Researchers Claim To Have Discovered ‘Vast City’ Underneath Egypt’s Pyramids

Researchers Claim To Have Discovered ‘Vast City’ Underneath Egypt’s Pyramids

Authored by Steve Watson via,

Two Researchers from Italy and Scotland claim to have discovered a sprawling underground city beneath the pyramids in Egypt.

The Daily Mail reports that the researchers say they’ve found eight vertical cylinder-shaped structures extending more than 2,100 feet below the pyramid and more unknown structures 4,000 feet deeper.

Corrado Malanga, from Italy’s University of Pisa, and Filippo Biondi with the University of Strathclyde in Scotland Say they used radar pulses to create high-resolution images deep into the ground beneath the three Pyramids and observed massive structures 10 times larger than the pyramids themselves.

To put this into perspective, the World Trade Center Freedom Tower is 541 meters high. These supposed shafts are 100m taller and there are eight of them.

They claim to have seen spiral structures on the sides of the shafts.

Nicole Ciccolo, the project’s spokesperson stated that the cylinder structures were found underneath each of the three pyramids and appeared “to serve as access points to this underground system.”

The study has not been peer reviewed or published yet, and predictably already faces ridicule from archeologists and scientists who are, let’s say, less than open to the history of ancient world being turned upside down.

“The existence of vast chambers beneath the earth’s surface, comparable in size to the pyramids themselves, which have a remarkably strong correlation between the legendary Halls of Amenti,” Ciccolo further claimed.

“These new archaeological findings could redefine our understanding of the sacred topography of ancient Egypt, providing spatial coordinates for previously unknown and unexplored subterranean structures,” she added. 

Professor Lawrence Conyers, a radar expert at the University of Denver Asserts that it is not possible to scan that deep into the ground and while he concedes there may be tunnels and shafts under the pyramids dating back further than the ancient Egyptian civilisation, calling it a ‘city’ is a “huge exaggeration.”

Conyers further noted that the only way to prove the structures are really there would be “targeted excavations.”

“My take is that as long as authors are not making things up and that their basic methods are correct, their interpretations should be given a look by all who care about the site,” he explained.

“We can quibble about interpretations, and that is called science. But the basic methods need to be solid,” the professor added.

Another reason the claim has been rubbished is that Malanga is also a long time UFOlogist, studying sightings in Italy. 

He and Biondi previously published a separate peer-reviewed paper in October 2022 in the scientific journal Remote Sensing which claimed to have found hidden rooms and ramps inside Khafre, along with evidence of a thermal anomaly near the pyramid’s base.

The latest claims have fuelled more speculation that the pyramids were some sort of ancient power plants or giant energy transmitters.

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Tyler Durden
Mon, 03/24/2025 – 05:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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