in previous heists.

These aren’t the only complex heists by South Americans this year. We reported in early October about a string of  ‘Ocean’s Eleven’ style burglaries.

The Jewelers’ Security Alliance (JSA) and Jewelers Mutual warned last month about some stores suffering major losses as a result of the break-ins, according to a report from JCK.

Scott Guginsky, the JSA’s vice president, said: “We see burglaries everywhere, from New York to Texas. Some of the hits are in the millions. These are the largest dollar losses we’ve seen in some time.”

“It doesn’t appear like they’re stopping,” said Howard Stone, vice president of global risk services and analytics for Jewelers Mutual. He started noticing the crimes in June, the report says. 

The JCK report says that the gangs meticulously plan their heists, gathering detailed intelligence beforehand. “They’re all from South America and they are somewhat in communication. But it’s a loose-knit group. It’s not like there’s a [mob boss] John Gotti coordinating everything.”

It’s unclear yet if the two strings of heists related. 

Tyler Durden
Sat, 11/02/2024 – 08:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/kYoETxw Tyler Durden

October Was Record Month For Drone Warfare Between Russia & Ukraine

October Was Record Month For Drone Warfare Between Russia & Ukraine

Ukraine launched another wave of drones on Russia overnight, with Russia’s military saying early Friday that its air defense systems intercepted 83 Ukrainian drones across several regions, including over Crimea.

But at least some of the drones made it through, causing significant damage at an oil depot in the town of Svetlograd in southwest Russia. Regional Governor Vladimir Vladimirov described that an unmanned aircraft “fell” into the Svetlograd oil facility, but without causing casualties. Such large UAV attacks have been almost daily, and coming for weeks.

Image source: Ukrinform

Social media videos circulated in the aftermath of the attack, showing a large blaze – which appeared to be quickly extinguished. The depot is owned by state oil giant Rosneft.

Bryansk and Kursk regions also saw waves of inbound drones overnight, with the military saying it downed 20 over Bryansk and 36 over Kursk. At least a dozen were also intercepted over Crimea.

On the other side of the conflict, Ukraine’s General Staff said Russia launched a record 2,023 drones across the border for the month of October. There have been some days in October when over a hundred drones were sent from Ukraine in a single 24 hour period – with the same from the Russian side on Ukraine as well.

Ukraine’s energy infrastructure has been heavily impacted, with rolling blackouts across many parts of the country now a regular part of daily life. Russia has been much less impacted, and its infrastructure vaster.

Earlier this week Russia’s defense ministry announced more key gains in the Donetsk region. The military is now in control of Ukrainian town of Selydove, just southeast of the larger strategic city of Pokrovsk.

CNN has observed that “Selydove was an important staging area for Ukraine’s defenses and a key foothold to prevent Russia’s advance toward Pokrovsk.”

Ukrainian forces on the frontlines in the region have complained of multiple attacks from all directions of late. Russia has the artillery and manpower to keep up a constant assault, while Kiev forces lack both.

Russia “continues to assault with very large troop numbers. They used reserves from the north of the frontline’s Pokrovsk section to increase pressure on Selydove,” 15th brigade national guard spokesman Vitaliy Milovidov said on Tuesday.

“At the same time, the enemy is not destroying the city’s infrastructure,” he explained. “Most likely, they want to keep the town as a foothold for themselves in the future. Selydove is a large town where you can accommodate a large number of people and hide equipment.”

Russian forces are currently engaged in several offensives across the east and they are within a few kilometers of Pokrovsk; that’s spitting distance for their artillery and guided FAB munitions. Their strategy so far has been to encircle urban centers and slowly squeeze Ukrainian defense units out, which means the battle for Pokrovsk will soon be on the horizon at this rate.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 11/02/2024 – 07:35

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/42mFeJI Tyler Durden

Orbán: “Liberals Have Had Their Place In The Sun, It’s Time To Defeat Them In Every Election, Starting With Donald Trump”

Orbán: “Liberals Have Had Their Place In The Sun, It’s Time To Defeat Them In Every Election, Starting With Donald Trump”

By Thomas Brooke, of Remix news

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has defended his administration’s conservative policies on migration and family support, emphasizing Hungary’s stance as a “conservative island” in a “liberal European ocean.”

In an interview with Austrian ServusTV, the Hungarian leader claimed his administration’s priority of family-friendly policies over immigration is the right solution to declining birth rates as he strives to protect “the Hungarian way of life.”

“Unlike many other EU member states, we did not allow people belonging to foreign cultures to enter,” Orbán said, contrasting Hungary’s stance with countries like Germany and France where immigration is relied upon to address demographic challenges. “We support families, not migration,” he added.

The Hungarian prime minister took a firm stance particularly against illegal immigration, emphasizing Hungary’s resistance to the influx of people from “foreign cultures — predominantly Islam.” He claimed that Hungary’s strict migration policies help maintain lower crime rates and prevent social unrest.

“We Hungarians think that the situation will not get better with illegal migration, but only worse. Nobody in Hungary wants illegal migrants to come in; we are on a different path,” he told the Austrian broadcaster.

Addressing Europe’s economic issues, Orbán described the EU’s economy as “suffering from pneumonia,” attributing the economic decline to policies decided upon in Brussels which he claimed have led European businesses to face significantly higher energy costs than their American counterparts.

“European companies are forced to pay two to three times the price of electricity and three to four times the price of gas,” he said, calling for Europe to adopt a “new energy policy, otherwise companies will be ruined.”

Orbán accused the EU leadership of building a culture that marginalizes conservative values, claiming it had instilled a misguided philosophy in which “anyone who is not a liberal cannot be democratic.” His criticism reinforced his remarks in the wake of this week’s Georgian election lost by the pro-EU opposition parties.

“If the liberals had won here in Georgia, it would be the news everywhere in Western Europe today that your democracy is in top shape. But in the same election, the conservatives won, so debates are expected in the international press,” Orbán said in support of the incumbent Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidzeon.

He called for a shift toward a “family-friendly, anti-migration, pro-peace” leadership in Europe, expressing confidence that “this new center” would soon gain prominence within the bloc.

“We need prime ministers who are on the side of the people, representing the interests of the European people,” he said, claiming that European liberals have had “their place under the sun” and “must be defeated in as many elections as possible.”

On the issue of the conflict in Ukraine, Orbán reiterated his call for an immediate ceasefire and called for European leaders to stop fanning the flames of war. “This is a ‘fraternal war’ — one we have nothing to do with,” he said.

One significant development he hopes will affect the West’s short-term foreign policy is the outcome of next week’s U.S. presidential election.

“We know that Donald Trump did not start a war anywhere as president, and wherever he was, he ended it as soon as possible,” Orbán remarked. “If there is a person in the world who can succeed in achieving a ceasefire, it is Donald Trump.”

Continue reading at Remix news.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 11/02/2024 – 07:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/HL9C8NO Tyler Durden